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Whistling past the graveyard πŸͺ¦πŸŽƒ

Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 9

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All perfect! And perfectly true.....

Sadly, yes, these are really his own words. What a waste of an Ivy League education!

@Flyingsaucesir when you think some potentially great person was told there was no room for him/her because they let this fuckwad in...........


He’s not the only one to have told the truth about Trump then back peddle at full speed to deny everything they said and kiss the ring in hopes of getting his attention. Graham, Rubio, Christie, hell, even McConnell all called Trump out then conveniently got amnesia and heaped on the praise. And that’s only the short list.

You are absolutely correct. But Vance, I think, deserves special mention because his metamorphosis, from a relateable hillbilly with a Yale law degree into a giant, whiskered bug, has been so astonishingly rapid and complete. And he is, no less, angling to be veep, a heartbeat away from the presidency. πŸͺ³


Good set! Thanks!

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