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It is the areola that is the sin. The entire breast can be exposed with the exception of the areola. Same with the buttocks. The crack is the sin not the glutinous maximus. Go figure.


in New York its legal for a woman to be topless

that is strange lol


Bob's Boobs besmerch breasts but Beatty's be beautiful. 🙂

jeffy Level 7 Mar 4, 2018

Ever since college days I've been fond of Desmond Morris, writer of the Naked Ape. He propounds that breasts are a simulation of the rump when humans became bipedal. No other primate, not gorilla nor chimps, has anything near of the size of the human female. The reason: to reinforce the pair bond so the couple will stay together long enough to raise a baby, which is born helpless.

Probably explains the supposedly the "7 year itch " create a child,raise it until it's somewhat self sufficient,then move on to another woman and repeat the cycle ?

@Louise1920 There's another relevant book to take into consideration here. Robin Williams' "Sperm Wars". It explains the last sentence of your reply. Spermatozoa are specialized much life social insects. Only around ten percent are capable of fertilization and the rest are workers (like bees) most of which serve as soldiers guarding the cervical os from rival suiters.

The inference is that humans are "serially monogamous"" at best.

That's still around ? I read that decades ago !

@Cast1es Sure is. The science and facts don't change.

I remember from mr. Gorton's sophomore biology class, about a hundred years ago. That sex was initiated by the man and always from behind, so women evolved with large breasts in front to get the man around where he could see what he was doing.

@Maggiemay bare in mind that humans are the only species in all nature's kingdom that has a full frontal sexual view. This is of course caused by bipedalism and it's the reason breasts grew to simulate the rump.


I think that there can be a problem if a woman goes topless and then has a fit if people look intentionally. That's a little silly. I've had no problem in being topless, scars and all since I had a breast reduction going from DD to B because they were uncomfortable.

velk Level 4 Mar 5, 2018

Same! Should have done it 40 or more years ago!


I think women should be able to go topless like men do, its not fair I tell ya!

gender equality is just a word... for something that doesn't exist.

I think women would, if men could stop drooling and staring at our breasts and were able to look us in the face. It's creepy.

@hemingwaykitten it is, I don't get it, they are just fat.


For your edification: []


good one


I have heard someone is making a bikini top that covers the "unacceptable" female nipple and has silk screened on the outside, the "more acceptable" male nipple.

I'd like to see the look on the face of the bikini police encountering one of these.


Made me look.


Well defined and small please.


Seems Luke everyone is missing the points.THE NIPPLLES.They have to be covered because they are windows to the sole.Like a penis,which is OK flaccid but dare to get aroused and you are called a pervert.Women on a nudist beach may feel aroused and you can't tell.

I cannot imagine anything less arousing than a bunch of old guys hanging around (literally!!!) on a nude beach. Guys in banana HAMMOCKS, on a regular beach, no matter what shape, 99% ditto. Get over yourselves!

You know you are demeaning the people that put on uniforms and protect you right?

@Anonbene Clothed. How is expoecting them to be clothed demeaning them? Oh, and women are cops, firefighters EMT's, etc etc etc, right? Oh, also....being aroused on a nude beach is considered perversion by real nudists!

You're snarky whataboutism (your bigotry)makes you sound like a gun nut or a Trump supporter. Your demeaning of people that just happen to be born with penises tells me that you are not worth listening to on any other subject due to your open bigotry. Without those people with penises you wouldn't be here.

@Anonbene yup, because penises make you smarter, always have. And in your case, full of Assumptions. Plus I guess you are not ignoring the Fact that getting a hard-on on a nude beach makes you a pervert. Can you wrap your head around the Fact that we (the rest of humanity) aren't here for your entertainment? Oh, and speaking of "being here".....your/my/everybody's mother?


Shakespeare and I would disagree with your "fact" about why people are here.

And without your Daddy's perverted hard on you wouldn't be enjoying the life you are squandering now.


@Anonbene. AGAIN, you Assume I am "squandering my life" because it is so easy, and enjoyable, to get your panties wadded up. Oh, and ever hear of " no dicks required" to get pregnant. ASSuming (!!!!) you are indispensable is a HUGE mistake!

It must be terrible going through life thinking your Dad is a pervert because got a hard on. I feel sorry for you.


When I was fit I had decent pecs, women liked it, now I have moobs, I think they get jealous.


Fort Collins Colorado allowed toplessness, but a judge put a hold on the ruling last year. Arguments are about to start in the 10th Court Of Appeals. This passed over a year ago, but I've not seen any news reports of any women going topless in public before the judge's hold. Ridiculous that we even have to have this conversation...but at least we're having one: []

@VictoriaNotes Bwahaha! Love her net shirt! Would imagine that sticky duct tape would raise hell with mustache hairs, eh?


hehehehehehe. I love bOObs

Sacha Level 7 Mar 4, 2018

Love breasts!


Love em!!!!


I don't think anyone posted this? There are gathering around New England every year on this day: []


I have not stop laughing yet !!!

Rosh Level 7 Mar 29, 2018

There was an american boxer... middleweight I believe in the early 80's. He needed a bra. His nickname was the "vampire", due missing teeth but his breast put in shame many women I had seen. Sooner or later the announcer has to say something about his breasts... they were distracting... I wouldn't want to face him. You have to see the guy to understand. They were very perky nipples. I will try to find photo of him boxing.


If I was writing the law, everybody would be free to wear (or not) whatever they want and cover (or not) whatever parts of their body they desire. Not like I have any desire to walk down the street naked, yet I strongly believe that the clothing (or its absence) is strictly within the personal domain and as such no entity or institution has the right to enforce it outside of its own premises.

i absolutely agree with you on this: it is not my business to demand from anyone to be dressed or naked, & vice versa.


I'm glad you used the word "breasts". I dispise the word "boob", which to me, is an ignorant person. Part of the problem is not calling physical parts what they infantilize them in a way. Grow up, folks. Don't be boobs!


From a purely letchy point of view if I'm in a position to access a pair of boobs I luv 'em 🙂


This is fantastic!!

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