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People in Moscow woke up to an earthquake this morning... Centered 236 miles South of Moscow at their brand new shinny ammo dump which was claimed to be impregnable even to a nuclear weapon... Ammo Dump Jebus said Boom (1.8 kilotons worth of boom).





Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Sep 18

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A tactical nuke can be as small as one kiloton... Last I heard the fire was still burning and more explosions were taking place... There is really no way to tell how much was stored there but 19,000 tons seems a low estimate to me.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I'm drinking beer and seeing these posts are making me feel very sad! Humans are horrible!

@michelle666gar On the bright side Putin is going to be a bit short of weapons he can use on civilians for a while...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Finally some good news! Lol!!!

@michelle666gar I track the news from there and things are getting worse for the Russians all the time. Not only are their troops stupid and undisciplined their commanding officers are all either drunk or fucked up on drugs.Their tactics are so old they haven't changed much since Constantinople conquered the region...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Sounds like Vietnam!

@michelle666gar 100 times worse... They make McNamara's morons look like Einstein...


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