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I wonder what ever happened to the Jeffery Epstein investigation? AAAND I wonder if there're enough high ranking officials in Diddy's videos to make THAT investigation to go cold as well. There's a LOT of hypocrisy in our DOJ these days. Just another reason for an uprising among good citizens.

Captnfeelgood 5 Oct 21

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And who was in charge when he supposedly offed himself? His Buddy!


Same reason they killed the shut down the truth from becoming public knowledge...duh!


"The FBI's investigation into Jeffrey Epstein's sex crimes was essentially shut down by a non-prosecution agreement, which halted the investigation and sealed the indictment. This agreement prevented the FBI from continuing to investigate whether there were more victims or other powerful people involved in Epstein's crimes."


Kennedy likes asking the right questions from time to time. 😳

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