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I double-checked my calendar, it is October 7 and at least 8 aisles in Walmart are awash with Xmas stuff..........
And when looking for a category to post this, i find no WTF Category.

annewimsey500 7 Oct 7

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Its not just the USA sadly, it starts to come out months early here in the UK too. I guess there may be countries where it does not happen, but I don't know any.


The one good thing about Halloween, is that it generally stops the supermarkets putting Christmas stuff out, more than two months early. Though not completely.


In the eighth aisle an anne saw when walmart was awash

8 shoppers lifting
7 in pajamas
6 medicated
5 ... old ... things
4 trolley nerds
3 strange men
2 making love
And apart from the prices omgosh


In Australia we can buy hot cross buns in the new year all the way up to bunny week.

puff Level 8 Oct 7, 2024

There should be a WTF category. I see on TV programs that there are Christmas commercials already. This is especially true on Sky channels in the UK.


You may need to create a WTF Category yourself. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Oct 7, 2024

Back in the beginning of August around my birthday the Halloween stuff started appearing on shelves at a local WalMart. Holidays come earlier and earlier with each passing year, lol.

This site lacks many other conceivable categories, will just have to make up our own categories I guess.

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