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What major thing is there in America that isn’t designed for profit?

I asked ChatGPT this question, thinking it might have a different perspective. You know what it came up with?

“It’s hard to think of anything. Even institutions that claim to serve the public—like healthcare, education, and the justice system—are all driven by money. Maybe the question itself reveals just how deep the focus on profit runs.”

Let that sink in. Let it sink in really deep.

Drank_Spear 7 Sep 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Depends on what chat model you go with. Public libraries would come to mind as being one example of an entity that would not be in it (strictly) for profit, and the chatbot I went with responded with that example.

That aside, hope you aren't shocked by such a revelation? Because I'm sure not, and have been aware of that for years now. Everyone and everything has its price, and some come cheaper than others (if you get my meaning), and business is what makes the world go round. Certain public institutions are certainly in it for some sort of profit even though some would like to claim otherwise, and it's worth pointing out that most if not all Government workers are unionized, and what do you think labor unions are (hint hint, that's nothing more than collective capitalizing of the sorts)?

Curiosity abounds... any other interesting questions you had recently asked the AI chatbot? Personally speaking, I'm really starting to get into artificial intelligence, how chat apps etc are coded and all that is.

I wouldn't consider a public library to be a major thing or system. Outside of public school few rarely step into a library in their lifetime. That said the largest library in the world is under the Vatican and cannot be accessed by regular folk. Of course money might gain a person entrance. Hmm, seems we're right back where we started from.

I'd suggest challenging whatever chatbot you interact with rather than accepting what it says without using your own mind.

I ask many interesting questions of AI and others. Typically AI will respond with an answer that is at least thought out while most folks can't can't come up with a thought outside of what media tells them to think.

@Drank_Spear That would largely be based on personal perception, and while you did raise a good point, there could be exceptions to that.

How about a combination of both of those? What you suggested is certainly doable, but at times I like to see what responses I get, for amusement's sake.

No argument from me on the last part, and no shortage of examples of that on this site.


An interesting question very much aligned to the tenor of discussion on "10 Rules Taught to American Kids in Schools 100 Years Ago - YouTube"

Perhaps you should ask @St-Sinner on the issue - he's been a bean counter & has experrience of Indian philosophy - a country of many people living in absolute poverty, a few in absolute wealth.

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