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This, and the inventor of the leaf blower, are reasons enough that I might be convinced that there is a hell.

mcgeo52 8 Dec 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Yoour evidence, kind sir, that either hell or heaven exist, that the SFA is on my phone and, by the way, what is the SFA code?


When I moved from the UK back to NZ, I discovered that my mobile phone provider had dropped roaming service to NZ. I hadn’t bothered checking, as the phone had worked in NZ without any problems the last time I visited.

Thanks for not letting me know Tesco!

As a result, I lost access to a couple of accounts that used two factor authentication. Very annoying.


We're being sold a bill of goods. Not actual goods; just a bill.

PS: there is no hell other than the one(s) the assholes among us create for the rest of us.


I have a solution that works. I refuse to use any program that demands 2 factor Id.
there is always a web program that does the same thing.
according to ARS TeCHNIA 2 factor ID has already been hacked and may leave the phone vulnerable also.


My leaf blower is a life saver!!☺️


I'm with you. I'm upstairs on my computer and they want to text an authorization number to my phone which is downstairs in my coat pocket. Whose idea was it that I have to prove to a computer than I'm human?

I'm with you on this one. I get into my e-mail and they want to send an authentication code to my damned cell phone. Apparently a hacker could be in my e-mail but never in my cell phone. It pisses me off and I just find a way around it. The most money in everything is on a cell phone.

Here's the second big thing that irks me. I was paying my taxes online this morning which means I am using my credit card. Oh, watch out now. The captcha comes up now coz I have to prove I am human. Yeah, right. A group of robots are going around paying your taxes.

@DenoPenno Ain't that Amurika!!! 🙂

@DenoPenno Isn't it amazing that "bots" can read and write , but cannot put a tick in a box to verify you are human??
A.I can write whole books write its' own code , and reports. but not put a tick in the box??? How moronic to believe that verification is bullshit.
My mobile service provider reguires 2 factor identification after signing in to their app if you need to see anything apart from their initial page
. I refuse to play the game,
I ring them in person. they tried to say I still need to verify my ID. I countered that they have my mobile number and they can see i am logged in . After a few spats, I do not need 2 factor id and I now talk to something that claims it is human. No proof , they have not 2 factor proven that they are human nor have they ticked a box saying they are human.

@vocaloldfart My Yahoo e-mail does that and my way out is to click to verify 2 way verification, then I see my e-mail up at the top right hand corner and simply click it and go there. That opens my e-mail page and I just close the verification page. I was told by a computer IT guy that they are going to stop allowing this but so far it still works. If I ever complain and get real people on this issue they pretend they do not know what I am talking about.

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