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A quiet stranger walks into a saloon and has a drink. He then gets up and leaves without exchanging a word, but returns shortly afterwards. He opens the saloon door, clears his throat, and says: "I left my horse tied outside the saloon and now it is gone... I'm going to have another drink.., and if I go out and my horse is not back where I left it, I'm going to have to do what I did in Texas... and I DON'T want to do what I did in Texas."

He has another drink, gets up to leave again without saying another word, and goes outside to find his horse where he left it. He mounts the horse and slowly starts to ride out of town, when an onlooker asks: "What was it that you had to do in Texas?", and the quiet stranger says: "I had to walk home".

glennlab 10 Sep 24

Enjoy being online again!

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my only cowboy joke a a smidge off color, but not so bad.

this broke in cowboy walks into the saloon, grabs him up one of them saloon girls and heads upstairs. from the bed she's watchin' him get undudded. when he gets his drawers down, its a bit smallish. she giggles and asks "who you gonna satify with that?" he stands up, puffs out his chest and says, "Me! By God."


A bluff well played can pay dividends.

Betty Level 8 Sep 24, 2024

Can and frequently does. Reminds me of Mark Twain's comment about success. All it takes is confidence and ignorance and success is assured.


Always stay prepared and assess the situation...

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