43 7

How often do you swear?

I spend most days using the word 'fuck' like a comma but I don't seem to come across as particularly vulgar. I guess people don't give a shit....bollocks it happened again....and again!

ipdg77 8 Feb 26

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Ay least once an hour, sometimes twice 🙂


I never fucking swear I don't know what the fuck your problem is.


Every goddamn day.


All the fucking time. But only around people who won’t be offended.


A medium amount. I say "god damnit" at every available opportunity though. Sometimes I throw in a "Jesus christ of nazereth fuck my ass" for kicks.

Ha! My dad was really into saying "Jesus Christ on a crutch!" when something went wrong - i don't know what a hobbled jewish prophet has to do with life nowadays, but it has a nice ring to it


I am on the phone at work for a great deal of the day, and I am also a grandmother. So I swear like a soldier when I'm in traffic, and the rest of the time I keep it pretty locked down.


Oh shit! I swear all the muthafukin time!! dammit!! lol


Every fucking day..


Many, many times a day since the election.
I taught school and raised two girls, worked as a pharmacist and am sometimes in the company of those who object, so I had pretty much cleaned up my act until last November
Now I find myself learning more and more obscenities to shout at the TV, radio, newspaper.
I've always carried a near constant stream in my head, often while talking to someone who pisses me off. It's sometimes tough to keep them separate and often afraid I'd get my wires crossed !


That depends on the company I am with.


Any goddamned time I fucking feel like it. I have zero fucks to give for anyone keeping fucking score. Don't like it? Fucking block me.
Btw, loved the phrase "using the word 'fuck' like a comma". That was some fucking poetry right there.


Every damn day


I fucking never swear.


Language level: Sailor


Like I breathe!!!! LMFAO!!!! But, around certain people and at work, I've learned how to edit myself.


and one more thing, what wimp invented the word "frick"?

@Darthpug The one that bugs the fuck out of me was I think coined on the latest Battlestar Gallactica series. "Frack". Is changing the spelling and pronunciation supposed to 'soften' the swear? Seems silly and yes 'wimpy' to me.

@ScienceBiker Agreed !!


Fuck if I know!!


Every feckin day. A lot of times its in my head (at work) or under my breath (around small children). I curse a lot while driving & at the gym (but not so loud as not to offend others).


I swear I don't know (lol). Not very often though, yet still more than I like. If I hear it too much, it starts coming out of me, and often not at appropriate times. I don't have a great filter, so I try not to even have it in my vocabulary at all, so I can avoid some embarrassment.


All the fucking time.

JimG Level 8 Feb 26, 2018



Same. Must've been a sailor in a past life,lol.


Very interesting question! I curse a lot! I was in the army, I was a paint contractor, and I went through engineering school! The girls who were in engineering school with me dropped f-bombs like nobody's business! I have heard that now studies show people who curse a lot are of a higher intellect, whereas the old method of thinking was that if you cursed a lot it's because you were of limited intellect because you couldn't think of anything better to say. But now they have reversed that train of thought.


Most days? I like to think I make it count.

"using the word 'fuck' like a comma" - I don't like when people literally do this, though.

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