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I'm going to hell in ...

snytiger6 9 Oct 17

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Since life is about choice. I choose a hot nightclub filled with firey breathing whores and wild outrageous parties in hell.

Oppisite to heaven of boring copycat music and extremely happy people like a funny farm.

That's all what the religious did, was make up fairytales and nightmares and repeated it like a broken parrot.


You might wake up in hell with your 'hat' glued onto your head and you have to wear it '25' hours of the day---- or it would seem like that. Can anyone imagine convincing a group of bipeds like the Sikhs to wear their turbans nonstop. How stupid and pliable would one have to be to follow this regimentation?


You're going to Hell... according to every religion. That makes a lot more sense.


I'm going to hell in zero religions, so I'm safe from that worry, haha!


It has always been a worry of mine. Whose hell am I going to wake up in?

My vision of hell has always been ending up in a place packed with evangelical Christians that I found insufferable..

@TomMcGiverin And having to be there for all eternity.

Hopefully it won't be the one with accordions, banjos, and bagpipes!

@jlynn37 Of course. Without even the escape of death to look forward to..


see you there


Gives me the warm fuzzies!


✅✅Marked safe from worrying about threats from various flimflams about imaginary punishment destinations.


In a hand basket, or a bucket?

I know I don't fit in a hand basket, but maybe a bucket!

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