Today is a sad day for the USA. It represents a temporary win of greed, racism, sexism and xenophobia over all reasonable moral, democratic, and patriotic values.
Next time: pick a Blue hat " Make America Good Again" never were that Great to start with!
Coming from a Canadian your comment means almost nothing
If you think Biden was a moral man you must have a very low moral standard. Not to mention the fact that he was a crooked and very unqualified president likely the worst in American history!
You throw around these accusations like you have evidence to support them. Okay, let's see your evidence.
Your silence speaks volumes. The fact is, you don't have any such evidence, because it doesn't exist.
Is there anyone quite so low as he who deals in false accusations, lies, conspiracy theories, rumors, innuendo, and Russian disinformation? I don't think so.
How did you come to this? How do you live with yourself?
@Flyingsaucesir How do you live with supporting a crooked, senile old man like Biden as president who doesn’t even know where he is half the time?? I’ve always wondered who has been in charge in the Biden administration in recent years. Obama perhaps?
@Trajan61 Believe it or not, the guy with the 34 felony convictions; who had his business license revoked due to bank fraud, tax fraud, and insurance fraud; and had his fraudulent "charity" shut down; and had his scam "university" dissolved; and who owes hundreds of millions in damages for defamation; and who is in fact an adjudicated rapist; and who stole classified documents, lied about it, and tried to cover it up; and who tried to negate the votes of 81 million Americans by using fake electors and inciting a riot at the Capitol in an effort to steal the 2020 election... Yeah, that guy. Ya know what? It's not all a "witch hunt." He's actually a crook! I know, amazing, right? Who would ever put it together?
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
-- Sigmund Freud
Meanwhile, for years now, congressional Republicans have tied themselves in knots hurling accusations at Joe Biden, launching investigations of Joe Biden, and holding hearings about Joe Biden. And to date, what have these "conservative" politicians accomplished? Jack shit.
The Republicans' star witness turned out to be a foreign agent who lied his ass off and got caught at it. Then he went on the lamb, before being caught again.
If Biden is ever proven to have acted corruptly, I will absolutely turn his picture to the wall. But so far, the only actual evidence of malfeasance
is that implicating Trump.
@Flyingsaucesir Biden was grossly incompetent and the sorriest president in American history! Trump on the other hand is shaping up to be one of the best! Anybody who can’t see that just doesn’t have any sense.
@Trajan61 History will show that Biden's administration was was not perfect, but it was pretty good.
Biden shepherded the country through the pandemic, promoting good health practices and protocols. Biden's stimulus spending kept the economy from imploding, and the inflation that wracked every other developed country in the world was milder and shorter-lived in the USA. And the Biden administration did what many thought was impossible: bring down inflation without triggering a recession.
Trump first denied that there was a pandemic brewing, sitting on critical information and doing nothing for at least two months, when he should have been marshalling resources in preparation to do battle with the virus. Trump's dithering cost lives. Then the idiot denigrated and disrespected the advice of actual healthcare professionals, the greatest collection of epidemiologists, virologists, and immunologists the world has ever seen. But the malignant narcissist thought he knew better, and more people died because they didn't take basic precautions like using N95 masks, avoiding large indoor gatherings, and getting vaccinated. The best estimates are that Trump is indirectly responsible for as many as 300,000 excess covid deaths in the USA. Way to go Trumpty Dumpty!
During his first 4 years in office, Trump announced "infrastructure week" many times, but he didn't actually pass any legislation to pay for it, and didn't build anything. Biden, on the other hand, passed a massive infrastructure bill, and because of him our crumbling roads and bridges are finally getting fixed up.
Trump did illegally impound money from the military budget and divert it to build about 100 miles of wall on the southern border (which did nothing to stem the tide of illegal immigration).
A very important immigration bill that would have added 1500 Border Patrol agents to the field, and enough immigration judges to clear the backlog of asylum claims, was written jointly by Democratic and Republican senators. The bill had plenty of support in both the Senate and the House, and would have passed if Trump had not called on House Republicans to kill it. Why would he do such a thing? Because he doesn't really want to solve the immigration issue; he needs it to feed red meat to his political base. Trump is a classic neo fascist, using an unpopular and dis-empowered minority to whip up fear and anger, falsely claiming that "I alone can fix it." What a crock of shit! First, without our immigrants, this country could not function. Second, all his wild rhetoric painting immigrants as rapists and murderers is way off the mark. The vast majority of immigrants to this country are hard-working, tax-paying, law-abiding residents who add to our cultural riches and economic well being. In fact, the data clearly shows that immigrants commit crimes at a far lower rate than natural born citizens.
Also, history will show that supporting Ukraine was/is a good idea and in our national interest. We have only been diverting about 5% of our very substantial military budget to Ukraine, and Ukrainians are doing all the fighting. We will never have a better opportunity to check Russian aggression for such a small price. My only criticism of Biden is that he did not authorize Ukraine to use more lethal and longer-range weapons sooner.
Our withdrawal from Afghanistan was messy, but I think Biden and Trump share the blame for that. By first cutting the Afghan government out of talks with the Taliban, and then announcing a date for withdrawal, Trump set up the conditions for a disaster. Then Biden executed the plan, when he should have nixed the deal and renegotiated.
Trump reneged on the Iran nuclear deal, and that was a VERY bad move. We went from having access to Iran's facilities, and being able to monitor them and influence their policy decisions, to having no access and no influence. And Iran went from being months or years away from having a deliverable nuclear bomb to being only days or weeks away from it. In so doing, we empowered the hard-liners in Iran, and dis-empowered potential negotiating partners who are not so hostile to America.
Trump tried repeatedly to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Why? Because it was the Black guy's signature accomplishment. And for this shitty reason alone, Trump would have left tens of millions of hard-working Americans without health insurance. Thank goodness he was unsuccessful! And why was he unable to realize his puerile and idiotic goal? Because, in spite of being told over and over that the ACA is a bad thing, Americans see that it is, in fact, a good thing. They like Obamacare!
Biden should have cut off the supply of offensive weapons to Israel when it became clear that Netanyahu's aim was to carry out a genocide in Gaza. But brownie points for sticking by an ally come what may. However, let's also acknowledge that, as in the Afghanistan withdrawal, Trump had a hand in setting up the conditions for the October 7 massacre. Trump gave a green light to the Israeli extremists when he advocated annexation of the Golon Heights, and movement of the US embassy to Jerusalem. Israeli extremists, perhaps rightly, feel they have to control as much territory as possible. Trump doesn't give a shit one way or the other, but he definitely wants (needs) to pander to his Evangelical Christian base, who believe that the second coming of Jesus Christ depends on the Jews being in ownership of the "Holy Land." Pandering to such superstitious bullshit is bound to have dire consequences. And it did. Empowering Israeli extremists is also empowering Palestinian extremists. And now Trump is talking about removing all the Palestinians from Gaza and turning it into an exclusive country club for rich people. So Netanyahu, who needs the conflict to stay in power and stay out of jail (just as Trump needs the immigration issue in order to stay in power and stay out of jail) has every incentive to break the ceasefire and get back to slaughtering those pesky brown people.
Shall I go on?
The second Trump administration is shaping up to be even worse than the first. Pardoning the assholes who stormed the Capitol on January 6 was a slap in the face to all law-abiding citizens. And now Trump wants to fire every FBI agent who worked on the prosecutions of those useful idiots? It's a slap in the face to all law enforcement officers everywhere. The message is clear: a lawless authoritarian is in charge, and he will use whatever power to benefit himself and his minions.
Trump's cabinet picks is a rogue's gallery of incompetent and/or ethically compromised yes men and women. Pete "kegsbreath" Hegseth for Defense Secretary, for Christ's sake? What a disgusting joke! The guy is a drunk and a philanderer, and probably a rapist, who grossly mismanaged the funds of two small non-profits before being dismissed from each in turn. He has never led a group bigger than a 30-man platoon of reservists, and suddenly he is the best person in the country to lead the most powerful military and largest bureaucratic organization the world has ever seen? Come on!
Then there's RFK Jr., who has made a career of using his famous family name to get a lot of publicity focused on his fraudulent claims of vaccine ineffectiveness and/or harm caused by vaccines. When he's got sufficient fear whipped up, RFK Jr launches a frivolous lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company, which settles the suit and puts money in Junior's pocket. Repeat, make millions. This is the best person to run HHS? Come on!
Then there's "Putin's girlfriend," Tulsi Gabbard, now confirmed for DNI. Don't be surprised when our allies are reluctant to share intelligence with the Assad apologist who has Vlad the Invader on her speed dial.
It only took a $25,000 to buy off Pam Bondi, so she would look the other way when Trump was scamming the public with his fraudulent "Trump University." She will very likely accede to Trump's every wish to use the DOJ as his personal vengeance vehicle.
So much for rule of law at the federal level.
Some of the persons Trump has pardoned have already been involved in new crimes. Some of them had long criminal histories. Most were for driving under the influence, some were for other violent crimes, and there are also some with histories of rape and child molestation. However, Trump thought it was too onerous to have some staffers take a couple of weeks to look over individual cases.
Biden pardoned far worse people and was a crooked sob himself.
@Trajan61 Republicans in Congress investigated Biden up and down, inside and out, and came up empty handed. They found nothing! How do you explain that?
@Flyingsaucesir far from empty handed. They just decided he was too incompetent to charge
@Tejas Congressional Republicans, e.g. James Comer, Gym Jordan, et al, spent years doing double back-flips investigating Biden and promising to prosecute him. And you're trying to tell me that it all went away, that the Republicans gave up on their wet dream because...because...they feel compassion?! Ohhh, that's rich! Thank you! I can always use a good laugh.
Here's what really happened: Comer and Jordan, et al, humiliated themselves in front of the nation by wheeling out witnesses who turned out to be corrupt foreign agents. It became obvious that the case against Biden was nothing but a baseless political hatchet job, and it ultimately fizzled for lack of any real evidence of malfeasance on Biden's part.
One thing is certain: if they really had anything on Biden, they wouldn't hold back for a second...even if the old guy was in a coma!
Man, you're funny! Have you ever considered a career in comedy? Hahaha!
Monday, January 27th, 2025 was a sad day of remembrance & thanks to the brave patriots of Leningrad (St Petersburg) who finally overcame the fascist nazi siege of the city 81 years ago.
Even the weather left tears in front of President Putin paying his respects to the patriots.
I doubt that any tears were shed because of the perfidy of the USSR's allies in not giving thanks & paying respects.
A Democrat talking about patriotic values, ha! You're a funny guy! Cope harder!
I'm not a Democrat. I'm a Progressive. That puts me a bit more to the left. Maybe you think Patriotic values is something rich white people who avoid the military have. My Patriotism is based on my time in the U. S. Army. I enlisted at age 18. Most today would cry and run like hell.
@Tejas Really? I was a demolition specialist, an orderly room clerk, and a mail clerk all at the same time. I had high scores. You never know. Maybe the military lowered their standards just for me. I can tell you one thing. In my day we did not have all this stirred up hysteria between our political parties.
I swecws my couutry in hwe military and in ohere roles my entie life. Your bullsshit is both insulting and totally false. Your vehaviore is a disgrace to real patriots.
@Tejas Yeah, getting old is not for sissies.
@Flyingsaucesir you being an expert I'll take your advice
@Tejas I didn't offer any advice. But since you're hallucinating, and you say you're open to advice, here's a piece: get off whatever brain-rotting drug (or internet platform) you're on.
@Flyingsaucesir you're an idiot
@Tejas Ooooo, sounds like I touched a nerve.
@Flyingsaucesir I doubt you've touched anyone in many many years.
@Tejas You were just being infantile. Now you're being infantile and weird. I'm embarrassed for you. Please elevate your game.
@Flyingsaucesir look in the mirror retard
@Tejas Yup, I definitely touched a nerve.
@Flyingsaucesir why do you use emojis like a 14 year old girl? It shows your immaturity and insecurity
@Tejas You're killing me Smalls.
@Flyingsaucesir peepee poopoo 🈶️🈵️🈲️🈺️🉐️🈚️. I believe we are speaking the same language now
It’s definitely a sad day for the idiotic democrats who continue to support people like Biden and Harris who policies have been disastrous!! Now we have a president who is actually in charge and makes a lot of sense!! Hopefully it will get better for America!
Common sense prevailed
Spoken like a true Trump-cult sycophant.
Truly a sad day for Biden, Kamala Harris and Bernie supporters and there will be a sad day every day for the entire 4 years years and very likely for 8 more years after 2028.
If the USA is to survive as a democratic and constitutuional republic, what you stagte cannot happen.
I agree but at least the 4 Trump years needed to happen. We needed to correct the wrongs of years in the short term. Mess needs cleaned up if we need to make progress in the long term. Trump happened because of the inefficiencies, non-performance of Democrats for years including very lousy leadership. Biden was bad and the alternative they chose was even worse called Kamala Harris. We needed a shock to the system and that may not feel good but I hope the Democrat establishment will wake up about who not to choose as a leader and a capable leader will arise to prevent disasters like Trump from happening again. Trump is the sneeze and cough for severe allergy Democrats have cause to the US.
Everybody here is ranting against Trump and what happened but we are not analyzing why it happened, what caused it and why we allowed a lousy candidate like Kamala Harris to happen in 2024. Do we every look in the mirror here?
@St-Sinner Trump won only because, unlike any previous candidate in the country's history, he had a complex of biased media outlets posing as journalists working on his behalf. With mis- and disinformation, they whipped up fear and anger among their target audience. They spew exaggerations and outright lies with reckless abandon. And there has been very little accountability for this. One notable exception was the 780-million-dollar judgement against Fox "News," for having defamed Dominion Voting Systems by repeating Trump's lies about the 2020 election. (Fox viewers did not learn about this, because Fox did not cover this interesting and salient bit of news.)
The sad truth is that a large proportion of the country's white population is scared by the demographic trend that will eventually result their becoming a minority. They are not ready to live up to the promise of our founding documents, that all men are created equal.
Trump cobbled together a coalition of consisting of workers left behind by globalization, white supremacists, Christian nationalists, tax-averse billionaires, misogynists, conspiracy theorists, and people who did not go beyond high school.
Trump also received a lot of help from our longtime foreign adversary, Russia, who flooded social media with pro-Trump bots and trolls posing as Americans. This was not surprising. For decades, Trump had laundered money for the Russian oligarchy. Now that Trump is destroying our democratic republic from within, our adversaries China and Russia could not be happier.
And let's not forget a corrupt, "conservative" majority on the Supreme Court, who ran interference for Trump by running out the clock and delaying his trial beyond any possibility of holding it before the election.
That's how Trump won. Not by a fair hearing of the facts, but by the big bucks of the old brigade tilting the playing field in favor of a malignant narcissist/convicted felon.
You continue to deny Trump is the result primarily of our failures but instead found all others to blame. Why is it hard to admit we were miserable and failed?
@St-Sinner Oh I recognize that the country is far from perfect. Our main failure has been to allow such a huge chasm to open up between rich and poor. We're living in a second Guilded Age; a small minority owns the majority of the country's wealth.
And Trump is all about making that gap wider. He doesn't give a shit about the average person. Trump ran up the national debt more more than any other president in history. In only 4 years, Trump's tax cuts for the rich ballooned the debt by 25%! Its obscene! And he wants to do it again!
Trump is bad but he would not happen if we did not fail miserably. Still hard to accept?
@St-Sinner Is it hard to accept that White supremacy, Christian nationalism, transgender phobia, science denial, laissez faire capitalism, monarchism, and and obedience to billionaires have become dominant themes in American life and politics? Hell yes!!
that is radical far left behavior. See no truth, speak no truth, hear no truth.
@St-Sinner I confess you have lost me. Your vague allusions are falling flat. What exactly are you talking about? Please explain.
Your arguments against the fact that Democrats lost the 2024 elections Biden was a lousy candidate and his decision to appoint even a worse candidate Kamala Harris, her horribly lousy campaign delivered the WH on a silver platter to Trump, a convicted felon. Losing to a damaged candidate like Trump while Democrats being in power was a mega failure.
Instead of just accepting we failed, you mounted attacks on Trump. Why did not accept that we failed? Why was it hard?
You arguments were a mirror image of MAGA, the radical far right. It smelled as rotten as MAGA if not worse.
The first good sign of the road to recovery is admit we fucked up, we failed, we were lousy and start addressing the errors that we will not do again. Everything you did was exactly the opposite.
@St-Sinner I agree that Biden was a poor candidate. I'm not at all convinced that Harris was. In fact, I think she did pretty well, considering that she only had around 100 days to campaign. By the time Harris got started, Trump had already been campaigning for 9 years.
The charge that the Dems screwed up is, I think, fair. Biden's immigration policy did not reflect the country's general feeling that too many people were coming over the (southern) border. And Biden should have tied a can to Netanyahu, instead of enabling the atrocity in Gaza. And he certainly should have announced that he was stepping aside much sooner.
Yes, mistakes were made, but I see the one debate as a kind of microcosm of the whole election. In that debate, Harris clearly demonstrated she was the better candidate in terms of mental acuity, clear articulation of ideas, policy proposals, temperament, and trustworthiness. Harris defeated Trump hands down, but it didn't matter, because so many people either believed Trump's lies, or didn't care that he was lying, or were entertained by the mendacious spectacle. It's pretty hard to win when you are expected to play by the rules and your opponent is allowed and even encouraged to cheat. And that pretty much sums up the whole campaign. Harris was held to one, very high standard, and Trump was given a pass no matter how repugnant he was. MAGA is a cult of personality, and as far as his acolytes are concerned, he can do no wrong.
But we shouldn't spend too much time worrying about spilled milk. We need to figure out how to minimize the damage President Musk appears intent on doing to the country. We've got a full plate....
It’s a sad day for the deplorable Democrats who should regret having a nitwit represent them and run for president.
I agree 100%!
Not sure who you are talking about. Neither Biden nor Harris is a "nitwit." The fact that Trump won (by a whisker) just indicates that the coalition of Christian nationalists, neo-Nazis, right-wing-nut-job militias, wealthy tax dodgers, high school dropouts, conspiracy theorists, racists, xenophobes, wife beaters, criminal losers, and macho assholes who are terrified of their own latent homosexual tendencies is bigger than we imagined. The information ecosystem is flooded with disinformation (the zone is filled with shit) and critical thinking is at a low ebb. Technological change has outpaced the society's ability to adapt. Much of this can be traced back to failures of the educational system (as a high school teacher, I have seen some of this up close). Were mistakes made on the Democratic side? Sure. Biden should have dropped out of the running after the 2022 mid-terms. But he and other Dems were encouraged by their better-than-expected performance there. And he should have tied a can to Netanyahu. But brownie points for sticking by an ally come what may. Let's face it: the country is cracked, and a talented con man found the fault lines and got his greedy tentacles in there. But lets not waste our energy looking back and beating ourselves up over spilt milk. Now that MAGA is fully in charge, let's make them own every awful decision, every illegal maneuver, every stupid mistake. Things are going to get bad, Trump is going to step on his dick, and we should make sure that the mighty fall hard. Then things can get better.
The majority of the country does not agree with you.
Actually trump got 49.8% of the votes, the 00.2% of voters picked Harris or 'other'. There was no landslide or mandate.
trump's total also come in second to Biden's total votes in his win in 2020.
70% of Americans are in favor of abortion rights, equal rights, social safety net programs and over 50% are happy with many of the programs instituted by Roosevelt's New Deal. They like a 40 hour week, child labor laws, etc.
More recenty they like clean air and water, protections for the environment, the Affordable Care Act and access to healthcare, lower perscription costs, especially insulin.
More over 70% of Americans want reasonable gun laws/restrictions.
You're wrong (again) AB. Trump got more votes than Harris, but he did not win a majority.
@Flyingsaucesir The fact than Trump got more votes than Kamala or anyone else DOES IN FACT prove he got the majority of votes, which simply means more than anyone else.
@Alienbeing No, you're all wet, AB. Trump didn't break the 50% threshold. More people voted against Trump than voted for him.
There were other candidates besides Harris and Trump, ya know. And they got a few votes.
You've heard of the Green Party, right? And the Libertarian Party?
@Flyingsaucesir I know, and I know he got the majority if votes.
@Alienbeing Don the Con(vict) got 49.8% of the votes. 50.2% of people who cast votes voted AGAINST him. Can I get you a towel?
@Flyingsaucesir Majority=more than anyone else.
@Alienbeing More people voted against Trump than voted for him. He did not win a majority of the votes that were cast.
@Flyingsaucesir Your feeble attempt to justify your misunderstanding of English is noted. Try harder.
@Alienbeing You remind of a cat trying to cover shit on a marble floor.
The numbers are what they are, and Trump's 49.8% is less than the 50.2% of votes against him.
The majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump.
You can't erase that fact, can't cover it up, can't wash it away. But thanks for showing us all who you are by trying.
Please feel free to come back for more basic instruction. You appear to be in desperate need of it.
@Flyingsaucesir What I can't seem to erase is your ignorance of English.
Don't worry about giving me any "instruction". It is obvious my education is FAR superior to yours, so go peddle your "talents" to a slow group.
@Alienbeing Hmmmm...
"The majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump."
You're saying there is something wrong with this sentence? Please tell us what the problem is!
I confess, I can find nothing wrong in the grammar, punctuation, capitalization, or spelling. What am I missing?
And all reputable sources seem to agree that the statement,
"the majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump,"
is substantively true and correct.
I mean, the majority of votes cast really were were for people other than Trump. Of that there is no doubt.
We would be ever so grateful if you would point out the specific error, because we don't want to go around saying,
"the majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump,"
if there is something wrong with that statement. So please, illuminate us. We're dying to hear your analysis of the statement,
"the majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump."
It has a nice ring to it. Don't you agree?
"The majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump."
Yep! It just rolls off the tongue!
@Flyingsaucesir Your continued attempt to justify your inadequate understanding is boring. Get off line and study English for a few semesters, you need it.
@Alienbeing Okay, I'll go away just as soon as you identify the specific error in the statement,
"The majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump."
Go ahead. It shouldn't take much time. It's only eleven words. We're waiting.
Come on, AB. You're so adamant that there's something wrong with the statement,
"The majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump,"
that you must be able to put your finger on the specific problem.
Or are we to conclude that your protestations are in fact nothing but the wishful thinking. of a feeble-minded old curmudgeon?
Not only have you vociferously claimed that there is something structurally or substantively wrong with the statement,
"The majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump,"
but you have also paired that claim with multiple ad hominem attacks. So you really need to have the facts on your side. And you need to present your argument in plain terms, for all to see. Otherwise, we will be forced to conclude one of the following: either you are unable to tell fact from fiction, or you can but you instead consciously choose to deal in falsehoods.
One thing is certain: you are not going to be able to bully us into submission. If you want people to refrain from repeating the statement,
"The majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump,"
then you're going to have to convince them with a fact-based and cogent argument. "Just because I say so," is not going to be sufficient. This is not an elementary school playground. You're dealing with adults here. So go ahead, AB, show us the error in the the sentence,
"The majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump."
We eagerly await your analysis.
@Flyingsaucesir Since you are an annoying individual why would I want to try to teach you anything?
@Alienbeing Yeah, I know: you got nothing. The numbers are what they are, and 49.8% is always going to be less than half, no matter how you wish it were otherwise.
The majority of votes cast were for people other than His Felonious Malignancy, Donald J. "Make that two double cheeseburgers" Trump.
@Flyingsaucesir No, it is entirely that I don't care to see your name on my screen, you are very annoying.
@Alienbeing If you had a truthful answer, you would have given it by now. But the numbers speak for themselves. 49.8% is not, and never has been, a majority.
The majority of votes cast were for people other than His Felonious Malignancy, Don "the Con(vict)" Trump.
So tell me, how does someone with a law degree so effectively paint himself into a corner like this?
Or maybe the better question is, how does such a blithering idiot get a law degree?
@Flyingsaucesir Remain an idiot, and buzz off, I thought prior replies would alert you to the fact that I really don't care what you say.
@Alienbeing Spoken like a true elementary school child! So tell me, how does it feel to be six years old again?
@Flyingsaucesir No spoken as (not like) a normal person tried of your continuing nonsense.
Your attempts to sound relevant are truly pityful.
@Alienbeing Ain't the facts a bitch? 49.8% is, and always will be, a minority of the votes cast in the 2024 election. 50.2% is always going to be a majority. That will never, ever change, no matter how much you wail and stamp your little feet.
"The majority of votes cast were for candidates other than Trump!"
This statement is true today, and will still be true 100 years from now.
The history books will say things like, "While Trump received more votes than any other single candidate, most people who cast a vote voted for someone other than Trump."
Of course, if you're a sleazy, dirt-bag, monkey lawyer flying in Trump's Air Farce, then the facts don't matter to you.
That baby shoe appears to fit you perfectly.
@Alienbeing The following Trump lawyers have had one or more of the following sactions imposed upon them: their law licence suspended; they have been disbarred; they have been criminally indicted; they have pled guilty to felony charges. The states where they have faced professional discipline and/or criminal indictment are noted in parentheses:
Ray Smith III (GA)
Robert Cheeley (GA)
Kevin Chesebro (GA, WI)
Christina Bobb (AZ)
Sydney Powell (GA, TX)
Rudy Giuliani (NY, DC, GA,AZ)
John Eastman (CA, AZ)
Jenna Ellis (CO, GA, AZ)
Jeffery Clark (DC, GA)
Michael Cohen (NY)
Matthew DePerno (MI)
Michael Farina (NY)
Julia Haller (MI)
Scott Hagerstrom (MI)
Brandon Johnson (MI)
Christopher M. Kise (NY)
Howard Kleinhendler (MI)
Michael Madaio (NY)
Armen Morian (NY)
Clifford S. Robert (NY)
Gregory J. Rohl (MI)
L. Lin Wood (GA, MI)
Boris Epshteyn (AZ)
Jim Troupis (WI)
The Lawyer Wing of Trump's Sleazy Dirt-bag Flying Monkey Air Farce is always looking for idiots willing to debase themselves, violate their profession's code of conduct, and throw away their careers. You should give them a call!
@Flyingsaucesir Yes, facts are a bitch.... to YOU. One fact you ignore is that I am not a Trump fan, so you can save your boring Trump emails for someone who cares.
@Alienbeing And yet you defend Trump, and deny facts that are less than complimentary to Trump, That makes you somewhat interesting, in the way a bug under a microscope is interesting. 🪲
This exchange of texts (not emails) could have ended a long time ago if you had not continued to insist that a lie is the truth, and then piled a second lie on top of the first lie.
The authoritarian who is currently in the process of destroying our democratic republic thrives on the kinds of lies that you are repeating. He uses the first lie, that he won a majority of the votes cast, to justify his actions. That lie implies that he has a mandate from the people to do what he is doing. The second lie, that his felony convictions are somehow tainted, implies that he is not the criminal that he in fact is, instead falsely painting him as a victim of unfair persecution. Trump himself uses the term "witch hunt." Your upholding of these lies, and denial of the facts that expose them for the falsehoods that they are, is wind under the dictator's wings. YOU lift him up, when he should be crushed. You, claiming to be an officer of the court, are betraying your professional code and failing your country in a critical moment. It's a sad, ugly display. Shame on you.
@Flyingsaucesir As usual your reply is wrong. Whether or not you believe I don't like Trump is entirely irrelevant to me. Rant on to continue illustrating your obnoxious demeanor.
@Flyingsaucesir I don't lie, you merely refuse to acknowledge the truth. I have no reason to lie here; I don't know anyone nor do I care what anyone thinks. Facts are facts even if you don't like them.
@Alienbeing Huh! Back again for more instruction? Okay, we'll go back to basics. Today's lesson: the difference between "the largest number," and "the majority."
"While His Felonious Malignancy garnered the largest number of votes for any any one candidate, the majority of votes cast were for people other than Trump."
Do you see the difference?
By the way, the above example is a factual statement. Forty-nine point eight percent (49.8%) of people who voted in the 2024 election voted for His Felonious Malignancy Donald J Trump, and fifty point two percent (50.2%) voted against him.
50.2% is a greater number than 49.8%.
The 50.2% of voters who voted AGAINST Trump represent a majority; the 49.8% that voted for His Felonious Malignancy represent a minority of voters.
This was true on election day, just as it is true today, and will always be true.
His Felonious Malignancy failed to win a majority of the votes in the 2024 election.
Any claim he makes to having a mandate from the people to act in a radical or revolutionary way is a bald lie.
Only Trump cult sycophants and slimy flying monkey lawyers are saying otherwise.
Not only did His Felonious Malignancy fail to receive a majority of votes cast, nearly ninety million (90,000,000) eligible voters did not vote at all.
So, while Trump received nearly 75 million votes, around 165 million eligible voters DID NOT vote for him.
His Felonious Malignancy Donald J Trump certainly DOES NOT have a mandate to act in a radical or extreme manner.
Any questions about this lesson?
@Flyingsaucesir When you are wrong, and you were, but keep trying to justify your stupidity one must conclude you are a total moron.
Rant on, your underserved pride is funny to watch. I particularly like to see you rant about Trump thinking that it somehow affect me. Call Trump anything you want to, if you are looking for me to defend him you obviously can't read.
@Alienbeing Okay, if you now retract your previous assertion that Trump won a majority of votes cast in the 2024 election, then my work here done!
@Flyingsaucesir Get lost moron
@Alienbeing I believe the point people were tying to make is that more people voted for someone other than Trump, than who voted for Trump. Which is a true statement.
It is true Trump got the most votes, mostly because many liberals didn't approve of Biden's support of Israel in the latest Gaza was, and they chose to NOT vote in 2024, along with much of the Muslim community. It was just enough people staying home to let Trump win.
So, now, as the first month indicates, we are in for four years of chaos. As Trump and his people attempts to defund and dismantle the government. From early indications of the approaches being taken, cutting government expenses should be done with precision and with a scalpel, but Trump and his people are using chainsaws, as they don't seem to care if the government ceases to be functional and lives through the operation.
@Alienbeing I would tell you to grow up, but it's obvious that you're on the downslope, going through your second childhood. Don't worry, you'll hit bottom soon. Happy landings!
@Flyingsaucesir Another feeble attempt to make yourself feel good. Aside from the fact that you are jerk, I'd bet that I am is better shape than you are.
Don't bother to tell me about your physical prowess because as with your other "points" I really don't care.
@snytiger6 Trump is no prize but he is better than Kamala. The only chaos will be the media trying to report the most sensationalist articles they can find.
@Alienbeing It will only appear to be "sensational" if you're a fascist.
@snytiger6 If it's about His Felonious Malignancy or His fascist regime, it's bound to be disturbing, infuriating, depressing, illegal, unconstitutional, destructive, counterproductive, wasteful, fraudulent, abusive, moronic, imbecilic, idiotic, and/or intentionally cruel. Other than that, it should be just fine.
@Alienbeing Whatever kind of physical shape you're in, your mental condition is obviously precarious.
While most Americans will be sitting on their butts, filling up on beer, chips, and dip today, I'll be out doing my traditional Superbowl Sunday 30-mile mountain bike ride. Then later tonight I'm getting together with my girlfriend on my boat for a rockin' good time. Life is good!
@snytiger6 I am as far from fascist as one can get. I constantly see the media reporting events using sensationalist bylines and then failing to justify the sensationalism. I am amazaed at your reply.
@Flyingsaucesir My mental condition, including I.Q. is so far superior to your gibberish that I am not surprised you cannot keep up.
@Alienbeing Heh heh! A genius who doesn't know the difference between "the most" and "the majority."
@Flyingsaucesir I assume you are referring to yourself. Take some time off line (you obviously spend too much time playing games and playing with yourself) and learn something. Since you are basically slow, you will need significant time.
@Alienbeing "While he received the most votes of any one candidate, the majority of votes cast were for people other than His Felonious Malignancy."
True statement!
Trump: 49.8%, the most of any one candidate.
All others: 50.2%, the majority.
Ya see, 50.2 is greater than 49.8.
Study it hard; maybe it will click for you.
I sincerely hope this helps you.
@Flyingsaucesir The only hope I need is that hopefully you will disappear.
@Alienbeing I will certainly disappear some day, but not today. I'm having too much fun watching a flying monkey try to crab-walk around the truth.
The majority of votes cast were for people other than His Felonious Malignancy.
It was true on election day. It's true today. It will still be true tomorrow.
And you can't admit it. Interesting. 🪰
Nothing succeeds like success and although I have been a liberal all my life - our moronic and incapable leaders have lost miserably in 2024. Our downfall did not happen in 2024 but it started in 2021 when Biden was slow in prosecuting Trump and failed to visibly demonstrate his accomplishments. Instead, he made it worse by nominating transgenders in his administration, waiting student loans and pushing the DEI shit too far. We stupid liberals gave conservatives too much ammunition to destroy us. Freaking student loan waivers? I worked for 6 months and went back to school for 6 months to avoid taking a single penny in loans. What about me and millions of others who honestly paid loans back? I was thinking Biden would begin giving free housing, food and money to all teenage mothers and pardon all prisoners convicted of heinous crimes next.
But don't underestimate Kamala Harris' accomplishment. Just like Hillary Clinton did in 2016, Kamala Harris gave the White House to Trump on a silver platter. Kamala would not have been nominated through the regular nomination process by winning primaries. It was not in her. I realized it the day she was appointed by Biden.
But that's what we get when our weak generals lose a war. Mayhem follows, our agenda takes a back seat and our suffering begins. Follow weaklings like Biden and Harris and we will continue getting these failures. I want Kamala Harris to completely disappear from the news - forever.
I will predict more misery for us. Marco Rubio will win the White House in 2028 for 8 years. Please thank the dumbfucks like Biden, Harris and the socialist hero of all - Bernie. He turned the liberals off with his socialist rants and caused the biggest Democrat cross-over since Reagan. I am going to call them Bernie-Republicans.
Finally, a Democrat supporter who self reflects rather than blame all else. I think the DNC is what needs major reform for the Democrat party to reinvent itself. Oligarchs control that institution and a great shame Bernie didn't have the backbone to challenge the DNC who were firmly backing HR Clinton.
Rubio as potus? Can't see it. Tulsi Gabbard is future presidential material, but I think JD Vance will take over the reins from Trump in four years. That's if the states remain united.
"I was thinking Biden would begin giving free housing, food and money to all teenage mothers and pardon all prisoners convicted of heinous crimes next." - Biden did didn't he? - Ukraine billions, Ukrainian women refugees living off EU largesse, accused about to be convicted pardoned in his last days of presidency including his family members? Genocidal psycho fascist Jews refueled, wined & dined. . .
I think that you need to double or quadruple your daily reality pill intake.
I had a laugh today at Trump's boast of the $2Tn invested in USA on his first day in office - yes most likely all Jewish make believe paper money fleeing Israel to buy American ponzi schemes.
That's why the Trump Pinata group exists here. Just rant and rant to blame the enemy and never reflect on own failures, never admit how lousy we are.
Mine is not a just a self-reflection. I was predicting this failure since 2022. I am sure many progressives like me have either registered as independent or just switched parties but all such voted for Trump. There are shades of failures but this is registered as the worst beating we took. Just as I have been saying... books will be written and taught in colleges about how we achieved this grand failure.
Our Democratic leaders today are pathetic. Kamala Harris should not be allowed to come close to any public office again if we want to save our future.
@puff, @FrayedBear
When I visited Mexico City, I hired a local speaking tour guide. He was a college student. He asked me if I knew how many American states belonged to Mexico before? I said I did. He said they are going to get them back by sending more Mexicans and winning more public offices from school boards to the US Congress and courts to implement their agenda.
That's exactly what Jewish people and ultra right in the US have done. Control power and the money but do it slowly and quietly.
About Marco Rubio. After serving secretary of state for 4 years, he has no bigger public office to seek other than the WH. If he is removed as the secretary before 2028, he will definitely run in the 2028 primaries and beat JD Vance. Remember JD Vance was nobody before Trump picked him.
If Rubio's WH bid fails, he will run for Florida governor and win easily.
As for Tulsi Gabbard's big, she just got a bone thrown by Trump. She has lost support from Democrats base and will not get support from conservatives as a Hindu and an opportunist. That's my thinking.
@St-Sinner Sound strategy.
But will USA last that long for it to happen before it inevitably collapses? What will fat lazy Americans do when they can no longer employ cheap illegal labour?
Look to history.
Similarly the Roma & Sinti who suffered horrifically under Hitler's Third Reich were not publicly recognised by memorial until 2012. []
I wonder if Trump will have a similar recognition as I can see many more deportees dying.
@St-Sinner the Chinese & Indians have far greater numerical supremacy than a handful of obsolete Jews & Whiteys. Both Chinese & indians however are races that have made the mistakes of being indoctrinated and dominated by religion & dynasties.
@St-Sinner I am pragmatic with who I criticise. Because I was early in criticising Biden, I got blocked from all the antiTrump groups (and proTrump groups funnily enough as they don't like criticism either) on this site. So just because I didn't concur on many anti Trump stuff, it was because I was unable to.
Trump is psycho but many leaders are, that does not worry me so much. He is, however, a Washington outsider so will stir things up, looking forward to that. I see he will release RFK, JFK and MLK files so hopefully public is shocked and the CIA gets disbanded. If that is all Trump does, he would have done a marvelous thing.
I have two angles on Trump victory:
This sad day came about because all of the red hat wearers were trained well. We must ask ourselves what other president we have had who had periodic rallies to train others, sold watches, shoes, and other things on the side to make money, made fun of our military dead and crippled people, etc. and a vast majority of us saw nothing wrong with him or his actions. The way I see it the monster is back and his next 4 years will be an atermpt to totally destroy my way of life. My retirement is my Social Security.
It's a 2 edged sword. Where I live the apartment complex has 176 1 bedroom units. It is for 55 and older and people with disabilities. We ALL get either SS or SSI plus the goody bag of extra benefits if you are really low low income. The MAGA are many and they could be in a world of hurt and they voted for it. Zero fucks to give. The ones here who need the benefits never voted blue and read project 2025 are really scared. I tried to educate several of the ones who would have voted for Biden but were never gonna vote for a silly laughing woman. They rattled off ALL the FOX talking points. I could not break through that wall of FOX stupid.
If you don't attribute any blame on the Biden admin, then the democratic party will be lost in the wilderness for many decades to come. Ffs democrats, look in the mirror, a bit of self reflection goes a long way.
Do you know whom I blame for the rise of Trump? The DNC for shafting Sanders who would have beaten Trump straight up, ending his political career.
@puff NEVER said I don't have issues with the Democrats! FFS FOX and lagacy media have more than their share as to how things played out in both trump elections.
@DenoPenno I did vote for Sanders in the 2016 primary. When he lost, I voted for Clinton in the general. I was sure she was going to win. I just couldn't conceive of an idiot phony like Trump in the WH. Boy, was I ever naive.
@Flyingsaucesir That's what happens when the popular candidate is rejected so the establishment choice can rule.
Still glad HRC never got in.
@puff HRC would have been a far better choice than Don the Con(vict). So would have KH. But we are where we are now. Nothing to do but go forward.
@Flyingsaucesir If we got Kamala or HRC we would have a stand off in Europe, another cold war and also with China.
Gee the military industrial complex misses the cold war. Good steady income without actual war, just proxy wars to keep innovation going and field test.
BRICS is not going to play this bullshit game, the West still doesn't get what "multipolar" means.
A multipolar world is based upon the rule of law. This means no country dominates, no alliances dominate. Sovereignty and self determination is respected.
So this new US rules based world order from Trump will be rejected also as Trump is no Russian asset, he is the personification of the US to the world. Brash, in your face and a bully, so full of himself it's pathetic at times. Yep, a good, accurate description of America as well regarding how they treat other nations.
So Democrat or Republican, the world puts up with US this crap regardless. The US Empire is in decline it's just a matter of how. Very simply, I think Trump will be less destructive than either HRC or Harris would have been.
The best thing anyone could do to enable the US's recovery is tear up the Patriot Act. I'm hoping Trump does that, but don't think he will as it would remove a lot of his dictatorial power.
Still think it's funny the Patriot Act was extended in a bipartisan fashion when Trump was first in eg if he is such a danger, why renew when he was in power?
@puff You can speculate all you want about what would or would not have changed or stayed the same in geopolitics, but in the end its nothing but pure conjecture.
What we can say right now with absolute certainty is that His Felonious Malignancy has nominated a pack of unqualified rogues to fill the highest and most sensitive posts in the executive branch of our government. So don't be surprised when Trump uses the Justice Department to unjustly persecute his political rivals, clamp down on the free press and abrogate our free speech rights. And I have no doubt that he would use the United States military against our own people if they refuse to shut up. Trump has already done this on a small scale (witness his use of a paramilitary force to clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square, for nothing more than a photo op with a Bible; and using paramilitary personnel sans insignia to snatch US citizens off the street in Portland, Oregon).
Sooner or later, everything Trump touches turns to shit. He has already driven a wedge right through the nation with his gaslighting, and has indirectly caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans through his shameless promotion of wacko conspiracy theories and science denial. When confronted with a not-totally-unexpected crisis (a novel, deadly, and highly contagious virus) Trump bungled the response. In the beginning of the pandemic, when time was of the essence, Trump sat on critical information and did nothing. He should have been ramping up production of PPE and mechanical respiratory equipment. Instead he engaged in denial. One of his first acts as President was to disband the group that Obama had assembled in anticipation of just such an emergency. Why? Because it was the Black guy's project. Then he went on to contradict and cast doubt on the advice of our best public health experts. Does Trump have any degrees in epidemiology, virology, or immunology? No. He has an MBA that he got by paying others to take his tests for him. Yet he had the temerity to contradict the actual experts.
And let's not forget that before Trump killed the Iran nuclear deal, we had that deadly adversary boxed in. They were months or years away from having a nuclear weapon, we had access to their facilities, and we knew exactly what they were up to. Now, thanks to Trump's recklessness, Iran is only days away from having a thermonuclear device, and we don't have access or influence. And why did Trumpty Dumpty choose this dangerous path? Again, because it was the Black guy's project.
Ya see, it doesn't matter what kind of challenges lay ahead; Trump is going to fuck it up. He cannot do otherwise, because he is fundamentally corrupt, racist, ignorant, and incompetent. His primary motivation is self enrichment and self aggrandisement. It's not what a great nation needs in a leader. Character matters, and Trump doesn't have it.
@Flyingsaucesir Iran is and was never a threat to the USA. They have 1) issued a fatwa it is against Islam to have nuclear weapons and 2) don;t need them as they have hypersonic, plenty of conventional warheads and the biggest drone fleet. But most importantly, don;t threaten the USA.
Eretz Israel wants Iran gone.
I don't know about you but when my house is on fire, I call the fire brigade as they are the experts in putting it out. I don't call a scientist who knows everything there is to know about combustion/ chemical reactions etc.
When there was a "novel" hazard which posed a risk so that we could not complete daily tasks safely, but there were ways to minimise the risk, why the fuck did we listen to the expert scientist when there are plenty of professionals who deal with hazard and risk management?
Everyone fucked up Covid.
Genocide Joe has his place in history, the destroyer of Nord Stream.
Of course Trump will fuck things up, just like Biden did and Obama before him.
@puff Our industry supports military spending with or without war. That is why we have advanced weapons.
@Alienbeing Yes but when confronted with real war, there is no surge capacity and many hi-tech weaponry failed at the battlefield eg abrams tank, patriots, F-35's lit up by radar
@puff While The Abrams and the F-35 had issues each are still better than anything our possible enemies have. That is what maters.
@Alienbeing I would not be so sure about that. Russia hasn't even really used it's airforce yet and the Chinese and Iranians have both developed as yet unseen fighters. And regarding sustainability and surge capacity, the US just doesn't have mass production capacity.
The Houthi's are dropping reaper drones regularly and the Chinese have a drone carrier now.
Let's hope we never find out.
@puff I am sure about that. I am also sure Russia's Air Force fly planes built as shoddy as their other military equipment.
@Alienbeing And that attitude is why the US has already lost. War is all about logistics, bullets and beans. What else have you been "sure" about? Victories in Afghanistan and Ukraine? Gaza? How are them Houthi's going?
I, along with Russia I think, assumed the US would acknowledge their new "Walnut" missile, equally destructive as a nuke but with no fallout. Doesn't even use explosives, just chunks of metal hitting the ground at Mach 10; yes 10x the speed of sound ie 3km/ second. But does the use of this weapon, after the US enabled deep strikes within Russia, give the US or NATO pause in pursuit of their continuous expanding agenda? Nah, let's double down on stupid instead.
@puff You are entitled to your opinion which I don't agree with.
@puff The situation with Israel was a lose/lose proposition. If Biden gave support to Israel he lost support and if he criticized Israel he's have lost support, and if he did nothing, he'd be seeen as weak and lose support. Harris suffered the fallout as she was viewed to be a continuation of Biden. Biden's support of Israel was a co9ntinuation of long standing U.S. policy, which under the circumstances seemed the safest choice, but he's have lost votes no matter what he did. By the time Harris took over as the candidate, people were already pissed, and enough stayed home "in protest" to allow Trump to win.
@snytiger6 the situation with Israel is all about moral backbone. The potus did not have to do anything except enforce the Constitution and American/ International law eg G Koe could have says to Zionists "Sorry, hands are tied; Leahy's Law etc you see"
Trump is treating the UN like a spoilt little rich kid. He wants to play and brings his own bat and ball but as soon as he doesn't get his way, spits the dummy and takes his bat and ball home.
What America doesn't realise is the rest of us will continue the game regardless and will have more fun in a more competitive game now the snotty brat has sulked away.
The falsity of it begins with MAGA, for who said that America was not great anyway. But there are some types of greatness that you need at least half a brain to appreciate. AIG America Is Great, but for how much longer ?
Define great. And by the way most citizens of most countries also think their own country is the best. Yes the USA is the most powerful, but does that equate to greatness?
@Fernapple All US power now is the role of the $USD as world default currency. Once that is gone; no more sanctions.
Go Trump!!!!! The way he carps on about tariffs etc he is only going to hurry that process up. See he was up the Europeans today about the imbalance of their trade (conveniently forgetting they now pay dearly for US LNG).
I predicted he would get out of Europe and instead concentrate on his own hemisphere and invade Venezuela. He is indicating Panama but psycho's are cunning and manipulative, my money is still on Venezuela. Why? Because that's where the oil is.
@Fernapple Yes, Don the Con(vict) is a psycho, but I doubt very much that he will invade Greenland or Canada. That's just more gaslighting, designed to overwhelm, exhaust, and distract everyone from what he's really doing, which is taking bribes. What is his crypto scam but a vehicle for cashing in on the presidency? The Saudis were renting out whole floors of his hotels and leaving them unoccupied, so MBS can dismember journalists at will and have the POTUS call him a "great guy." And there's more. Much more.
@Flyingsaucesir Yes I don't think that actual military action is on the cards. But in order to maintain his image, (As he sees it.) he has to prove that he is a bully, especially on the international stage. So that causing damage internationally of some sort, is almost inevitable.
In a comment I made a while back, I remarked how the countries of Northern Europe (Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, Sweden...) were rated as the happiest places to live on earth, and all of them are Democratic-Socialists countries. I was shocked that the counter argument posted was along the lines of "happiness is a poor measure for success". I really see a MAJOR problem in that statement.
I see quality of life (and happiness) as a major indicator of success and greatness. If success if only measured in strength and might, then the countries with the largest slave populations would by that measure be considered the most successful... but what kind of success (or greatness) is that really? Are totalitarian states to be seen as great or successful? I really don't believe they should be.
The far right doesn't understand those concerns, because they are under the delusion that they themselves won't be a part of the oppressed, but think they will be a par of the privileged... even though they usually aren't well educated and/or don't have inherited wealth.
Why would Biden issue a pre-emptive pardon for his wife do you think? Must be for moral, patriotic or democratic reasons I gather.
Perhaps she's been shagging RJK or Trump even?
If a deranged vengeful narcissist like Trump were taking over, I would preemptively pardon my cat just to be sure. The man has a record of wanting arrests before any proof of wrongdoing and now the raptors have learnt how to open the door handles.
@273kelvin Then you are not fit to be a president with that preconception. A US potus only job is to defend the Constitution, not undermine the laws of the land. All these pre-emptive pardons illustrate is even the president cannot trust the US legal system so must abuse their power to avoid it.
Not a good look really, can you admit that?
NB Trump is psycho which means totally pragmatic and will act in the moment. You will find he has no loyalties and therefore holds no grudges. His flaw is foresight and hindsight is lacking and he has no idea how people react emotionally as he thinks people will act logically instead. Have you worked out Biden isn't exactly Mr Empathy either. Hillary Clinton sure as shit is more psycho than Trump, just ask Libya.
Jan 6th is a classic example eg have enough court cases disputing results and the VP can not accept the results until cases determined; a good logical and legal plan in a psycho's mind. But people didn't act logically did they? They saw the transfer of power being politicised, got all emotional and went ape shit.
@273kelvin They are extremely pragmatic when it comes to self interest. they will burn and deal with anyone if it advantages them. Why do you think Trump approved the assassination of the Iranian general in Iraq? I would put forward it has nothing to do with revenge or holding a grudge. He did it to improve his domestic standing, self interest.
If it advantaged him, Trump would appoint Hillary Clinton or Hunter Biden to his admin ie no grudges.
Every decision he makes will be to his perceived benefit. Remember, he has played this human life very well and climbed to the top of the shit heap. All that is left now is his legacy and his vanity is eying the history books. Why he engaged with Nth Korea ie not to help anyone but to vainly make a name for himself. Finally ending America's longest war thus ensuring his place in history as an effective president, one of the better ones if not the best (a legend in his own lunch box as we say in Oz).
You watch him burn Netanyahu but support Israel. That's pragmatism and any personal loyalties will be burnt to advance the Trump "me, me, me" train to get his place in history as the man who saved Israel. He will fail in this thankfully, the genocidal Zionist repulse all and will not be tolerated for too much longer.
@273kelvin I was incorrect there I think, he never pre-emptive pardoned Jill. But he did for all of his siblings wives. A grifter family.
Biden is safe not due to potus protection, but via the FBI already declaring he's unfit for trial re documents case yet Kamala let him remain president. What a fantastic VP for the USA, allowing an incapacitated president to continue.
What I am interested in is how long WH officials knew he was not with it. If there was any justice at all, the moment the FBI declared they would not pursue the case due to his mental and physical condition, poor memory, every single document he signed after that as potus should be nul and void.
As a psycho he does not have vengeful thoughts, the past is gone so why keep bringing it up? That's the way they think. They may appear vengeful to us normal people, but they don't really think about others at all, it's all "me me me". What they do is manipulate people to achieve personal gains, then dismiss them without a thought. In the moment is where they live.
Biden will be remembered as genocide Joe, the destroyer of Nord Stream.
@puff Oh fuck off! The entire Republican party has toadied round a narcissistic incompetent traitor and elected him in his senility.
I want the drugs you are on when you say he is not vengeful. Tell that to Micheal Cohen who got put in solitary for 6 months. As deluded as him dropping Bini, Melania should last that long.
@273kelvin The only reason Trump is in is because the Democrat party toadied around a demented grifter but fucked themselves up by picking an incompetent dipshit "tick the minority boxes" thing for VP, something worse than a demented old fart. All those refusing to criticise Biden because "At least he's not Trump" are the dickheads who gave us Trump 2.0. But they will never admit it.
Why do Democrats pick weak VP's? So president not threatened.
Why do Republicans pick strong VP's? So president not threatened.
Love irony.
@puff There are a few reasons for the traitors return. Yes, Biden's health and the Dems "Nothing to see here" is one but it's not the only one. Harris is/was not "an incompetent dipshit" who "ticked the minority boxes". That is an old trope doled out to anyone who isn't an old straight white dude. She was elected as a DA and senator and was never bankrupted 6 times. Anyone who watched her debate the felon could not say she was "incompetent".
Which brings us to another major reason. Yanks are fucking thick! Not only that but they are racist and misogynistic too. Most of them believe in the skydaddy and 7% think that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. (An even higher % think that wrestling is real) This is why they don't have a healthcare system.
All VPs are weak (or at least appear to be). Are you about to tell me that Pence and Vance are alphas?
You know the joke; A mom had two sons, one ran away to sea and the other became VP. She never heard from either of them again. The job is to shut up and do as you are told for as long as it takes until you are no longer needed. Then maybe (just maybe) you might have a shot at the top spot.
@273kelvin What freaks me out most with the yanks is their secretary of states, their foremost diplomat, are political hacks. They should be former ambassadors ie diplomats. Ones in the art of diplomacy.
A VP should be able to slip into being #1 ie competent, steady hands. They should not have criteria like being black and a woman, something Biden flagged before Harris was anointed. In the 2020 democrat primaries (when they bothered to have them) she gained zero support and was destroyed over her record as DA by Tulsi Gabbard in the debate eg delaying releases as they were being used for civil duties like fighting fires.
The empire is dying, all we can do is watch and enjoy the show.
@puff The two main criteria for office atm are "Are you on Faux Gnus" and "How much do you kiss Trump's arse". The criteria for diplomats are "How much have you donated". I'm waiting for him to appoint the great Dr Hanibal Lecter as surgeon general.
But you are correct, the empire is dying.
@273kelvin I'm really interested to see what Tulsi Gabbard ends up doing. She's keeping quite, not mouthing off like other appointees'. I dare say Trump has awarded her top secret clearances already.
Surgeon General should run hospitals.
Pandemics should be run by safety; professionals in identifying hazards which poses risk and devising ways of minimising that risk to acceptable levels so tasks may be completed safely.
They are the experts at keeping us safe from any hazard.
Trump pledges unity in inaugural address by immediately attacking fellow Americans | Opinion
The longtime con artist – convicted of 34 felony counts for falsifying business records – stood in the Capitol rotunda and inaccurately claimed: 'The golden age of America begins right now.'
Rex Huppke
An elderly and unpopular felon who narrowly won the popular vote in the 2024 election was sworn in as president of the United States in a tiny ceremony Monday, held indoors because it was slightly chilly outside.
Donald J. Trump, who refused to participate in the peaceful transfer of power when he last left office and fomented a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol for which he was never held accountable, swore to protect America from enemies, foreign and domestic, while somehow managing to not laugh at the suckers who just returned him to power.
Wholly disregarding nearly half of American voters who strongly opposed and feared his candidacy, Trump harnessed the power of unbridled narcissism to keep a straight face while hilariously saying: "For American citizens, January 20, 2025, is liberation day."
trump DID NOT win the popular vote!! The final count shows he got LESS than 50% of the votes! Biden got less than trump only because there were votes casts for someone other than Biden or a conman.
trump does not have a mandate.
conman 49.71%
Harris 48.24%
Other 2.00%
I've enjoyed watching the smiling faces of young Palestinian ladies today.
They won't last long.
I see Trump has lifted sanctions against Israeli Jewish settlers Commiting West Bank atrocities. He's not going to stop fueling the anti semitic genocide in the middle East. But of course he can claim that it's not an American war.
I just wish someone would get it through his skull that his proposal of maga at the expense of other nations does nothing other than prove he is fulfilling Cipollo's definition of #stupidity.
@FrayedBear He's still a yank stuck in their exceptional/ indispensable nation bollocks.
@puff as indispensable as a sewing needle driven under the finger nail!
@puff Just had a laugh at his boast of the $2Tn invested in USA on his first day in office - yes most likely all Jewish make believe paper money to buy ponzi schemes.
@FrayedBear That would take their debt to 38 trillion. Hurry up stock market crash
@puff Theoretically the $2 Tn is to buy assets if investments or is for production of American made or cheaper produced foreign manufactured goods. It doesn't necessarily represent debt.
@FrayedBear get this into ya! Especially what Pepe says. In short, Trump will shrink the empire to the America's and bully BRICS/ Silk Road node countries. Brazil is first on the list in his opinion. I still think it will be Venezuela.
Did you see the Hamas parade through Gaza? There will be one country called Palestine. There will still be a Jewish presence, but no Zionists. That is my prediction.
@puff My elder brother used to bully me until I grew big enough to knock him unconscious. He largely stopped thereafter.
I wonder if the same will happen to Trump & that after being given a bloody nose he will continue to try and bully or learn new ways?
@FrayedBear I joked ages a go a carrier will have to sink before the yanks wake up. That's a bloody nose that would knock some hubris out of them.
@puff I recall your post.