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Some people are just born into a lucky life while others aren’t? True or false?

I couldn’t help but notice this. I’ve seen here are some people who just can’t seem to have anything go well in life no matter how hard they try. Yet I’ve seen some people where everything just always falls into place all the time. It just seemed like there was always something messing up in these people’s lives and I just needed to make sure I wasn’t the only one to notice this and wonder if it’s just some people are born into a lucky life while others aren’t?

EmeraldJewel 7 Sep 24

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It is totally true.


It's as if there is no god!

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 26, 2018



Every thing that made major impacts on my life I chose. I chose to be born male, I chose to be born white, I chose to have educated parents and grandparents, I chose to be born in the US, I chose to be born in the second half of the 20th century. Wait, I didn't chose shit, it was the lucky sperm club lottery I won.


But yes , y will this even be a question ? U think the poor people who were born in any underdeveloped country chosed to be born there or have same opputtinities like rest of the world ? When u don't have enough to eat or a clean safe place to sleep , very litle matters . No life is not fair to everyone alive .


Not only aren't you the only one to notice this but you've stumbled into one of the most unshared pieces of wisdom on earth -- it ALL comes down to luck.

When I hit on this realization years ago, it floored me. Why had no one told me?! All the self-help crapola, all the positive thinking bullshit, it's all a sales pitch to distract from the truth that success and failure in this world hinges almost entirely on how lucky you get. Talent and ambition will only get you so far alongside everyone else with talent and ambition, it's luck that puts you over the top.

George Carlin believed that only two things determine how far you go in life: luck and genetics, and genetics is largely based on luck. He readily admitted he had been incredibly lucky all throughout his career. Harrison Ford admitted the same thing about himself and so did Clark Gable and plenty of others.

Luck begets more luck by opening doors and making greater opportunities available that would otherwise not be open. Does anyone honestly believe Trump would've amounted to anything but a petty con man if he hadn't have been lucky enough to be born into great wealth?


I think it's both. Some people are born with more advantages, but it's also what they do with them. And some people with disadvantages have it undeniably harder, so to also say it's just how hard you work is a fallacy -- said by many who come from privilege... There's a saying that goes, "some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple."


True. We are born into a life that our parents have chosen to bring us into. As we get older, we will discover on our own what we want for ourselves.


You should ask people of color who are born into families that live in economically depressed areas where the only people who seem to have money there are drug dealers and gang members and the few jobs available are minimum wage.


I think if you are lucky enough to have been born to parents that are loving and know how to nurture, your lot in life will be easier than one where parents are ‘fragmented!’ Our basic outlook sure determines how we manage our life. Happy people have less health issues, earn more money and just manage their affairs better.


My experience is that most people aren't very lucky because they don't recognize opportunity or if they do recognize it they are afraid of its consequences.
Fear of failure and fear of success can paralyze you.

What if I lose the investors, parents friends etc. money?
Whole families are relying on me to pay their bills. What if I can't make payroll?
What if my idea fails?
What if someone gets hurt on the job?
I can't do this I'm not a boss.

Your self-doubt could lead to failure leaving you for the rest of your life feeling that you are unlucky but we both know the truth.
You were afraid to take a chance.

you missed the point. Some just catch all breaks with out trying. Some try at every chance and fall flat on their face. The good salesman has a gift of gab and acts like you are his best friend. Then you have an honest man who can't sell an umbrella to a man with not hat in a down pour


I wouldnt believe in luck if mine wasnt verifiably awful. I feel like theres some underlying analogous truth that links string theory, resonant frequencies, simply being born wrong place or wrong timing, and on some level, the law of attraction, that all intermingle on some quantum level, metaphorically in our psyche if not affecting the material world directly. To a certain extent we do it to ourselves and we are capable of making our own luck through working on ourselves, loosening up, lowering our resonant frequency from an erratic shrill pitch down to a mellow hum, however you want to look at it. finding a flow state in the arts is a microcosm of what I believe is possible to tune into on a lifelong level through mindfulness.

To some extent luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Some people are born into a life where those two gears are already synched up to an extent that they can't possibly fuck it up enough to matter. Their parents were entirely prepared for them and managed to send them off into a rather charmed life. and others get born offtime to some average dimwits and have a hell of a hole to dig their way out of before they can think about gaining altitude above sea level. I have to believe luck is like your IQ. Highly subjective and environmentally influenced, but its possible to improve with a metric fuck ton of hard work.


Life is random.


Some are lucky enough to be born into a environment that provides a positive food, education, money, opportunities, genetics (no genetic diseases) etc. If you have ample resources you are lucky.


Yes... This is true. However... I have seen people born into a lucky life that go down in flames.... While others who struggle in life come out the true winner!


I have to say that I have been quite lucky in life when I see how other people’s lives have panned out. No idea why that may be but it just is.


Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. Ralph Waldo Emerson


You're really screwed if you get hit with rotten luck while still appearing privileged: then you're not only not believed and not helped, you're condemned and villified to boot.

I get it: no one wants to be confronted with the reality that fate sometimes visits unthinkable random misfortune and suffering on good, harmless people--and you can't always be sure of this with the naked eye. What a horrifyingly nihilistic pill to swallow that would be! Better to make up stories about how people get what they deserve, or lie about their struggles, or both...


True, our lives would be very different if we were one of the half dead starving babies on the African continent.


It's all a crap shoot.


There is a certain degree of truth to this but your life is still what you make it. Born into money would make your life much more easy in many ways but your choices frame your fate. I once knew a woman who openly defied fate and had an affair with a married man. She told everyone that this guys wife did not care and was a terrible woman. She followed the man to his work all the time and was by his side. One day the guy's wife showed up and split this woman's lip. At the hospital she said out loud "why does everything happen to me."


Not sure "Lucky" is the correct term for describing outcomes later in life. However, Luck of birth (parent's: status, financial foundation, caring, genetics, etc, sets the stage that makes some lives easier then others.


of course it's true. but that doesn't mean that people born into lucky circumstances take advantage of them, or don't blow them totally. trump was born into a rich family and was given a million bucks to start his career. he could've been a lot richer had he invested, he didn't have to be the kind of guy who turned bankruptcy into a profit plan. he could have done anything. some people are born into poverty, and that sure isn't lucky, but they work hard, and sometimes that's what pulls them out of poverty and sometimes more bad things happen and it just doesn't work. it's not luck as in a supernatural force controlling someone's life; it's luck as in the luck of the draw. but then one does or does not take what one is dealt (another supernatural-sounding concept but honestly, that's just how our language is!) and do something with it.



True and false.
Life is a series of unconnected random events that occasionally affect other things.


This is VERY TRUE, we do make our own luck ro a point, but there are circumstances beyond our control as well.

You said that much better than I


Of course you're correct - just look at the disparate differences between those living a "charmed" childhood compared to those living an "abusive" childhood.


True. One more proof that the universe is chaotic.

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