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Human beings are fallible, atheists are just as dumb as religious people. Theres no moral or intellectual superiority amoung atheists or religious people. At the end of the day, we're all human, we're all fallible, we all make mistakes, whether you choose to be a hypocrite, or foolishly forgive and die, in the end it doesn't matter, we all die eventually. All this bickering means nothing once you meet death. Things you worry about might not even matter if you're dead in 2 weeks anyway. I saw a lady worried about a fence i built and she passed away the following week, it didn't matter. So i guess at the end of the day, all this shit is pointless, because when you're dead, you won't even know who remembers you anyway, only the living care, and we don't know who our ancestors were 10,000 years ago.

Communistbitch 6 Oct 15

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No, the fence was still shitty.

No, she just liked to steal stuff and the fence was to keep her out lol, but she complained because it was built on the property line, because their property was too close to the line, they couldn't walk behind it, so they should have thought about that beforehand


Wow! ow much the quality and intelligence of membership has declined!

Intelligence is defined as whoever agrees with me. Therefore, you are a moron 😆

@Communistbitch That makes about as much srense as you do.

@wordywalt I'm not surprised you don't get the joke


Yes but everything is finite, so that if we were immortal, we would value nothing, but see everything as only passing.

The bee lives only six weeks, but to the bee a flower, which only lives two days, is wonderful. To be finite and temporal, is exactly what gives our lives meaning and values. Because learning to appreciate is the source of meaning.


Moral of the story... just live your life as you see fit, and don't fret over the things you cannot control. Life is what we make it.

I would add...Do no harm.

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