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CNN Ratings Continue To Tank. Check Out These BRUTAL Numbers. CNN is not only getting crushed by Fox News, which is par for the course, but the network is also taking a beating from MSNBC. Fox News, on the other hand, is crushing it.

"Fox News Channel has led all basic cable networks for 20 consecutive months and has been the most-watched cable news network in total day and in prime time for 194 months straight.
Host Sean Hannity, once again, is ratings king, averaging an impressive 3.3 million total viewers.​


gater 7 June 2

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CNN is a news channel. Fox is an entertainment channel. Fox it’s self says it’s only “News” from 10am until 5 pm east cost time. The rest is entertainment.


FOX is like TMZ. They both provide drama and FOX provides a healthy dose of racism, sexism, homophobia, bigotry, ultra-nationalism, and rabid, far-right fanaticism.



Note the source. The Daily Wire has a very mixed history of accuracy. It is an extreme right opinion outlet. It has virtually no credability & is truely fake news. Similar to that Australian immigrant's video rag POX . Hannity? A very nice man when he is not talking. That's how I like him & my men.


I always figured that until the OAN channel came out, Fox was all there was out there geared toward the conservatives, so they got 100 percent of their viewers, while the liberals had 4 or 5 msm channels to watch. So, assuming all conservatives will most likely tune into Fox, they're ratings will be higher than the others just because the liberals will be skipping around the others.

Fair point


Lies are always much more entertaining than the truth.

I did provide a link

@gater and...…???? You missed the point of my post apparently. Do you need me to tweet it to you or draw you some pictures with crayons?

@Darthpug yes - I like crayon


Right that's 3m out of 360 m. Just the nutballs tune to fox. The rest of us are in foxhole ducking shrapnel. But trust me the tide will turn.


Is there any way that I could even remotely believe this crap to be true? Not on your life!

do a quick search - you'll discover the truth

@gater I had the truth from worldwide TV news and multiple Internet writings until Orange Bozo came on the scene and suddenly he was the only one smart enough to know truth. Everything else was "fake news." Breitbart, Hannity, and Alex Jones are so proud. The rest of the world is lying about poor Bozo. What other conclusion could a person come to??

@DenoPenno Well he is the smartest politician ive ever seen.

@gater hahahaha smart? He is a conartist. I will give you that he is clever, as most conartists are, however smart he is not. Also, glad you realized he is a politician. We can put to bed all the reasons people voted for him is because he wasn't a politician.

@Darthpug lol billionaire

@gater daddy's money. A self made billionaire like Oprah is much smarter than Trump.

@Darthpug yes he did start out with 40 million - his personal wealth is now over 3 billion, his corporation is worth over 10 billion. Yes Oprah is bright but shes no Trump.

@gater If she wasn't black maybe Trump could adopt her.

@DenoPenno Is this your round about way of calling him a racist? how many black children have you adopted?

@gater None but my ex wife of 12 years is black and we are still friends.


Who wants to watch a liberal piece of crap like CNN and MSNBC. The only time I watch those is the morning after Trump won to see those idiots cry.

lol, I can't stand that Anderson Cooper, he was a spoiled little child that never grew up - constantly interrupting whoever he's interviewing.

Well it's mostly because normal people lead lives and do things constructive. Fox news watchers just sit and wait to be told what to be scared of next. If this is what you people get off on it is sad.

NRA former Baptist southern cattleman.... maybe agnostic.... well maybe you can at least convince the GOP to quit shoving their religion down my throat. One can dream.

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