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Trump's dance card has a lot of blank spaces, but not for lack of potential partners. These are the events that Trump has recently backed out of:

CNBC interview (cancelled)
NBC interview (cancelled)
60 Minutes interview (cancelled)
CNN town hall (cancelled)
NRA rally (cancelled)
Second debate (cancelled)

Trump dodges 2nd debate with Harris, after she whipped his whiny ass on September 10.

Trump backed out of the 60 Minutes interview that every other presidential candidate for the last 50 years has done.

Trump won't do any interview where fact checking is on the table.

The old fraudster is so weak, he couldn't make it through one softball interview where he didn't even have to leave his house! Pathetic!

Trump cancels a streak of events with only days until election

Trump Abruptly Cancels Two Big Speeches in Sign of How Bad He’s Doing

Exhausted’ Trump Can’t Make It Through Interview in His Home

Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Trumpty Dumpty is hyper allergic to facts.

I'd say antagonistic.


He is getting ready to run.... He sees he is losing and trying to get the money into his own accounts so he will have something to live on...

And he's stiffing cities and venues where he has held rallies all around the country.

@Flyingsaucesir You mean he is stiffing them AGAIN...

And this map is kinda old. The number of cities and venues Trump owes is even bigger now.

@Flyingsaucesir Anyone who allows a Trump event and doesn't DEMAND a cash deposit up front is an idiot who deserves to be stiffed...


He's doing a lot of podcasts though, bigger audience. If I was running his security, I would be advising to have less events too.
Did you see the FBI correction on violent crime, a talking point in the debate? I didn't watch the debate, but have seen clips of the moderator correcting Trump on crime eg "FBI figures say no rise in violent crime" Went from a drop of 2% to an increase of 4%. Oopsie!!! But looked good in the debate.
Get used to the idea of a president Trump. A prediction not a wish. Because the Democrats don't deserve another term more than anything else.

puff Level 8 Oct 18, 2024

Yeah because any country is better off with a traitor, sex abuser and felon!

Doing a podcast with the likes of Joe Rogan, Dan Bongino, or Andrew Schulz does not constitute an interview with an actual journalist.

Trump is only speaking to sycophants, lackeys, and acolytes; people who will not ask difficult questions, challenge Trump, or fact check him.

This development in the campaign says a lot about what Trump's team thinks of their candidate's position in the race. If he is subjected to hard questioning, he is more likely to hurt rather than help himself, and he cannot afford to be exposed to the entire electorate's scrutiny.

@273kelvin Sad isn't it? The Democrats are that shitful.

@Flyingsaucesir "he cannot afford to be exposed to the entire electorate's scrutiny."
Are we talking about the same Trump? A lack of scrutiny?

@puff You are a moron Trump is getting ready to run and he needs money to do it.... He knows he is losing the election anyway and if he stays will end up in prison... Republicans and people like you are the ones who are (in your own words) "shitful"...

@puff The only reason you want Trump is because you hate America and want it to suffer. Failing to understand that when the US sneezes, the rest of us get a cold.

@puff "he cannot afford to be exposed to the entire electorate's scrutiny." the operative word here is "entire". Yes, Trump has rightly endured lots of critical attention from the likes of CNN and MSNBC but Fox and Newsmax filter him considerably. Eg When Harris mentioned that Gen Milley called him a fascist and "unfit to lead", it was only the 3rd time that had been said on Fox. He will only answer softball questions and even they are often too difficult.

@273kelvin Oh I understand when America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold. I do not, however, suffer from Stockholm syndrome nor TDS.
The world is captured, held hostage to American bullshit. Those aware are breaking free and those too scared of change cling to their tormentors and defend their actions. All done for "Freedom and Democracy" of course..
I don't want Trump so much as I feel Democrats can not be rewarded for dismal governance. The Biden admin blew up Nord Stream ffs and allows the genocide of Palestine whilst waging undeclared war on Yemen. Denies Ukraine peace. This is the Biden/ Harris admin, the 14th best ever according to "scrutiny".

@puff From what I understand, you are ex-military. So I ask you, what is the 1st rule of good leadership? A, Stand by your people. Trump has shit on everyone when it suits him from the Kurds to his own VP. The man should not run an ice cream van let alone a country.

@273kelvin That is true but what is the alternative?

When talking US leadership, it is restraining the power of the doner class and military industrial/ Congressional complex that is most important. They like predictability, bang for their buck, which Trump does/ will not provide. Kamala? No problemo.

Be honest in the assessment of Trump. As a human, he is successful. He has a proven record of managing, although there is a very good argument his management style is more manipulative. Whatever, he has a track record. He will do something and take the reins. Call it management, call it manipulation, call it self serving vanity. He is a charismatic, psycho personality and he will display leadership. But importantly he is worldly, aware of other cultures etc so can interact effectively. But he also 100% American; Rich, brash, arrogant, full of themselves and a bully. For all his flaws, he does want the best for the USA.

Kamala cannot even retain staff. Her presidential run for 2020 was pathetic and inspired nothing, she gained zero support. She was widely judged to be a woeful VP. Her international experience is non existent, she will be no diplomat. She has been happy to serve under an impaired president, not willing to seize command for the good of the nation.. Yet she will be a wonderful president.

The best leaders lead by example. They are managers of people, getting the best out of them and utilising their individual skill sets to advantage agenda's. Military might should be their last concern as you say, their people come first. Not financial dominance nor retaining and increasing power.

So there are two choices here for leadership. One has form undesirable to many and the other has none to speak of but will submit to the system's desires fully.

@puff Let us be truly honest about Trump. He is not nearly as successful as he projects. He is an 8 time bankrupt. He inherited most of his fortune and if he had simply invested that in the stock market, it would be worth more. But do not take my word for it, look up the guys who had the job of making him look good on The Apprentice (and I don't mean the orange spray tan). So that "track record" is Trump vodka, Trump water, Trump steaks, Trump airline, Trump University and Trump casino. (I think there are a few others but after 6 I lost count).
Okay, that is the record he brought to the WH, note that included no experience in government. After he took office he was... Impeached twice (it should have been 3 times), increased US debt by 25%, got laughed at by all the leaders of NATO, shafted US allies the Kurds, told 30,000 lies or pieces of misinformation and refused to take part in a peaceful transfer of power leading to a violent attack on the capital of which his own culpability borders upon treason. He has since been found liable for tax fraud, sexual assault and convicted of 34 felonies.
Next to that record, a coma patient looks good.
Harris has had decades of public service and whilst it is true that she did go through several staff changes while VP, not as many as Trump and none have come out and called her "fascist" or "totally unfit for office". In fact, Harris has a stage full of former Trump staff willing to stand up and be counted as Harris supporters.
Okay, that is the past, what does each candidate promise?
Harris has a bunch of goodies like help with 1st time home ownership, start-up businesses and passing the immigration bill that Trump killed.
Trump wants to impose 200% tariffs and will implement Project 2025. Plus he wants to jail political opponents.
But my assessment might be wrong and shares in Truth Social might be worth something... but I don't think so.

@273kelvin All I know is US world standing will never recover after Israel. The US empire is dying regardless of who gets in.
Biden blew up Nord Stream. I doubt any other president would have approved it eg Trump increased tariffs on Nord Stream which Biden removed prior to it being blown up. An intention he flagged by stating very clearly the US would "stop it" regardless of German concerns.
Regardless of what we think, Trump will romp it home. Because the Biden/ Harris admin has not been good by any measure. A very divisive presidency, polarising the world and domestic population alike..

@puff "The Biden/ Harris admin has not been good by any measure."
"Well there is the stock market"
"Well the US stock market has had record highs for months now. Even if Trump predicted that it would crash. And then there is employment"
"Well there are more Americans in jobs than at any time in US history"
"Okay, I'll give you those two. employment and the stock market but apart from those two, the Biden/ Harris admin has not been good by any measure."
"Come again?"
"Well, the Biden/Harris admin got the 1st major infrastructure bill passed for decades fixing bridges and roads that were falling into disrepair. Many of which Republican representatives happily took undeserved credit for."
"Yeah, that was quite good but apart from the stock market, employment and infrastructure the Biden/ Harris admin has not been good by any measure."
"Well the US is the best-performing country in the G7 with the highest growth."
"Alright, alright, I will give you the stock market, growth, employment and infrastructure but apart from those four small things, the Biden/ Harris admin has not been good by any measure."
"Gun control?"
"Fuck off!"

Stock market, where companies get tax breaks and buy back their own shares. Where during Covid the greatest transfer of wealth in history occurred. Are banks liquid? eg if there was a run on deposits, could they cover it or will it be another Silicon Valley bailout? There has been inflation also which cuts into actual profiteering , all during this last admin.
Unemployment, where the baseline for the Biden admin was Covid lockdown mentality ie could only improve. Population grows, so do raw employment numbers. Do people get a living wage or need multiple jobs to pay rent? Afford the first home? Any homeless?
Infrastructure. What has actually been built? Bit like all these weapons promised Ukraine, "They're in the pipeline"
Growth. Plenty in the defense industry world. Rise in population. Rise in homelessness and drug misery. American prestige abroad. All growth I suppose.
Gun control. Bit like infrastructure. Has anything been done yet? Or do we need to wait for the new page to be turned next admin? No gun control for Ukraine or Israel.


If he has a lead it's unnecessary, it's strategic.


Donnie's keepers are trying to control access to him so he doesn't blow it out of the water.

Exactly 🎯


Even the debate was ryn by commies


These are all commie run , propaganda

The orange blob in Communism for the rich

@nowhereman55 he supports social security, that is communism, but Kamala is uber communism

@Communistbitch Social security is socialism ie society looking after the vulnerable. The other option is pure Capitalism, which is sink or swim where those who sink rely on charity ie their lives dependent on the good will of those who have more. Communism, everyone has the same.
Socialism gives us national parks, so not only the rich have nice outdoor settings to enjoy.

@Communistbitch Is healthcare a human right or a privilege?

@nowhereman55 you pay for your own shit, not someone else.

@nowhereman55 Rights must apply equally to all or it cannot be a Right. If one must pay for healthcare and another not pay that is not equal actability, hence healthcare cannot be a right.

That is not to say that healthcare cannot be (and in my mind should be) provided to all through a universal tax, similar to how Social Sec is currently taxed and distributed.

@Alienbeing Makes sense

@Alienbeing north Korea has universal healthcare, universal basic income, etc and that is communism

@Communistbitch Those are marks of Communism, however N. Korea is really a dictatorship.

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