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Here's a Molotov type of post:
I heard someone (a leftist female) say the other day that drag and transgender behavior is inherantly sexist and borderline misogynist. That these are men playing out stereotypes of women, parodying the most superficial feminine characterisitcs of womanhood, and devaluing the role and unique place that women/females hold in society and the natural world.
What do you think?

ThorR 5 May 9

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Transgender has zero to do with misogyny or the like. It's about them feeling comfortable with who they are. Their brains don't match their genitals, period. It's not about anyone else.
As for's comedy. And there are drag kings too, so....

@ThorR no because it's not a small culture. It's 50% of the population. And women of different cultures have different..well cultures. So which one are they parodying? I see it more like stand up comedy. They aren't trying to be female, not even close. It's performance art, comedy, and music all in one.

@ThorR i think that's part of this whole gender revolution we see going on. Barbies and monster trucks are artificial social gender stereotypes. I'm a bio female, who identifies as a female, but i love science, math, camping, engineering etc.


i think it sounds like a pile of shit

@hindsight2020 thank you lol


I think that cis hetero people shouldn't make judgmental comments about the LGBTQ community.

Might as well claim that gay people are "choosing" their sexual orientations, and that unarmed black men wouldn't be shot if they cooperated with the police. They don't even realize they live in a white, hetero bubble of privilege.

@ThorR Better, but if she is a lesbian, likely she or some of her friends have dressed in masculine outfits, except that the villagers don't pursue women who dress in masculine clothes with pitchforks, like they do men who try to dress like women.

She is still judging from a position of freedom to do as she chooses in the way of outfits, and nobody is judging HER, because women are allowed to dress that way.

@birdingnut yeah, something that's stuck with me was that there have been movements for women to be equal to men, but not for men to be equal to women. Masculinity is praised and for a woman, generally seen as improving her by making her closer to the masculine ideal (except cases like where it's seen positively as assertive in men, but negatively as nagging in women). Femininity in males is still looked down on because it's seen as lowering themselves, the discrimination being against femininity. For me, feminism is about the discrimination and oppression towards femininity, of which sex is just one part.

@Aerihk Very well said. I agree.


This 'leftist female' sounds like a toxic TERF in my opinion.

There are elements of misogyny within drag culture but some drag queens are fighting against that.

This woman is arrogantly defining womanhood. It's not her place. It means different things to different people.


Exactly. It should be respected, and to follow the logic she should respect other people's definitions too. She can't have it both ways.

@ThorR we don't need to respect ignorant and hateful opinions. I really wish we could do away with that idea all together. Some philosophies and world views do not deserve respect. Its loke saying we should respect someones right to think people of color or homosexuals are lesser humans. That.

@ThorR someones gender identity isn't fir anyone else to dictate. Am I less a woman because I rarely shave my legs? Are swimmers appropriating female culture by shaving all over?


All comes down to this. There's a lot more of these wankers on the right side of the aisle but we've got them on the left too.

@ThorR how about the right way not to be a jerk who wants to dictate every aspect of others lives? Right or left I have a big problem with that.

@ThorR isn't that exactly what this woman is attempting to do by saying that being transgender or a crossdresser is problematic? If I read that right she wants them to stop living as they do because she finds it offensive. Exactly what people are doing when they oppose gay marriage? Exactly what men do when they tell women not to do or wear x because they find it distracting? I could go on for an hour. Telling someone it's not okay to do something TO you is not the same as telling someone they have to change their behaviour because it violates YOUR morality.


Control, control, control. People desperate to police others thoughts and behaviours will find any cause to use as a bludgeon and frequently end up hurting whatever cause they espouse by showing themselves to be authoritarian nut cases. It's tough to separate the ideal from the person espousing it but we should pay attention to what it is actually causing the behaviour.

@ThorR. No idea but I suspect it's a product of authoritarian upbringing.


Highly typical defense against irrational thinking. Blame the individual for something abhorrent and take the attention off their own BS. I think her argument makes no sense at all. She is basically claiming that transgender people are acting and are not being genuine. Also just exactly what aspects of being feminine are superficial? Doesn't she devalue women with her statement?


Female politicians often do that with masculine stereotypes.When I look at Maggy Thatcher, Golda Meir and Frau Merkel I often wonder whether they have bigger balls than I have.
Of course drag queens make a living out of exaggeration.
As too the parodying and the devaluating of women ... This is of course a bullshit argument because women do it themselves in advertising all the time. As to the transgender people that is a totally different issue.
Tell the lady to watch Precilla Queen of the Desert


Well my question would be does it work the other way around when a Trans man is brought into play?

I might not fully understand what's in the head of a Trans individual but this woman you speak of seems like she has a stick that is cumbersome both in length and girth lodged up her ass.


Drag, potentially, but there are as varied trans women as there are cis women (Also, drag and crossdresing has historically been a form of trans women expressing themselves before they had a concept of or realized they were actually trans). Some are chill, some are preppy valley girls, some are tom boys, etc. These people usually also ignore that trans men exist, or turn around and say they're also sexist against women, and are transitioning because they hate being a woman, rather than applying the equivalent "they're acting out toxic masculinity". Gender is largely if not entirely internal. Everything that we gender from colours to clothes to behaviours is a social construct that we associate with that, and is often used to signal our gender to others, but not necessarily. For example, a trans guy can be a femboy. Him being feminine doesn't make him a girl any more than it would a cis guy, just because he has a vagina.

You also get TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminists) that say trans women aren't women because they can't get pregnant etc, ironically reducing women to their body parts, which is the most superficial and devaluing.

You also have to consider trans people weren't socialized as their gender, but often internalized it from media and society. She should consider what messages cis women are spreading about their gender, that people of any sex and gender are internalizing.

Finally, while I mentioned being masculine or feminine (per society's definitions) doesn't define someone's gender, most people will discredit trans people's gender if they're not hyper feminine or hyper masculine, pushing them in a corner so even if they don't want to be that way, they don't have much choice. Particularly for trans women, even having had a penis is enough of a "threat" to men's heterosexuality that they face high levels of violence and murder, let alone if they don't conform to the utmost superficial expectations of women and femininity. As a trans guy, when I was first transitioning and still figuring things out, I was in highschool, and did a lot of stupid posturing that wasn't me to establish and affirm my gender to people I had to interact with. It took a while for me to get comfortable exploring my less masculine sides, and eventually realize I'm non-binary (demi-boy). A lot of that comfort/safety and freedom to be myself instead of putting up a mask of fake masculinity was because of the progress and changes in public awareness and opinion on trans people and gender since I first came out.

If she thinks trans women are parodying womanhood, it's either because she has a messed up view of what "womanhood" is, or their behaviour is a survival mechanism as a product of an unsafe and sexist environment. If she doesn't like what they're like, she should be supporting representing women as more than what's between their legs or societal concepts and expectations of femininity, and a safer more accepting environment for trans people, rather than spreading transphobia.

Thank you..that is quite eloquent, and to the point..


I have heard this argument from several feminist sisters. I am a feminist and here is my take. Being a woman is not about appearance alone. I know I am female, I have all the correct girlie bits and more or less the right place yeah, but I also feel it. My world view is that of a woman, I still respond physically to babies crying, I have all the commensurate hormonal responses to being a woman, I did all the womanly things like having babies etc. But gender isn't as simple as that. Who is to say, given different parents in a different world I might have behaved very differently. Gender is fluid and it is also a biological thing, feeling 'wrong' is not an affectation, it is correctable. Once we allow people the opportunity to fully explore gender then things may not feel so confined.


I think this woman is 1. Not what she claims to be, politically, and 2. Is dumber than a rock!

Confusing drag queens with transgender is just plain stupid. Not the same thing at all!
Plus, who would CHOOSE the pain of rejection by family, friends, and the real risk of being beaten up, or worse, on a daily basis?

Exactly Anne.


This is a complex and difficult issue but one thing I always come back to is masculinity and femininity are almost completely arbitrary concepts and incredibly restrictive and destructive. Yes genital males embracing feminine roles is in a sense giving up power but why embrace any mix of these destructive roles at all? Screw it. Blow them both up and embrace a societal role with no masculinity or femininity. With a little radical imagination maybe we can come up with something a lot better.

Masculinity and femininity are not just constructs, they are innately human. I would agree that gender is more of a construct.

@Ellatynemouth I am defining masculinity and femininity as gender constructs and not biology.


What would cause boys and girls to enjoy different things and behave in different ways? In general.

@Ellatynemouth I guess I don't understand your question?


TERFs are not comrades


What I think is that it's best to mind my own white/male/heterosexual business and leave others alone.

Good plan


"That these are men playing out stereotypes of women, parodying the most superficial feminine characterisitcs of womanhood, and devaluing the role and unique place that women/females hold in society and the natural world"

Her assumption is that "womanhood" has unique roles and place in society and the natural world and that any non-woman assuming the role of a woman is a parody, but it is not, it is rather a pastiche that celebrates womanhood.

cava Level 7 May 10, 2018

Why can't we all just get along? It doesn't sound like this person is in touch with her unique place in society and the natural world, hopefully she figures it out and soon.


Sorry but we have a lady in the family who has decided she is more a man. These people just do not accept genetics



don't know if I would see it as misogynist but it has always struck me that many of these individuals choose to dress in an extremely stylized expression of femininity

Do I dress in a extremely stylized expression of feminitity?

@Charlene no and yes it was a generalization



I think she about as leftist as Drump..she's a T.E.R.F..Transgenger exclusionary radical feminist..


This is not to eviscerate the person mentioned in the post... but to give my thoughts. The first bit of the statement sounds feminist (the sexist/misogynist bit). But, I read the explanation given as exposing sexism in the leftist person. Identifying that there is a role and unique place that any sex holds, runs very close to the definition of sexism, or sex-stereotyped at the very least. However, I don't mean to conflate sexism and sex-stereotyping, as they are probably able to be parsed...very delicately.

I wonder if this leftist female was actually expressing concerns with cultural appropriation of the outward "superficial, generic feminine sexist" characteristics by some individuals. Perhaps she feels she is not measuring up! In actuality, my bet is that she probably doesn't like that these individuals have picked up on the some of the attributes that she wants to own and guard (or, conversely, disown and see die away). Neither mentality is ruled out by your description. One leads to stereotyping, the other leads to universal burkas for all males and females.

Feminists can be of any gender variation, any sexual identity, and any type of presentation. As with race, it is possible to be so feminist one becomes sexist themselves. However, increasing feminism and masculism is preferred (i.e. the valuing of the generic aspects and finer points of a sex). Yet, one must remember that both feminine and masculine aspects exist in every individual, lovingly. Misogyny and misandry are what most seem to prefer to reduce... and I'm on board, unless it's between consenting adults. Then...have at it! ; ) And in all honesty, her opinion is totally valid. If she feels it, it's just her being her. The variety shown in humanity, being that every person is a unique individual, is amazing.


There is a lot of penis envy in this site. What can I tell you. A lot of labeling. I was called today misogynist by a 30 year ignorant woman that won't hold a candle to any of my daughters. I had never lay a finger in a woman that includes corporal punishment to my daughters. I was raised by women, everything I have learned I learned from women. I got respect for the opposite but... It is the opposite . I pity the woman with penis envy! I never wished to have a vagina! what can I tell you? My was settled at conception and confirmed at birth. I will leave this life with the sexual organ I arrived with and will live the rest of my life according what nature assigned me to be. I don't live a Lie. I was born a Man... I will live a Man... I will die a Man.

Lucky you...I on the other hand Never felt comfortable in my skin..actually felt disassociated from it..lin my late teens/early 20's I was considering GRS..then realized that I wouldn't be able to enjoy nor bare a child..both of which I wanted. I then decided to be a Man.. I had lots of and 2 children from a marriage.It didn't work..I became self destructive, destroyed many relationships, and hurt many important people to me...I've been out for 13 wonderful and happy years. People like Me..I like me..Lucky me!

@Charlene Lucky you, never met a man named charlene.

@GipsyOfNewSpain would you know?

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