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I was wondering... what do you do with a lack of ambition?

Alessandro 3 May 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I'd be more apathetic, if I weren't so lethargic.


Take a nap maybe?


I think ambition is over rated. The real question is are you happy and.or content? If so, do you really need ambition?

Too many people busy their lives with pursuing ambition to impress other people, and are very unhappy. Ambition has its costs.


Don't beat yourself up.


What interests you? Pursue it!


Ambition is something that happens to other people - Samuel Vimes


Trade it in for a lack of success?


It’s called drive and many of us are born without it. I scraped by as a result until I was 49 and then dreamed up my own little business that finally brought me a small measure of independence and success (But still no drive.) So hang in there. Start small, wash windows, mow lawns, clean basements, and THINK. McDonalds will hire you. In your off time, look around, THINK some more. It CAN be done. I still don’t have any drive but I HAVE retired with a little money in the bank. Anybody can do it. YOU can do it. GO FOR IT!


Beats me, I have the same problem.


Go to bed and sleep !


Wait.... Until it goes away....!

ABack Level 6 May 26, 2018

Do you think we don´t need ambition?


As in what do you do to be more ambitious? Diet, exercise, and sleep to address the hardware, gratitude, forgiveness, and kindness for a good structure for the wetware, and then follow your passions.


Put it somewhere out of the way 🙂


I'm very ambitious.


Enjoy it. Been through a lot, done many things, had all sorts of good and not so good times.
Now I just enjoy my time in whatever way I see fit, which is all I ever did anyway.

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