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In his latest book, "War," Bob Woodward reports that after he was fired from the presidency, Dementia J Trump had 7 (seven!) private phone calls with the Russian dictator Vlad "the Invader" Putin.

It is highly probable that Trump's conversations with Putin constitute violations of the Logan Act, a felony punishable by fines and up to three years in prison.

The text of the Logan Act reads as follows:

"Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both."

The key phrases here are, "...carries on any correspondence...with any foreign relation to any disputes...with the United States,..."

It appears that a crime has indeed been committed, for the following reasons:

  1. The United States is definitely involved in a dispute with a foreign government (we are very much opposed to Russia's illegal invasion and ongoing genocide against the sovereign state and people of Ukraine).

  2. Though Trump denies the calls ever took place, Woodward's journalistic credentials are as good as they come. We have no reason to disbelieve his reporting. Woodward's source is a Trump-world insider, an aide to the former president/convicted felon.

  3. Trump has stated that he would allow Russia to "do whatever it wants" to NATO countries.

  4. Trump asked Russia (on national TV) for help against his opponent in the 2016 presidential campaign.

  5. Trump passed highly classified secrets to the Russian Ambassador and Russian Foreign Minister when they visited the Oval Office in 2017.

  6. Trump has a history of favoring Putin/Russia over America (witness the 2018 Helsinki Summit, where Trump said he took the word of Putin over the American intelligence community).

  7. Trump is a habitual liar. He lies constantly. If his lips are moving, you can be sure he is lying. He lied over 30,000 (thirty thousand!) times while in office. If anything, the rate at which he spews falsehoods has only increased since the American voters fired him in 2020.

  8. The Mueller Report states that Trump obstructed justice at least 10 (ten!) times and the investigation could not rule out collusion between the Russia and the Trump Campaign.

  9. Russia is actively meddling in the presidential election that is underway at the moment, with fake social media accounts, AI-generated video,... same as in 2016. They're trying to tip the scale in Trumputin's favor, but if they can just sow division among Americans they achieve their main goal.









Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 17

Enjoy being online again!

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We must never forget how the Christians sold out the US for their bogus Pro-Life meme. They sold us all out for a sexist fiction.


When is this guy going to jail?

With any luck, sometime in 2025 🤞😐

@Flyingsaucesir I’m hoping sooner rather than later…

@Killtheskyfairy As is a small majority of Americans.


Yall gayness fantasies are just nauseating.

Is that all you got, bitch? 😂

@Flyingsaucesir bet you wouldn't say that to my face

@Communistbitch You have a face? 😂

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