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Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris

nogod4me 8 Aug 26

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One has to sign in and be age appropriate to view it. Maybe they should restrict this POS comments even further to only those who are mentally fit.


I got an age restricted message when trying to play it. I did go to Youtube to watch it though.

A (very) few republicans do have ethics...


Nice report and it does not surprise me. I'm wondering if Don Jr. is calling a lot of the shots here. It appears to me that lots of things going on in Trumpworld were decided by someone who ought to be in rehab. Maybe a lot of invisible powers behind Donald Trump have decided that a man using taxpayer money to prosecute and imprison all of his political enemies is not a good idea. Maybe that same money can be used to expand some services that will help all of us. Shutting down services slowly and going back to 1900 may not appear as progress after all.


Isn't he going to fight the outcome of the votes if he loses? Isn't he going to send his magats to start a civil war? I hope he would just go away.

He is going to try but if things keep going at this rate he might only get at best 100 drunken Rednecks in Klan robes to charge the barriers yelling "hold ma beer an watch dis..."

Easy to repel as they are a pretty repellent bunch to start with...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I don't know, there's a lot of racists here that really want to go back how it used to be and some of these racist states were passing through laws that look like they're going to make it happen slowly.

@michelle666gar They could always hire me to protect the capitol steps just supply me with the arms and munitions I ask for and they won't make it 3 feet past the barriers....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I'll watch your back, and protect it.

@annewimsey500 It would be a very dirty job and the goal would be to leave no survivors unless they surrender. I wouldn't mind having a Ukrainian brigade for back up they know the job and how to do it right...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yup! You keep reminding me why I think you are scary.

@Betty I prefer the term practical...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You may call it whatever you like but the result is still the same.

Sad fuck lizard_of_ahaz I bet your child died from taking that covid vaccine

@Betty Effective...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz In creating fear?

@Betty In ending sedition...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz It's not a one-man job.

@Betty Not as many more as you might think...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Does that mean you have a team set up to go?

@Betty No I am waiting to see what the DNC is doing... Georgia right now is looking to remove election denialists from its election boards and Harris has expanded the legal team for the campaign 10X so it looks like with Trump's performance lately that I might not be needed...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I hope you are not needed. I wouldn't want to hear that you have been jailed. No files in a cake for you. lol

@Betty Part of the price will be a presidential pardon....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You better get that in writing first or you just might get...

@Betty Filled out, signed and post dated... I am NOT stupid...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Glad to hear it. 🙂


More like 230 of them if you include ex-staffers and high ranking Republicans....



Wow - so there still are some GOP members with spines . . . who knew


Wow, he must be so upset.

Must be the same lawyers who advise ignore Leahy's law ie arming those accused of war crimes. Washington establishment does not like Trump so no real surprise. I think Kennedy may have some ideas on who can replace them 😀

@puff You mean the guy who had his brains eaten by a worm and followed that up with Mercury poising?... Mr. Batshit insane himself?... The guy who dumped a dead bear in NY's Central park trying to make it look like it had been run over by a bicycle?... That Kennedy?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yes that Kennedy, the one that takes very powerful corporations to court and wins.
Kennedy won't be a lawyer, think he may head up the CIA instead. Tulsi Gabbard just joined so perhaps Secretary of State for her which is HRC's old job. That would be great just for the fact Hillary would chuck a major tizzy fit.
I doubt any Washington lawyers will be employed. Bloody foreign interference though, how to stop Israel dictating policy? That's the question but hopefully Zionism has been defeated by then.
Uploader doesn't want Australians viewing their video apparently.

@puff He has been losing cases left and right including the one where he sued Daily KOS for outing him as a NAZI collaborator...
As for Gabbard she is collaborating with Putin...


And yes he was an attendee of this meeting vvv




@Lizard_of_Ahaz Kowtow to Israel is the problem with the American political class. You happy with how the alphabet agencies are running? Love the Patriot Act? Vote Harris. If not, then send Kennedy in there to clean it out..
Bush Snr took a lot of secrets to his grave.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz How are those Houthi's going btw? May have more success soon, there's an Aussie in charge 😀

@puff "How are those Houthi's going btw?"
Pretty badly...

@puff Kennedy lost.... he can't even get his own family to vote for him. He is batshit insane just like Trump is...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Good to see supplies getting through to Israel then. Poor babies can't get a plane atm and 2 million have already left, probably for good.

@puff So stupid you don't know the difference between Israel and Malaysia aren't you?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz The rats flee the sinking ship
Good luck getting a flight out

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Houthi's only target ships connected to Israel and their enablers. Saudi Arabia still has free passage, as do Russia, China, Africa and Asia.
However, if you vessel is going to/ from Israel, has Israeli crew or part owned they will be targeted. As Ukrainian's on board, they were perhaps just doing the Russians a favour as why have those troops if not carrying some precious cargo.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz That was last month, here's this month

The Middle East Monitor is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists.... Something you should know before taking them seriously.... Check for yourself.

Times of Israel is no better they are controlled and financed by a right-wing extremest billionaire who is a member of the David Project.... Again check for yourself...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz All Western media are also in bed with terrorist ie those terrorising Palestinians. Do you deny the tanker was blown up or airports shut in Israel just because you don't like the source?

@puff LMAO did you know that tanker was a part of Putin's shadow fleet?... Yep more power to the Houthis for blowing up one of Putin's uninsured tankers it couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.... You do know he supplies them with weapons along with Iran right?....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yes I do know Russia now supplies the Houthi's with weapons. It's called horizontal escalation eg NATO countries supplied Ukraine with weapons to hit deep inside Russia, so Russia returned the favour supplying kit to help sink NATO shipping to the Houthi's, dare say they got air defense assets as well.
I think Russia is following Iran's lead with the Kursk invasion eg they will produce evidence at the UN that NATO forces, UK and US mainly, were involved in the planning, logistics and intelligence stream for this invasion. This will go to the security council where it will get rejected via veto. Then, Russia has the legal right to retaliate as the UNSC does nothing. These are the lawful rules of war.
Already reconnaissance drones being flown over the German airbase where the US EWAC's take off from. Either there or perhaps intelligence gathering complexes in the UK will be hit. I very much doubt it will be Poland, my money is on Germany because the sight of German tanks rolling across the border in Kursk of all places, has really pissed every Russian off big time. Look at Kyiv right now. It will be total surrender now. The UK may well be hit as well and the thing about Putin, he understands the rules of war. He will have a legal right to retaliate if 1) he can produce evidence and 2) if the UNSC do nothing. That means no NATO article 5 can be invoked as NATO attacked first.
A dangerous game.

@puff They have been doing it for a long time in order to destabilize regions so they can gain influence dumbshit...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz What the biggest economy in the US again? Something about a 'complex'.
Do you understand what I said above?
NATO invaded Russia, that is what they believe, irrelevant what you or I think. NATO invaded a nuclear you understand the significance of this? Because your president and his VP sure as shit don't.

@puff Gad you really are a moron aren't you?.... Oh and here is some more about your lord and savior RFK Jr...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Good misdirection, all about personality. This is what really cracks me up about Yanks defending their government as they comment stuff like this;

'They have been doing it for a long time in order to destabilize regions so they can gain influence dumbshit...'

You just described your own country to a tee.

@puff I am not the one denying that all countries have done this (even yours to some extent) either in the past or present (like Putin and Xi are doing)....

What can I say we had some bad examples like England, Germany, France....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Re Kennedy and chain sawing dead whales, sounds similar to what many Aussies would have done in the 60's and 70's. Different times then, we had no where near as many laws and as he talks about it, nothing illegal at the time.
Not something I would do admittedly, But no real harm done and probably did the authorities a favour by removing part of the carcass. An old girlfriend was right into collecting skulls, her prized possession a wombat skull.

@puff We had laws against what he did in place but he was buying his way out of trouble using family money... Any average person who tried that would have been pulled over and the vehicle impounded with a possible psychiatric hold placed on them...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Even back in the 70's?

@puff Damned right we are not savages here.... except in the red states...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Dead kangaroo's strapped to the bonnet or roof of cars was a common sight in Australia in the 70's. Well, not common but not a major head turner.

@puff Got to expect that kind of behavior on a continent colonized by criminals a prostitutes I guess...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yeah right like you haven't got 'duck hunter' types in the US. We are not at Deliverance level yet.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz And the US was colonised by religious retards booted out of Europe. We got the crims and you got the religious fucktards.

@puff From what I have seen in the news they are more common in Australia than the US on a per capita basis...

@puff And founded on the principals of the Enlightenment period.... Hence the separation of church and state Christians hate so much...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz There is no bible belt in Australia. We sorted out abortion back in the 70's.

@puff Tell that to all the children suffering in Australia from rape and murder by faith healing...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz We have culty enclaves. You have a major swathe of your country. But perhaps you are right and we have swapped eg we now have the religious nutters and you have all the crims 😉

@puff Most of those "swaths" are lightly populated and in the rest (like Texas, Florida and Georgia) many of those people have just given up fighting until now...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz All I know is Americans seem to mention/ invoke god far more than society in Australia. Never see our sports people thanking god for instance.

@puff Those are losers who have had way too many head injuries... Ever played a game of American football? Soccer players wouldn't survive the first quarter if they played half that rough...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Our Aussie rules players would run rings around your footballers. So probably would our Rugby players. Soccer here is like the states ie kids play at school but not a high profile sport. They have a competition here but Aussie rules and rugby far bigger. Agree soccer players are largely a bunch of wimps.

@puff One good hit by a 290 pound man with 10% body fat and it would be lights out for your players.... Even the Dallas Cowboys could cream them and they lose to everyone. The only tough guys in soccer are the fans...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz A 290 pound man couldn't touch an AFL player. Not an offside game and very fast eg you may be tackled from any direction. Some former AFL have gone over as kickers for the NFL.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Just a little taste

@puff Pretty sure your players would end up crippled for life...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Our Rugby league fans (I'm not into it, rather AFL) wonder why you guys wear shoulder pads 😉

@puff Because they outweigh and are far stronger than a Rugby player. Football linemen weigh between 270 and 330 pounds (122.46 to 149.685 KGS) while the average Rugby player weighs about 108 KGS (238 pounds) and are distance not speed runners. They also run less distance per game than American football players. Getting hit by one of these guys without the padding and helmets they wear WILL result in serious injury at least and quite often death. As it is their careers are rarely as long as 15 or 20 years and retire pretty beat up (head injuries, back and knee injuries and in many cases back and neck injuries as well.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Football is a team sport. There are roles for the bigger guys and smaller ones. Both are needed because unlike US football, our teams play the whole game.
I would strongly dispute, because players don't play the whole game, concerning rugby regarding running. Our AFL players most definitely run more than yours do and so does soccer.

@puff Not according to the statistics I saw... Your players run about 7 to 8 KM per game and football players around 10 to 12....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz AFL

@puff video error on playback

@puff Even so that is not a lot father than a football player runs each game wearing 10KGS of body armor....

@puff lol, you obviously haven't been to Victoria & its xenophobic "bible belt".

@puff shoulder pads because it is a physical battle fought by ignorant thugs. Btw it has been amusing seeing your responses to the Lizard as I cannot read his inane arrogant jingoistic Yankee comments - he blocked me.

@puff you don't need my help anyway 😂.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz More than double the distance is not much farther?

@puff keep in mind the difference between speed running and long distance running on top of wearing far more protective gear.... When you are talking about guys wearing that extra weight sprinting at up to 20 MPH vs guys wearing light weight clothing running at maybe 12 to 15 MPH that is a huge difference. Tell you what come on out and I am sure we an dig you up some protective gear from some high school or children's league and let you play against a high school team..... I bet you don't last more than 5 minutes.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Bet you I would, for sure could kick better than them and running catch a ball. I will use the same argument as I use with rugby players.
Get the best team of NFL players and one of AFL players. They play 2 games; one AFL and one NFL. The NFL game would be competitive although the NFL players would win quite thoroughly. But the AFL game would be extremely one sided. 4 x 25 minute quarters with extra time in AFL. Very fast, high scoring and flowing. Much more skills required with a 360 degree vision needed.
NB think you mean Km not mph, don't think any human can run 20 mph.

@puff 20 MPH is what I said and meant... It is very fast for a human...

@puff This guy was doing more than 22 MPH during games...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz It is but no human could keep it up long. Just looked it up and theoretically we can reach 40mph apparently.
AFL is played on cricket ovals ie a big area. Very big crowds eg 50,000 not a good turn out at many grounds (MCG holds 100,000+ ). They are constantly on the move interspersed with short spurts of speed over a longer game time. lots of highlight stuff on youtube if interested. I find NFL more of a coaches game and stops and starts far to often for my liking. I would like to experience the atmosphere at one of the games though and be full on American for a day ie eat a hotdog, whatever US snacky things are sold at grounds. In Aust we have meat pies as a staple.

@puff It is more a game of strategy and specialists mixed with speed and power. Think of it as a battle game.


Donnie Boy is fighting an uphill battle, and not doing well. Poor Donnie.

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