2 4

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Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 22

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Donnie is soooo vacuous, he thinks he understands everything and he's positive he's better than anyone else. He hasn't got a clue, and will never have a clue because he isn't able to understand anything. And with age he's getting worse. Freaking narcissist.

For the last 3.5 years we had a crooked incompetent senile idiot as president! Trump will be a tremendous improvement!


Trump is favoured by Las Vegas and he’s going to win the election! And that’s a big positive for America!

If Vegas says that then I sincerely hope Vegas is wrong. For all our sakes.

You are asserting the positivity of a second Trump term on an agnostic/atheist/freethought site. From a church-state separation perspective alone Trump 2.0 would be a worse disaster than his previous incarnation. Add to that the purges of the administrative state for replacement by loyalists ready to rubber stamp his most fascist fever dreams and a supportive SCOTUS that has already indicated immunity. Project 2025/Agenda 47 will get bulldozed through and Red Caesar will rise unchecked. As he ominously had said: ”You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."

I assume you approve of such exclusionary authoritarian rhetoric. Trump goes beyond mere authoritarianism into full blown fascism with the 2025/47 game plan. And the January 6th insurrection shows he has a Trumpenprole goon squad of loyal blackshirts/brownshirts at his disposal. Yes they are disposable as the Sturmabteilung had realized long ago.

Enjoy being online again!

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