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Transpeople ain't what they used to be.

puff 8 Sep 8

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Recently in the US Supreme Court. They banned all transgender people from women's locker rooms, washrooms and sports.

Competitive sports yes, agree with. But if they have had a cut and tuck I would think it wouldn't be an issue in changerooms and toilets. If original genitals still stand (pun intended), then they should use the appropriate genital changeroom and toilet.
This is how crazy this is. I find that decision discriminates against those who went the whole hog and got genitals removed. The ones with true sexual dysphoria are being discriminated against if they have had the op.

And transgenders originally males still should have a prostate examination as they get older, even with a cut and tuck.


I'm sure each US state transgender will protest and appeal all this. I don't fear any of the LGBT-+÷.... . I just don't understand it anymore than Religion. By law in Canada we have to use and able to identify what ever their, queer , they, binaries and so on. It makes very little sense trying to have an open discussion with the Clown car pride community. Transgender have the highest suicide rate of any group of people. The suicide rate doesn't change even after all surgery is done

@Castlepaloma What a horrible thing to be cursed with especially in this country.


Couldn't do this gender thing in the east , as a few countries have the death penalties. Suicide deaths are greater than murder and war deaths. Suicide is a choice and it's really difficult to respect that, if they don't love themselves first.

@Castlepaloma I consider Thailand as Eastern culture and they are extremely accepting of trans people.


Very few countries in the east will accept Trans. Even Thailand it's lady boys are different. And where change of legal gender not recognised even if the applicant has undergone sex reassignment surgery.

In Canadain government Complete transsexuals surgery average costs s $250,000. The Canadain will cover 80% of that cost under gender health care. Trudeau tries mixing products trade deals with LGBT ideological and gets laughed out of town for in eastern countries.


Nostalgia is not what it used to be either,

You've got that right


Awww what happened did you go on a date and try to grab her pussy and find a dick 4 times the size of yours?....

Poor baby.

Speaking from experience are we?

@puff Yep from my experience you are not only stupid but homophobic as well... Be careful or people might mistake you for a Christian...

ha ha ha ha good one! hilarious.

@vocaloldfart Thanks it did happen to a guy I served with on Kaneohe Bay when he made the mistake of going to Hotel street looking for a girl... We never let him live it down.


They are not what they used to be because they transitioned to something new.

I think it scares him...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You are a dickhead. It's a play on words. If you transition, you become something new changing from what was.
It was a joke but you may also take it as a factual statement if it offends you. Dickhead.
PS I'm trying, I really am

@puff cosmetically changed only. there is no transition from one sex to another in genetics, cells or skeleton.

It was a silly, random or fun comment. Not serious. It's a joke Joyce.

@puff Joyce??????

@vocaloldfart Oh Gud now he must be talking to him... er... herself?...

@puff Sorry My ha ha meter is on the blink.. Working rather slow these days.
that is why I love Aussie humour, itis more cerebral not slapstic.

@vocaloldfart From Graham Kennedy days. Admittedly old

@puff Ah, I get it now.

It’s like saying welcoming new faces at the plastic surgery support group…

@Zealandia I like it as it can be taken several ways and interesting as soon as people saw "trans" they quickly put on their PC caps.

@puff Yeah that was interesting, admit that I wasn’t sure how to interpret it at first.

The whole trans issue is very polarising.

What I found intriguing was how an anthropologist was wondering what factors were causing the growth in people identifying as trans, he was shouted down just for raising the issue.

It seems to be a reasonable question to ask. I can’t find his article unfortunately.

@Zealandia I discovered why Thai's don't give a flying fuck. It's a Buddhist country and they believe there are 3 spiritual states: Male, Female and Katoey (Ladyboys is term everyone knows but they refer to females who wish to be males as "toms" which I take as tomboy). You see police in women's uniform and makeup but obviously male, and no one cares. An extremely tolerant society, far more advanced than ours in this respect.

@puff Yes, I understand what you mean.

It’s like the fa'afāfine in Samoa.

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