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Definitions that make sense

paul1967 8 May 9

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Actually god pulled off another creation in the next valley and that's where the rest of us started from. They have their own "bible" and it's the REAL one.


I was going to say that you look like a real bitch until I realized that you were a male. I can't even think of the term for a male dog.

Well if I'm a father of a dog I would be a sire, but male dogs are just called dog. I hope that helped, but since I'm a primate I think Bonobo or Chimpanzee. However, if you're just looking for a good insult try choad, wanker, or tool. All of those are good


I just want to know regarding creationism, if Eve was Cain and Abel’s mother, did Eve procreate with her sons to make more females? In essence, are we all products of invest and that’s the reason we are all so fucked up? Am I overthinking this? (Snarkiness is obvious in this question).

You're on to it.
Research the Land of Nod, mentioned once in the bible, and the explanations of why incest was ok at that supposed time.
Have some aspirin or a good drink/smoke in hand - you'll need it.

The Bible doesn't mention anyone else being created so most Christian apologetics say that incest was allowed because our bodies were perfect and there was no harm in incest. Now that's a statement they just pulled right out of their ass because the Bible doesn't say anything of the sort. Fortunately it's nothing but a book of fiction.

The only thing that has ever made sense to me is that Adam and Eve were transplanted here on this planet by superior beings (Gods) from another world and when Cain was banished to the land of Nod he took a number of evolutionary being as his mates. There has been some writing of old about the descendents of Cain but that opens a can of worms about race.


To continue the wisdom here.


of course, it does and Jews weren't quite right so they cut the offending bit of skin off that their God fucked up on.

@NotConvinced its terrible

each to their own 😀

@walklightly I don't think a baby forcibly having his foreskin cut off is in any way a choice. if you don't want it as an adult that's just fine if you pay for removal.


Frued on religion.

Coldo Level 8 May 9, 2018


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