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I really hate sweeping generalizations. "Liberals/conservatives think...", "Liberals/conservatives want...". Both sides do it. Stop it. It's simplistic and mind-numbing. Open your ears and listen to the opposing side instead of declaring it for them.

Jlangston70 7 June 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I HAVE listened.....and what I keep hearing from trump supporters and the GOP is terrifying.

Xena Level 6 June 1, 2018

Well stated, I agree.


My new slogan: "Points, not sides."


Join the chaotic centre !!!


Where's the fun in that

@Jlangston70 I just like to argue ?


I used to feel that way, but this new brand of Republicanism has made me change. Since l don't believe they can or do think, and l haven't heard a single idea that makes the tiniest bit of sense to me, Fuck'em!


@Xena Thank you. ☺


Part of having an actual conversation involves " I " statements. The minute it's goes to 'you are this, you are that' or worse yet 'why are you so (fill in the blank ) . . . . I'm gone and done. The problem many times neither side is presenting solutions or their views.
I agree stop it.


Thank you! Simply and eloquently stated observation.

boom Level 4 June 1, 2018

Generalizing is so wrong! Some of the political generalizing is a form of confirmation bias. Using a bad example to condemn a good program, food stamps for example.


Generalizing is so wrong! Some of the political generalizing is a form of confirmation bias. Using a bad example to condemn a good program, food stamps for example.


I disagree. I've seen the destruction caused by the Conservatives in Britain. People have died. There's a definite correlation.


In my part of the country, it is constantly done mostly by the right. They are always saying what liberals think, and since half of my friends are liberal, I know a little about what their views are. They almost never match what is said by the right. I don't enjoy confrontation, so I rarely say much. I really don't understand why they do it. It has gotten much worse in the last 20 years or so. I remember when people would actually get along, no matter who they voted for. I miss those days.

Yep...I'm called a Libtard at least 7 times a day's the go to word


Oh I do and they hate me even more so.


OP's think that generalizations are stupid


Well said. Labels and generalizations are rarely accurate or helpful in any meaningful conversation.


What a novel concept! I completely agree.

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