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The wedding?
Has anyone else NOT seen any of it? - (tho some day some photos, or news clips, of video will surely catch my eye.)
I wish them well, am kinda tickled the whole thing is anti-good-ol'-boys slanted, and, best of all, the guest list didn't include me (what would I have worn?)

njoy_life_2 7 May 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm more interested in royal weeding. Getting rid of the parasites.


Didn't and wouldn't see a second of it.


It is a historical spectacle. Body art via fashion plus tradition. A celebration of love, this time, with social progress overtones. It is not a football game where chronic traumatic encephalopathy is encouraged. For goodness sake can't we have some respite from our frightful royalty the Kardashians? Cringe.


I'll just leave this here....



I managed to avoid the wedding - but then pictures of 'the kiss' were on the front of every newspaper in a shop I went into.


Not seen or heard any of it. I've been too busy.

Zster Level 8 May 20, 2018

I confess to seeing one photo


Didn't watch it, not interested, didn't give a toss 🙂


I am absolutely opposed to the idea of a monarchy. I am English and not alone. A young couple got wed...big whip so did lots of em.

I couldn't of said it better

I loved the front page of Private Eye a few years ago. It read "Woman has baby".
Maybe the front page of the next issue could be "Bloke gets Married."?


I am totally sick of this wedding !

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