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Tell me what you are grateful for today.
I love early misty Millburg mornings in May,
as the dogwoods blossom and the robins are singing....

DrewShourd 7 May 15

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My brother was a 17 yr old non uso entertainer who was killed almost 50 yrs ago. It took a long time to find my gratitude, but I am grateful for the friends who worked so hard to help me. And I still wish I could have him back


Its my day off. I got up went for a run. had my fortnightly fiddle lesson, Went shopping came home, went out for a bike ride up the moors had a wild swim sat and played my flute while i dried off. home again cooked up some vegan banana and blueberry muffins and a couple of vegan pizzas PLUS someone offered me some kefir grains in exchange for a donation to a charity of my choice AND the sun has been shining all day
now i'm sitting about thinking its been a great day I should play some more tunes 🙂


not a damn thing....really?

@Agr8m8 my son is dead. I don’t have a grateful emotion for anything.

@NothinnXpreVails whoa, I apologize for inquiring bro, I had no idea aye.

@Agr8m8 nah man no worries. It’s been a bad day. I guess I am grateful for a few things, I just hate everything


The small group of people I call friends.

lovely answer, I agree wholeheartedly ...


That I'm still here. ☺


Another beautiful day.
Good coffee, good music.
Nothing to do but enjoy it.


I am grateful everyday, because a grateful life is a life well lived. With the exception of governments and crazy people in government, I can find the good in almost anything. My kids top the list of gratitude.


It's raining for the first time in nearly three weeks!

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