Showing the newest forum posts in all categories as well as posts from your groups.
Showing the newest forum posts in all categories as well as posts from your groups.

Religion & Spirituality
Jan 4, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by Petter
"Amen" is actually a Hebrew word meaning "certainly", "truth" or "verily". Maybe we atheists should be using it.
Religion & Spirituality
Jan 3, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by NoMagicCookie
Is it just me or do you also find sadistic evil projected in the “loving” name of the Christian god? Today I attended one of the most horrible funeral services I can remember. In a sterile funeral parlor free from structural ornamentation ...
Religion & Spirituality
Jan 1, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by barjoe
Deven Green, who goes by the name of Mrs Betty Bowers, says it all with one tweet. Her New Year's message rings true for every day of the year.
Religion & Spirituality
Jan 1, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by Science-guy
I have found this to be rather accurate
Religion & Spirituality
Jan 1, 2023Jan 2023

Posted by FrostyJim
The force has spoken...
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 31, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Pope Francis and world leaders pay tribute to Benedict XVI
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 31, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Former Pope Benedict XVI dies at 95
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 31, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by anglophone
"A report this year found failed to act over four child abuse cases as archbishop of Munich - he acknowledged errors, but denied wrongdoing": . The evil two-faced wretch is now dead. Can I go and dance on his grave, ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 29, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Ex-Pope Benedict's failing health presents difficult decisions for Vatican
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 29, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Apunzelle
LINK16 Y.O. Who Knows Ancient Greek Challenges Her Sunday School Teacher's Bible Translation And Gets Kicked Out | Bored Panda
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 29, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by anglophone
The damning condemnation of the Roman Catholic Church in 2009 by Christopher Hitchens is worthwhile revisiting 13 years later:
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 28, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by barjoe
LINKWhat Will Happen When Pope Benedict Dies? | indy100
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 26, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by racocn8
Wheeee-yewwww!! I am so glad to have Christmas over!!! What a nauseating display of stupidity and materialism. Paying homage to the worst lies in a tradition of blood-thirsty hate and bigotry. Yes, lets whitewash all the evil of the last 2000 years...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 26, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Leetx
I don't get the concept of prayer. Either your god is to dumb to know what to do without you telling it..OR... It knows what to do but wants you to beg it to do the right thing. childish either way.
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 25, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by rainmanjr
LINKRumination on My Theory of Everything (42) - YouTube
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 25, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Pope Francis says world suffering a 'famine of peace'
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 25, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Wakenbaker
In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season it's easy to forget the true meaning of Christmas. Let's try not to forget the man whose birthday we're celebrating, Humphrey Bogart, born Christmas Day, 1899.
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 24, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by St-Sinner
A more important day
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 24, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Wakenbaker
THE LAZARUS STORY So, I'm watching this show called Jesus: His Life. What it's doing on the History Channel I don't know. Then again, they show Ancient Aliens on there so maybe it's appropriate. Anyway, there's a scene when Jesus is preaching in ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 23, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by OldMetalHead
LINKJehovas Vitner taper registrering som trossamfunn. | Statsforvalteren i Oslo og Viken
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 23, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by anglophone
The God Mob is alive and well in Western Australia, and it continues to peddle its evil:
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 23, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Fernapple
I have long thought that one of the reasons for Christianity's popularity, was the ironic fact that its core, the Bible, was not an authored book. But was rather a scrapbook of bits, sourced from many different places, by many different, often ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 23, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Scribbler
Why is everyone leaving?
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 22, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Paul4747
LINKPope warns Vatican staff an 'elegant demon' lurks among them
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 22, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by FvckY0u
These are nuns I can get behind. Let me rephrase that. These are nuns I could support.
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 22, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by St-Sinner
Just a tip of the Iceberg
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 21, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by jonranson442
How to Cancel YouTube TV
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 20, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Israeli archaeologists excavating 'Jesus midwife' tomb The Israeli antiquities authority says archaeologists are excavating an ancient tomb traditionally associated with Jesus’s midwife in the hills southwest of Jerusalem
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 20, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by noworry28
Participating in a "Victorython" fundraiser right-wing pastor Jesse Duplantis brags about being a multi-millionaire with his own private plane while telling viewers that they can "speed up" the return of Christ by donating him cash. Pastor Says Jesus...
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 19, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by noworry28
Brooklyn pastor who was robbed while preaching charged with wire fraud and lying to FBI in unrelated case. As the pastor of Leaders of Tomorrow International Ministry, Whitehead allegedly defrauded one of his parishioners out of about $90,000 from ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 19, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by OldMetalHead
LINKAfter eviction, Christian hate-preacher Jonathan Shelley can't find a new home
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 19, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Vatican defrocks Trump-supporting, anti-abortion priest for blasphemous posts
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 19, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Mike-IMA
There's nothing special about the future.
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 18, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by St-Sinner
The Stupidity of the Ignorant
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 18, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Wakenbaker
In the Atheist/Agnostic community, I'm thinking there are two main schools of thought on Jesus. 1) He never existed. 2) He existed but was just a man without any magic powers. Which school of thought do you belong to?
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 18, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Mike-IMA
Religious beliefs
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 17, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by racocn8
Okay, I'm a fan of Tom Lehrer...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 17, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Greatest
Equality is downsizing religions, as parents refuse to downsize their love for an LGBTQ+ or female child. Premise --- Parents want to love their LGBTQ+ kids without prejudice or negative discrimination. I see Christianity and all religiosity ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 17, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Florida pastor accused of Covid fraud a no-show in court due to 'grave medical concerns'
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 17, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by noworry28
The universe is estimated to be around 13.7 billion years old. The planet 🌎 earth is estimated to be 4.5 billion years old. The human race is estimated to inhabit the earth for approximately 200 thousands years. This is when the various religions...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 16, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by FrostyJim
Another Myth - Busted...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 16, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by FrostyJim
You really can't make this sh!t up...?
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 16, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Wakenbaker
Okay, yes, I believe it's 100% fiction, so it doesn't matter, but I can't help it, it's bugging me. Let's say, for argument's sake, the fairy tale of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden actually happened the way the story says it did. I think Adam and...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 15, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Wakenbaker
I had rejected the Bible for its silliness a long time ago, but I'd forgotten just how ridiculous it is. It's stunning to believe people read the old testament and buy the idea that long ago human beings lived to be up to 900 years old. They accept ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 15, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by ChrisAine
Why give people free will and then punish them for exercising this free will? agnost atheist freewill dogma choice
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 15, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Wakenbaker
What do you suppose the light source was on day number one of creation, since the sun wasn't created till day number four? God said, "Let there be light," and...? He made a lantern? What?
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 13, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Wakenbaker
MORE BS FROM MY CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW COURSE According to the Christian Worldview, if you spend your life being kind and helping others, doing good work, and being a productive member of society, even if you feel like you have a good relationship with...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 13, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by puff
A good atheist/ agnostic song by XTC Dear God
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 12, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Wakenbaker
Okay, I was taking some courses online at a Christian University. One of the prerequisites I was required to take was Christian Worldview. I got an A in the course but did not hold back on my Atheism. I came up with this extreme example just to make ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 12, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by FrostyJim
Get off my lawn...!
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 12, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Lorajay
The winter solstice has been a key religious date, most likely since pre-history, because it's the darkest part of the annual cycle. The Church chose to memorialize Jesus' birthday at that time in order to compete with the Roman saturnalia festival ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 11, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Who’s giving Americans spiritual care? As congregational attendance shrinks, it’s often chaplains Chaplains have always provided spiritual care outside traditional houses of worship, but their significance is growing as Americans’ religious ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 11, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Chicago priest Michael Pfleger cleared of abuse charges, reinstated to St. Sabina Cardinal Blase Cupic of the Archdiocese of Chicago announced Saturday that an investigation had found no support for the allegations against the well-known priest. ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 11, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
New Japan law aims at Unification Church fundraising abuses Japan’s parliament has enacted a law to restrict malicious donation solicitations by religious and other groups, which mainly targets the Unification Church, whose fundraising tactics and ...
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 10, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Lorajay
Visual of usefulness of Christ
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 10, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by rainmanjr
LINKWho Was The Real Mary Magdalene? Art's Scarlet Woman (Waldemar Januszcsak Documentary) | Perspective
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 9, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Shadowfax
Brittany grinder if entering a Muslim country wouldn't have cared if she had weed Maybe they would have thrown her off a tall building for being gay
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 8, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Sgt_Spanky
We're on the cusp of 2023 and still no sign of the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Xians will excuse his absence until the end of time without questioning it but I am not so forgiving. Therefore if Jesus doesn't show his skinny ass ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 7, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Samuel Bateman: Polygamous cult leader had 20 wives, FBI says
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 7, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Some churches leave UMC through formal process; others are suing Legal action — or the threat of legal action — represents a new strategy on behalf of churches that want to leave the 6.4 million-member United Methodist Church.
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 6, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by FvckY0u
Letter to the religious I personally don't care what anyone believes or has faith in so long as it doesn't mean to control me in any way. That's where my problem with religion lies at it's core. Whether it's Christianity for which we're most ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 6, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Reignmond
LINKI think many of us would agree with Mr. W. H. Mallock
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 6, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by dreamwings
Your thoughts on angel numers? I keep seeing 1212 literally everywhere!
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 6, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by FvckY0u
I posted this on another website in response to the many Christians who espouse the opinion that Christmas should be all about Jesus Christ and nothing else. It's "Merry Christmas" and not "Happy Holidays" Ah Christmas time again. Christmas trees, ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 6, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by FvckY0u
I can't speak to all religions and religious beliefs but in my experience I think what keeps many in the thick of things religion wise is the unchangeability of it. Many religious people reject and/or ignore so much science. Why? Because science, ...
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 4, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by ADKSparky
I just saw this.
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 4, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Iran to disband morality police amid ongoing protests, says attorney general
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 4, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by Mike-IMA
Learn to be human
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Dec 1, 2022Dec 2022

Posted by xenoview
Esther House inquiry uncovers allegations of exorcism and sexual assault
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 30, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by MerlinZap
I agree fully.
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 30, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Wakenbaker
I decided to take some courses online and was just about finished with the enrollment process when I found out it was a Christian university. I figured, "What the hell? That won't bother me. I went to Catholic school from first through eighth grade."...
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 30, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by TheoryNumber3
If I see any more praying hands emojis on FB I'm going to hurl. What is the deal with all the people praying publicly on social media? Recently I have seen a plethora of christian prayer memes and other various other types of religious dogma. Why ...
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 29, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Barnie2years
LINKAnti “woke” parents try to recruit church leaders.
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 29, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by xenoview
Census 2021: Minority identify as Christian in England and Wales for the first time
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 28, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Archeus_Lore
LEt the "Faith Healers" take on this challenge:
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 27, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Buttercup
Not too heavenly
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 27, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by LearnSDS
What if we are wrong? And there is something out there? But b/c we are stuck on words to define it like 'God' we dismiss it? We can still be good people, but we are calling 'IT' different things. Dividing us.
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 26, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by rainmanjr
LINKAri Shaffir - JEW (2022) FULL SPECIAL - YouTube
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 25, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by rainmanjr
LINKCelia Deane-Drummond - New Visions of the Divine?
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 25, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by abyers1970
The biggest problem with Christianity in my opinion is that all the Christians think they know the final score of the game beforehand. The predict a 56-0 rout at the beginning of the game. At the end of the 3rd qtr when the score is 28-7 in favor of ...
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 25, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by LenHazell53
Texas Megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, a supporter of Christian Nationalism, called out to conservative Christians to "impose their values on society." In a recent interview with Tim Clinton, the host of Real America's Voice, Robert Jeffress, ...
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 24, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by abyers1970
When I had my doubts about my own religion I decided to do some research. I decided to start at the beginning and do some research about what king of historical evidence was there of Jesus. Well I found out the main evidence was of a writing by ...
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 23, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Moravian
“It is by the grace of God that a bullet missed me,” Tyler said. “I saw the smoke leaving the gun, and I literally watched bodies drop. It was crazy.” A comment by a worker who escaped injury in the Wallmart shooting in Virginia. So the ones...
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 22, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by St-Sinner
More bizarre from mythology
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 22, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by LenHazell53
While mourning the deaths at Colorado Springs park to honor five people killed and 17 wounded in a weekend shooting at a gay nightclub. It should be remembered, that along with the charges the man (Anderson Lee Aldrich,) charged with opening fire at ...
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 21, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by OleBlueEyes
Mary was raped by another human being, Joseph was an old widower who saved her by marriage from “the people” who would have stoned her to death and Jesus who was gay also who hid from “the people” with his words of salvation and love.
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 20, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by OldMetalHead
LINK'Cultural earthquake': Iranian female basketball team posts unveiled photo on Instagram
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 20, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by ADKSparky
The real story of Hanukkah
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 20, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by fishline79
This is a page from my book, "Food for Thought". It was written back in the eighties as a song on one of my albums, and is even more topical today. The elders among you may recognize the charismatic figures they describe. The quotations that follow...
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 19, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by OldMetalHead
This exactly
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 19, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Petter
In exactly 5 weeks time it will be Christmas, but did you know that Christmas IS NOT A BIBLICAL HOLIDAY. (holy day)? This article comes from a Christian biblical web site, so let's not have any bunkum about a so-called "war on Christmas". ...
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 18, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by of-the-mountain
Why the Ten Commandments have No place in public schools!!! We are NOT a Christian nation, hence there is reason to have the Ten Commandments in any public school, college, university, or public parks and museums!!! The article noted below notes ...
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 18, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by of-the-mountain
Christianity has become a collection of babbbling, all out gibberish, arm waving, swooning, rolling all over the floor, speaking tongues, hypnotic praying spasms, begging for money for jet airplanes, exotic cars, overtly large mansions, and for $5000...
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 17, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by aplaceintime
Interesting concept
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 17, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Druvius
Wow, layers of stupid just starting with the first quote. What does procreation have to do with marriage? Nothing. I'm sure it goes downhill from there: Ben Shapiro says Martians who visit Earth would be opposed to same-sex marriage ...
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 16, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Scribbler
When you've been doing nothing but talking to the floor.
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 14, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Scribbler
God is Everywhere
Religion & Spirituality
Nov 14, 2022Nov 2022

Posted by Scribbler
Why do atheists hate God?