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How is it tha Michigan has almost 1 million more registered voters than there are people legally eligible to vote? []

Captnfeelgood 5 Oct 21

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  1. BS
  2. Who removes the people who died?....nobody, in any state, until their property, if any, gets probated.
    Do you really know so little or just (re)trying to foment unrest, again......

Bit like social media sites, including this one. "Inactive members" for a reason.

If you register to vote but don't vote, are there any consequences? In Oz, if you never register to vote, no consequences. But if you register, and everyone pretty well does at 18, it is compulsory for life to vote, incurring a fine if you fail to do so.

@puff Sounds like a scheme devised to discourage ethnic minorities, from taking up their voting rights.

@Fernapple Yeah Nah, I kinda support it. I see it as the price you have to pay to have a democracy eg get off your arse every 3-4 years to vote. Everyone.
Mind you, I wish I had never registered in the first place. When I was overseas never bothered, too hard, which is an acceptable excuse.


Its the day of the dead. Votes for Zombies ?

Hey,,, zombies have rights too. You damn lifest .🙄

Zombies are already well represented by the brain dead 😀

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