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So do these Agnostic Tshirts really exist?! Inquiring for a friend!!πŸ€”πŸ€ πŸ˜Ž

Aaron70 8 Mar 16

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Yes I got one, but they stopped doing them.


I got mine years ago when I reached level 8 on my first time around! I have the picture with my shirt on my original profile. Michellegar1.

It's been so long since I've seen your old profile that I forgot - but you're looking like a queen on both profiles!

Sure, rub that shit inβ€¦β€¦πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

@Lauren Thank you! You're a beautiful queen yourself! 😍

@Lauren, @Aaron70 Awwww!!! I would be upset and feeling left out to finally reach level 8 and not get the shirt!

@michelle666gar Admin should at least remove the link instead of teasing us with free shit, wtf….😬

@michelle666gar Yes, you are both beautiful ladies!! Inside and out it appears! 😊

@Aaron70 Why, thank you!

Maybe we should send one of ours to Aaron to borrow for a while. Have him take some pics!

@Aaron70, @Lauren, @michelle666gar I will testify that they both indeed are beautiful ladies.


Still in my closet on a hanger.

Damn, it’s even in my color!!! Although it could be a hair β€œDeeper” Purple?!😎


I seem to recall that at a certain point admin announced that they had run out of the t-shirts but I'm not sure about the pen.

I don't wear t-shirts so I never followed through with it but back in the day people would post pictures of themselves wearing it, and that was fun.


They DO. I got one and it was not too long after I signed up and reached whatever point level it was to qualify for one. There was a pen also. Can't find the pen but the T is in my dresser drawer. I did note the shipping label. It was shipped from an address in Seattle, WA.


I never got one but try looking on Amazon. They even have that wonderful "Is He Dead Yet" t-shirt.

Interesting… who dead yet?! Or is that open to interpretation?! 🀠


They certainly did two years ago. I got one when I reached level 8

When I reached 8 several months back, a Tshirt link appeared on my bio. But it’s a dead link….🀨
Must be they waiting to give me a Tesla when I get to 9?!☺️

@Aaron70 I noticed you can't even open an account now.

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