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Sooo, today traffic is backed up on I-95, which is the road i get to anywhere around here on. So i take a back-ish way and get tailgated all the way by a huge SUV ( and bear in mind i have a Lead Foot at the best of times.)
We get to a sort of larger highway where the road dips and hides oncoming traffic to my left, so i take a second to really look, and Mr, Up My Tailpipe behind me Leans on his Horn, instantly and repeatedly.
I have a flashback to when my Mom was driving me somewhere in the days after the stroke when i did not drive, and some jerk did that when she was stopped at a side road and she Went, almost killing everyone involved...."But he was honking at me".
i slam the car into Park, whip off my seatbelt, stomp back and Scream at the guy (13 years in a shipyard can be Very helpful!)
Get back in my car, safely make my left, proceed...he follows at a far distance, after about a mile pulls off somewhere. A cop car pulls me over in less than a minute...i was reported as "weaving".
I was clearly sober, alert, and had just been getting my Emissions test, the very nice young cop checked my license and told me to have a nice day. I told him everything as described above and suggested the asshole (yes, i used that word!) should be cited for wasting police time and false reporting.
Dimes to dollars if i had pulled out and got in a wreck he would have worked his way around the carnage like the asshole behind my Mom did.....
Thinking about a carry permit, but will cool down tomorrow no doubt.

annewimsey500 7 Sep 11

Enjoy being online again!

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In the UK we have a lot of narrow country roads, with only light traffic, where there is just a thin strip of paving in the middle and two wide grass verges. When you meet someone coming the other way, you are supposed, to pull over onto the verge to pass. You can bet your life that if the vehicle coming the other way is slow to pull over, or does not pull over at all, it is nearly always someone driving a big, four wheel drive, off road vehicle, with extra wide wheels.


Last guy who tried that shit on me got introduced to the concept of stab braking... But I always was intemperate when it came to teaching assholes a lesson.

Around here we call that the New York Treatment and combine it with driving Veeerrryyy Slllooooowwwwlly, hopefully somewhere they cannot get by, like in the left lane alongside an 18-wheeler going uphill, so they get the message that Haste Makes Waste.


I drive around town for my job and there's so many people like that douche! It pisses me off but I gotta go to work, I don't have time for these people! Happy you didn't get into an accident and the cop let you go. The cop should have pulled the douche over, tailgating is dangerous.

Nobody saw that, he called them on me from his car and Lied about it to them, saying he observed what appeared to be a drunk driver, ( "weaving" )according to the cop. The cop said he (the cop)was going down the road in the opposite direction after the call and observed me "driving just fine" as of course I was,....40+++ years and nor so much as a parking ticket. I have No money for wrecks or tickets or whatever in that area. Prefer lobster......

@annewimsey500 What a big douche! People really suck! Happy that the cop saw you when the douche called them on you, he should have been pulled over and ticketed for lying!

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