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Just what we need more religion in the election.

tiredofthis1 7 Oct 28

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Harris is scared and doing anything and everything to not lose. She will lie, pretend to be what she is not, smile ear to ear unnecessarily and all the time to win because she knows he did not win the nomination through primaries and hence she is not people's leader. Her mother worshiped Krishna and her father worshiped Jesus so what religion is she talking about here? A religion of 'political convenience'? A religion to help get elected?

After Michael Dukakis, I have not seen a more unfit presidential nominee. She is it. Remember Senator Speedo called Paul Tsongas who wanted to show how fit he was for president after cancer treatment by diving into a swimming pool in front of journalists? He died soon after. Why cuss and ridicule Trump alone? We Democrats have big clowns of own.


Religion and politics are the same, mind indoctrination.


In a country where we consistently (and outrageously) have to defend whether or not we're "ready to accept" a president of color, or who's gay, or a woman, I expect it will be well past my lifetime before they're ready to accept a non-religious person.

Ironically, the abomination didn't go to church once in his entire presidency - and hasn't yet that I know of - and is doubtless an atheist. So if I have to accept her going to church, so be it ... I may roll my eyes about it, but between the two, I'll take her religion.

@Lauren But the twatwaffle can sell Bibles. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

@michelle666gar I know! If I was a believer, I'd expect them to combust in his ugly little demonic hands!

@Lauren That would be fun to see!!! Reminds me of Bugs Bunny! Daffy Duck holding a bible and it explodes in his hand, blowing his hand off! Funnier seeing it happening to the hypocrite twatwaffle!!!

@michelle666gar Trump does more than sell bibles. His have the Constitution and the Bill of Rights included. We find that 11 through 17 on Amendments is missing in the Bill of Rights. This is in line with Project 2025 and fixing things the way the Trump machine wants. He even says that once this election is over we will not have to vote any longer. An insider even said that this transition would be bloodless if the left would allow it.

This is what we face on November 5th. Our biggest problem is that people laugh at Trump and claim he really does not mean this. We have all became stupid! People refuse to see the importance of voting blue.

@DenoPenno I know another trump presidency would be a nightmare! He will be a dictator and we're all going to have to bow down to him and his minions. Sad that our country is going through this!


There's a big difference between going where some of the voters are, whether they share the politician's faith or not... and pushing religious nationalism on the voters even though the politician has absolutely no respect for any religion.

There's no question which candidate can bring people of all faiths together into the future and which candidate has a goal to divide people by race, faith, gender, etc.


If you're a political candidate running for office, you go to where the people are. It's kind of a no-brainer.


It’s disturbing that politicians must appeal to people who believe in fairytales.What does this say about the majority of the people in this country.Its pathetic .


I'm not bothered by Harris going to church as I am aware that she is appealing for votes. I would be OK with an atheist POTUS but right now they are not so popular.


We CAN eliminate religions or religion via elections but probably one at a time.

I doubt it. Just like you cannot kill an ideology, you cannot legislate a religion out of existence.


Politicians understand the importance of appealing to all sides whether they or we like it or not.

I just wish there were no sides , but simply a group of people attempting to solve a problem by thinking of all the variables which could affect change for the better and realizing it.

What would we call that group of people?

@Mcfluwster Non-existent. All problems have a myriad of complexities and coupled with the human conditions of greed, narrow mindedness, fear and with our increasing population and different needs and on and one makes this an impossible goal.

@pedigojr Therefore we actually need to come together. It will take a long time but will be infinitely worth it. Your observation on "appealing to all sides " is just the start of realisation of what is truly worth it.

@Mcfluwster For a majority to be able to 'come together' means a majority must be sane and without mental or emotional problems. Such a place does not exist not even among the non-human communities.

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