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Extra money?

There is discussion about the government giving everyone over twenty one one thousand dollars every month. My question is: What would you do with the money? I am serious as I have a bet going with a friend.

dalefvictor 8 Dec 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Of course, money and material possessions are rich and wonderful; they make our lives easier and give us power and more opportunities. But it has been proven repeatedly that material wealth has no meaning to becoming a happy person and will not make you happy. To be happy and truly rich, you need to acquire another wealth, the inner wealth, which consists of knowledge, peace of mind, and joy. I read something like this recently on After that, you won't believe it, but my head was filled with many cool ideas. For example, how to make extra income. The first thing I did, was start working on opening a cooking course, as I am a great cook and have a lot of views on social networks. No one knows why such ideas didn't come to fruition before!


On top of my other retirement income? I'd spend it on nude house cleaning.


Probably use it to keep the folks in an Alzheimer's care facility, along with both of thier grand a month and my wifes. Keep me from having to liquidate a house, so that'd be nice.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 3, 2019

Save it.

Oh, who am I kidding... that just won't happen. I would go on a sybaritic binge until stopped either by the zero-sum game (no more money) or a coma (no more consciousness).

Oooo a sybaritic coma sounds awesome!😈😈😈😈😈


Buy groceries, pay bills, put some to one side


If it would take money from the armed forces & rich fat cats, I am all for it


Pay off all my's an idea that Andrew Yang is floating and is doing for 10 families nationally.

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