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Donald lies about FEMA; Marjorie lies about someone controlling the weather. Both of them lie like rugs.



Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Hey did you hear the one about Russia is so weak Ukraine will beat them in a war of attrition? How about spectacularly successful withdrawals from Afghanistan? How are those Houthi's going? Good luck stopping those Russ.........................sorry, Israeli's from interfering in your politics.

puff Level 8 Oct 17, 2024

Ukraine has done very well against an opponent ten times her size. And with help from her allies she will eventually prevail.

@Flyingsaucesir I can't wait for Ukraine and Israel to fall. Because BRICS will have a tribunal afterwards. Then this bitch and her ilk will be prosecuted for enabling genocide.
"Justice has been served" the dumb bitch. "Justice" with no due process and another assassination of a political leader, not a military one. Why is it only the US and Israel that celebrate political assassinations? Because they are the ones who terrorise civilian populations. Fuck the US rules based order, the rules suck.
Good to see Kamala age so rapidly.

@puff Hamas is a terrorist organization. The leader of Hamas is/was a terrorist, not a "political leader." Good riddance. 😎👍


Both lying like rugs!?

William Shirer’s book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, which is the source of the claim that Adolf Hitler was a Teppichfresser. Shirer first wrote about this in his 1941 book Berlin Diary. This quote is from his diary:

"I think [Hitler] is on the edge of a nervous breakdown. And now I understand the meaning of an expression the party hacks were using when we sat around drinking in the Dressen last night. They kept talking about the “Teppichfresser”‘, the “carpet-eater”. At first I didn’t get it, and then someone explained it in a whisper. They said, Hitler has been having some of his nervous crises lately and that in recent days they’ve taken a strange form. Whenever he goes on a rampage about Benes or the Czechs he flings himself to the floor and chews the edges of the carpet hence the Teppichfresser. After seeing him this morning, I can believe it."

"Lie like a rug" is a phrase I picked up in early childhood, living in the suburbs of Los Angeles County.

A rug lies abjectly on the floor, and is walked upon, stepped upon, peed upon by the cat, and shat upon by the puppy,... everything that should happen to liars like DJT and MTG.

Thanks for the history lesson. I will add "teppichftesser" to my small German vocabulary. 😎👍


Good ones!! Yeah, if they don't want FEMA let them figure it out.

MAGA is all about throwing dirt at the US government.

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