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Just had a good interaction with a relative, a female librarian and got her a good one. She jumps on the bandwagon every time without thinking and is religious. She was crapping on about LGBTQ+ referring to me as cis and I was arguing for children.

Anyway, she accused me of mansplaining and I countered with "If you don't like mansplaining, then why follow the bible written by man?" That shut her up.

I also got up her for assuming only females are qualified to speak on behalf of children's rights.

puff 8 Aug 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Man,woman and child is the best institution.
Actually a man generally makes both a better mother and father than a solo women dose. When the child is stuck with one parent. And a good community help alot raising a child. And non belivers have longer marriages.

What are the stats and studies on men making a better "mother and father" than solo women do? And no opinion pieces--studies done by experts in the field.

I tend to agree with you. Assuming Mother's are the empathetic ones was defiantly not the case with my marriage. Upmost in my mind when I went through the divorce was keep the kids out of it and don't force them to pick sides. I have never slagged off at the thing I married in front of the kids and scolded them when they wanted to burn her ie You can't choose your family, she will always be your Mother for life. Kids have very close relationships with us both now.
Ed I'm a step Father but I claim those people 100% as the only "Dad" they know.


It isn't just that the bible was written by men, but most religions think only men should be allowed to interpret what is meant in the bible.

Of course, my own belief is that many, if not most, of the stories in the bible are just recycled and reworked myths from earlier religions and cultures. The old stories were most likely edited by men to make men more dominant in their culture(s), and to cast women as totally subservient.


You did well and everyone should speak up on children's rights. "Mansplaining" is some clever way of saying that only a female could understand or explain a situation and used by women if a man says she does not know what she is talking about or what she is doing.

It was about children ie only women understand about a child's welfare.


I love being labeled, it is almost my favorite thing.......

I'm going to label you a logical and caring woman.


Sounds like her sole reason to argue for children's rights is that she has the mind of one....


They always contradict themselves.🙄🤣

She is one of those do-gooders types that wants to be with the trend setters, part of the "in" crowd. Every new trend she is straight onto it. We always butt heads. She waffled on once how wonderful and caring her church was for hanging a rainbow flag in it. And how enlightened she was, inspiring sermon wank wank wank.
So me being me had to comment "You do realise you have been throwing stones at them for 2000+ odd years?" She didn't like that either 😀

@puff WOW!!! There's too many like her around and they don't see the hypocrisy at all! 🤣🤣🤣

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