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Should we have more than 2 major political parties in the US? Or is 2 enough and more is messy?

swf44nc 5 May 30

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We could make this a ballot proposal in Michigan for 2020.


We don't have 2 parties. We have 1 party with 2 names to give you the illusion of choice.

Truth right here sad as it is.


I am not sure about numbers of pArties but I sure would like to have some intelligent reliable and honorable people to consider

Our system won't tolerate honerable candidates. Look at what the Dems did to Bernie.

@danh2os the whole election was so weird


Too late.. It’s become a binary system due to winner-take-all ~

Varn Level 8 May 30, 2018

I think our system would be more democratic if we had several additional viable political parties. Right now our system is rigged because the rich have control of the Dems and Republicans.


More political parties would emerge if we get rid of our "First Past The Post" voting system. CGPGrey has some excellent videos about the subject.

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