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What kind of jerk buys his son a AR -15 after it was known that his son was making threats ,this jackass belongs in jail for sure

howdy1 5 Sep 6

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What kind? The worst kind. Probably right-wing; probably thought it was an “eff you” to the FBI/police. Hope he goes to jail for a long time. Basically, he enabled a domestic terrorist and I hope that’s how they prosecute him.


From beginning to end, the whole affair is a tragedy. At this point, though, my sympathy is entirely for the families and friends of the dead. I cannot empathize with the father or the son . . . it is beyond my realm of understanding.


I watched his arraignment this morning and we could only see him from the back but you could hear him weeping while the judge read the charges. It was sad in a broad, general sense (like what a tragedy the human condition is) but mostly I was furious and disgusted that he was weeping for himself while his actions caused such horror and loss for sooooo many people ...

The Michigan shooter's parents are in prison so the precedent has been set ... I think he can expect at least that much on top of ruining his son's life, and I appreciate that Georgia acted on it so quickly.

i agree that man is certainly defective and must pay, but i don't give the authorities nor the laws a pass.

@hankster Nor do I. This is abhorrent enough when it happens, but even worse when there were red flags warning of it.

@Lauren no doubt, but as unfortunate, senseless and tragic as it, its gonna happen again an again at schools, groceries, churches etc. anywhere and everywhere. its in humanity to do it, to hate it, then feel sorry it happened. it's easy to believe it won't stop, and ridiculous to think it will, but hard to believe we couldn't at least do better.

@hankster While true, the US humanity does it a lot more often than the humanity in many other countries who have acted to minimize it, so we know it's possible ... we've just made a choice not to try.

@Lauren i wonder if and when the pain of these incidents will change our habits. there is a lot, a lot of pride and politic that must shift. it will be worse before its any better i fear. of course i can hope otherwise, but i doubt it can be a smooth shift. perhaps, we'll see.


Needs to go to prison, supplying the murder weapon after he knew his son was making threats makes him complicit. Seems like the prosecution has a good case.


A total moron would do that, which that father is one for sure.

too bad that father ain't the last of his kind.


Homicide by Proxy should be a Thing, sort of like Munchausen Syndrome uses kids for parental "glory"....then we could throw in the Lyle "parents"


He most likely thought it was comparable to giving his son a Bible - Trump's "God Bless the USA" Bible.


"But, your Honor...he's a good boy." Wonder if they can share a cell?

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