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LINK Crowd Chants 'F**k Trump!' Fox News World Cup Victory Celebration

Fox News viewers got an earful when the crowd at a sports bar in France began chanting “F*ck Trump!” live on the air as the network covered reaction to the U.S. Women’s Soccer team’s World Cup victory.

On Sunday afternoon, just after the U.S. team’s 2-0 victory over the Netherlands, Fox anchor Arthel Neville tossed to Greg Palkot at a sports bar in Lyon, France for reactions from American ex-pats who watched the game there.

But as Palkot gamely tried to report on the goings-on, the patrons of the bar loudly chanted “Fuck Trump! Fuck Trump!”

And a minute later, as Palot interviewed patrons, a young man and woman shouted into his microphone “Democraaaats! U.S.A Democrats!” and “Get that racist out of the White House!”

jerry99 8 July 7

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"We LiBeRaTeD yOu FrOm ThE NaZiS AnD tHiS iS hOw YoU tHaNk Us! HoW uNgRaTeFuL!"

"a young man and woman shouted into his microphone “Democraaaats! U.S.A Democrats!” and “Get that racist out of the White House!” " and the clearly young american folks that said this are clearly americans, so... curious to know if you watched the clip, or just an incoherent bit on americans saving americans from hitler.


It just warms my heart and gives me some hope...


it was a teleprompter error


Now the White House staff will have to try to keep it from Donald so he doesn’t throw a tantrum and make their lives a misery.


Lovely to hear. I want Trump to spend time in jail as soon as the illegal immigration menace is under control.


I just got a lift not everyone is fucking stupid like dumpster and its followers


That way it's been described to me is that Americans who travel abroad are probably from the coastal regions and that those who rarely leave their state let alone own a passport a middle America. It seems that the republican party draws its support from the latter.

republicans are souless, heartless moralless bunch of greedy ass morans

I travel as a hobby. I have never encountered a Trump supporter abroad. And amusingly, when Bush was President it seemed like everywhere I went people would say “George Bush very gooda!” And then “Barack Obama, very gooda!”, giving thumbs up. Now, with Trump, it’s literally always “So..Trump....?” Or a variation of that. Asked in sort of a “tf is that about?” Kind of tone. Lol


Now that made my day!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

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