Showing the newest forum posts in all categories as well as posts from your groups.
Showing the newest forum posts in all categories as well as posts from your groups.
Philosophy & Meaning
Feb 5, 2022Feb 2022

Posted by puff
Why has Neil Young not spoken out against the Canadian protests? He is Canadian They have adopted his 1 song, altering the lyrics to "Keep on truck'n in the free world" As an anti government policy re covid protest, are they not creating vaccine ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Feb 5, 2022Feb 2022

Posted by skado
In keeping with the standards that have become the norm on this site (if they were ever different) I offer no "proof" or rational justification for the following comment. It is my earnestly held opinion - nothing more - based on four years of ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Feb 5, 2022Feb 2022

Posted by RussRAB
What are the major differences between government - especially in a more ancient context - and religion? We tend to think of the two as being different sorts of entities, but I suspect that the reason for this is that religions have existed in ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Feb 2, 2022Feb 2022

Posted by Matias
Can anybody can have the last word on any topic ?
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 30, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by puff
Some say that the unvaccinated should foot the bill for medical treatment for Covid-19. I disagree as if people start getting "ramped" for lifestyle choices it could set a dangerous precedent and destroy the Hippocratic Oath. However If the ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 30, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by AJimboShep82
I just got to thinking how Christians pray to their god and call him father as if he were a parental figure but what kind of parent would put his children in harms way as an example of Job essentially stating to his enemy to destroy everything he ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 30, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Castlepaloma
Finally Canadian are pushing back from harmful vaccination mandates. A year ago, I said they will try to mandate vaccines. Most here said they would not mandate it. Here we are, fighting for our choice of body, freedom and human rights...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 29, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Toonman
Another group of snake oil salesmen making money off your fear, paranoia, and irrationality. In the event of complete societal collapse-- 1. Not only will your paper money be worthless, so will coinage and every precious metal. 2. Your ammo will ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 29, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Castlepaloma
All in all, we are just another sheep in the mall
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 28, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Toonman
When people call something weird, the something really isn't weird. It may be unorthodox, unusual, out-of-the-ordinary. Or it may merely be interesting, which is something Americans avoid like a dog turd dipped in anthrax. "Weird" is what people ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 27, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by puff
Bloody Hell. If this does not concern you...........
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 27, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Castlepaloma
Be the master of your own fate.
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 26, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by puff
Something serious to think about. Is this the POTUS needed in these times of international seismic movements?There is a ban on 35's holding the office of POTUS. Why is there no upper limit? I cannot see Joe Biden being able to complete his full ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 26, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Mcflewster
Confessions first I am continually trying as gently as I can to find out why members of this website post here. In particular which ones actually praise agnosticism. I do not ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 23, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Dougy
Not a Good Idea 🧐
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 23, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Dougy
Immortality & Sociopaths
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 23, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Dougy
Morning After Coffee with Jesus
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 22, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by puff
Interesting commentary from the WH re Ukraine "I would note that the United States has delivered more security assistance to Ukraine in the last year than any point in history. In the last year alone, we committed $650 million in security assistance...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 19, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by FvckY0u
I was thinking about this so figured I'd post it in this group. Misinformation is everywhere. Misinformation is like a virus. How do you counteract misinformation? First, you need to have a trusted source(s). A source where you trust the ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 17, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by dalefvictor
Wondering if anyone else on this site listens to the Lex Fridman Podcast. The one for last night or the night before was a discussion between two Conservatives on what Conservatism is about. What I heard made no sense to me as it does not seem to me...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 16, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by puff
"Persona non grata":- An unacceptable or unwelcome person Example: Novak Djokovic, 9 times Australian and defending champion, is now persona non grata with the regime. What a difference a couple of years make. I see no meaning ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 13, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Hudson007
Is it true there is life after dead?
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 13, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by puff
Time to tax the non-believers. Put in philosophy as I wish to pose this question Are we about to enter a new "Dark Ages" where one ideology totally dominates over all others, with no room for dissent?
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 12, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Hudson007
Can we survive without money?
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 12, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by K007
Please listen
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 12, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by K007
LINKShanti S Bangalore at Samarpan Group Speaker Sharing on "I, the Agnostic" AA Recovery Sharing - YouTube
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 12, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by K007
Hello my friends
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 11, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by PBuck0145
One can't be too careful!
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 10, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by mistymoon77
Without it getting thrown back at ya. Just sayin..
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 10, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Castlepaloma
Big Technology community guidelines??? Clear as mud.
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 10, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Castlepaloma
Rowan Atkinson on free speech.
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 9, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by JackPedigo
As a contributing member of an international group known as “The Brights.” I often find interesting postings. I do believe there is a meaning to LIFE (writ large) and that is to evolve. Human life evolves through knowledge and ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 9, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Word
Is there a philosophical view that explains the control of knowledge such that, those that know, use what they know to control those that do not know? Such as we see with capitalism slavery, patent and intellectual right laws and used by ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 9, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by aisha1998
Domestic voilence
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 9, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Fernapple
Since Narcissus and his followers seem to be theme of the week I thought I would have five cents worth and ask. Is theist religion just a form of narcissism ? The Greek myth of Narcissus tells of a youth, who fell so deeply in love with the beauty of...
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 7, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Lorajay
Krista Tippett grew up in Shawnee Oklahoma. She hosts a very interesting podcast and NPR radio show. Here are some links to her work.
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 7, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by AgnosticJonah93
Life is so absurd that it's amazing!!
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 6, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by redbai
Critical thinking...
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 5, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by Fernapple
If a Christian tells you. "But not believing just leads to nihilism." Perhaps you should just tell them that nihilism is just the road to happiness. LOL
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 3, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by FlyingEagle1952
I stopped reading the Bible 50 years ago. However I am obsessed with how and when the Universe was created.......and why are we here? I guess the best answer you can come up with is in the end only an opinion.
Philosophy & Meaning
Jan 2, 2022Jan 2022

Posted by TheMiddleWay
"If I were pressed for a one-word opposite of the Socratic method, a strong candidate would be Twitter," —Ward Farnsworth, The Socratic Method: A Practitioner’s Handbook
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 31, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by RhondaShotwell
Three ways to be more rational in the new year by Steven Pinker. "When sated, we can throw out the chocolate so that when we're hungry there's nothing to binge on." If it's bad chocolate then, sure, but if it's good chocolate then it's nice to save...
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 31, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by redbai
Nothing about fear.
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 28, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Castlepaloma
All hockey games and world hockey tournament are cancelled. Even every player is fully vaccinated and still due to covid cases skyrocketing. Maybe CDC will blame on the Ice or unvaxxers again. Do most here still believe Biden said that vaccines ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 27, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Castlepaloma
Critical thinking is dangerous according to powers to be.
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 27, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by LenHazell53
The Case Against Santa Denialism
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 26, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Word
"Even thought I left christianity in about 2009, it wasn&039;t until the past 4 or 5 years that I ..." I had posted in other group, but it is applicable to discuss about meanings and usages of words. Please feel free to click on link and discuss.
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 24, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by PBuck0145
Leftists' appeal to Conservatives to stop supporting 2A.
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 23, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by FrostyJim
Isn't that special...
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 23, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Willow_Wisp
At long last we know all that we could learn from history, and that is that people learn nothing from history.
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 21, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Beowulfsfriend
Who would you save?
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 21, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by WilliamCharles
LINKBefore There Was Christmas, There Was the Solstice, and Hope
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 20, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by FrostyJim
May this Solstice and turning of the wheel bring you love, peace, and good fortune in the coming year. Let us welcome the returning sun with Hope and Joy. May you never thirst!
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 20, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Ryo1
Hmm... profound... 😆 Open the link to see the comic in full size. Anarchy on the Street
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 19, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Toonman
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 19, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Toonman
A statement of purpose...
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 17, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by PBuck0145
Steven Pinker answers questions.
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 17, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Mizbecca
Question am I Agnostic? I don't believe in God or Christianity...I much rather believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy. I really don't care about Christianity or any do your thing I'll do mine...I stay away from ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 16, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Toonman
Yelling "fire" in a crowded movie house is not protected speech. Yelling "movie" in a crowded firehouse is. Let that sink in.
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 16, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by SpikeTalon
Voltaire's words were true back then, and still are to this day. Objective truth (reality) is still under constant attack- "In Defense of Objective Knowledge- [quillette."
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 15, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by PBuck0145
Clear Perspective with Serene LeeRoutinely posts objective and insightful viewpoints on World affairs.
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 15, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by TheMiddleWay
POLLPrompted by the disbelief of one of our members that atheists would ever visit a theist site, I created this poll.

Have you ever visited a site similar to but religious in nature?

  • 10 votes
  • 85 votes
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 15, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by rainmanjr
LINKGraham Hancock: Consciousness and the Limits of the Materialist Paradigm
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 13, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by LadyLinK
Pushing digital ink
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 13, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by TheMiddleWay
LINKThe Steel Man Technique: How To Argue Better And Be More Persuasive
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 13, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Toonman
Engage your passions. Make something. Because one of these days you'll be warehoused, surrounded by nurses, orderlies, and activities directors who will not give a single shit about what you used to be.
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 12, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by DenoPenno
My long time religious friend died late Friday afternoon after having a sudden stroke. His name was Willie and he was about my age. We met and became friends around the age of 12 or 13. Later we attended the same types of Evangelical churches and he ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 11, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by PBuck0145
The "War on Science".
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 11, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by rainmanjr
LINKAlan Watts Zen Philosophy
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 9, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Cyklone
Have you ever just hugged your dog and thought about the strength, love, joy and support that our two species bring each other from having evolved together? 🤗🤗
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 8, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by rainmanjr
LINKViolence & Protest | Philosophy Tube
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 7, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by TheMiddleWay
Seems to me that in the opinion of many on this board, women have Bodily Autonomy when it comes to abortion but not when it comes to getting vaccinated. By this I mean that the same group of people that lambast people for not embracing autonomy when...
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 7, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by TheMiddleWay
Seems to me that in the opinion of many on this board, women have Bodily Autonomy when it comes to abortion but not when it comes to getting vaccinated. By this I mean that the same group of people that lambast people for NOT embracing autonomy when...
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 6, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by rainmanjr
LINKThe Art of Effortless Living (Taoist Documentary)
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 5, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by HeAdAkE
Birthrates are falling globally. Even before the pandemic, urbanization was driving population decline. Something is clearly going on. What could it be?
Philosophy & Meaning
Dec 4, 2021Dec 2021

Posted by Word
What is giving a name to meaning or definition? nomenclature Main question 1. But, If "something" has meaning or a definition, does changing the name of it change the meaning and definition? Main question 2. And, is there such a word, ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 30, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by rainmanjr
LINKTheron Q. Dumont - Thought Vibrations
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 30, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Ryo1
Materialism... Philosophy matters. 😆
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 29, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by redbai
This universe is something that I've created with my mind to deal with reality, it's sad that it will all go away with my passing.
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 27, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Ryo1
Camus Teaches Elementary School 😆
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 26, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by antman
So none of us believe we have a creator but anyone have ideas away from evolution as well?
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 25, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by snytiger6
LINKJudge All But Tosses Case Against FL Catholic School Accused of Being Too “Woke” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 25, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Storm1752
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody! We have a lot to be thankful for... Could we hit the pause button on the constant Christian bashing and look on the bright side for one day, or half a day?!? It's too bad we have no positive alternative to replace all ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 24, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Matias
Identity politics assumes that each identity has its own epistemology, a different way of seeing the world, and that a white straight man can never understand the experience of a black gay man or a lesbian woman of color. Identity comes before, and ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 22, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Matias
What is your definition of stupidity?
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 21, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Ryo1
Freethought is a philosophical position that holds that ideas and opinions should be based on science and reason, and not restricted by authority, tradition, or religion. And because of their free thoughts, unorthodox and thus controversial, ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 20, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by FrostyJim
Not an excuse...
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 20, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Castlepaloma
The Great Resignation, or the great awakening I found the silver lining to this planedemic. This is a very important message to all, since most of your waking hours in life is working. I lost my sculpture industry to the covid world ...
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 20, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Backslidden
I've been thinking......I spent some time in a church. Doesn't matter which one. It was part of my journey to becoming agnostic, and seeing the person, I am really. I learned, I'm the person who created my life. So far so good.
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 19, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by FrostyJim
...karma is a bitch.
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 19, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by rainmanjr
POLLTAO TE CHING: The Complete Hoff Translation

I also enjoy it

  • 3 votes
  • 0 votes
1 comment
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 15, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by creative51
Just wondering how many if any of the atheists or agnostics on this site are familiar with or perhaps belong to "The Brights"? I am a member. For those who have not heard of them, they are a group which members " have a naturalistic worldview, free ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 11, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by FrostyJim
You can't fix & crazy...
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 11, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by JonnaBononna
The 7 fundamental tenets of The Satanic Temple. Much better than those commandments.
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 10, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by anglophone
Bullshit may baffle brains, but brighter brains beat the shit out of bullshit.
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 8, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by KWAPELL7
dedicated to my beloved Mother Thank U for being the - Wonderfull - Gracious & Compassionate - Caring - Person Mother Friend Soul Spirit Being - that U were to my Self & All others - Thank U Mother for All that U gave - so that so many others ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 8, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Deb57
How do you respond to people who insert the absurd claim, "Everything happens for a reason," into a conversation? Are you polite about it, do you judge that person, or does it simply end your interest in continuing to talk to them?
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 6, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by Matias
One of the worst misnomers in the current political debate: "Social Justice Theory" 1. It is not a theory, but a modern quasi-religion for secular people, or a religious ideology for people who need a "Theory for Everything" which explains what is ...
Philosophy & Meaning
Nov 4, 2021Nov 2021

Posted by VORPCORP
Are we seeing the end of how the world is? Will we all lose everything?