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Tax religions: how?

What do you think would be the most effective way to tax religions?

  • 69 votes
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dayII 6 Dec 6

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Some people may not realize the fact that in some states the church elders can get a state gov't certificate that exempts them from paying sales taxes.


They should pay income tax and property tax just like everyone else.


Assets and income -- whatever they hold of value and make it retroactive back over the last 300 years and even that's less than what they owe.


A church is just another business and should be taxed accordingly.


Tax them just as we would any other business. They are selling a product they can't even prove exists.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 7, 2019

Excellent comment.


They need to be taxed on all money that does not go directly to helping others. And, by "helping" I mean feeding, clothing, provided shelter, substance abuse programs etc --not missionary work in which the goal is to proselytize and convert . No one should be required to attend a sermon in order to be helped. If they don't like that, then they can pay taxes.


I’ve been in favor of taxing churches / religion for a very long time. Especially these goddamn TV evangelists. Multi-million dollar homes, private jets. All completely tax free. It’s such a wonderful scam. I wish I would have thought of it...


Tax them into the stoneage since that is where they seem to insist we should live like we did back then.


Taxed heavily...
The idiotsy needs controlled...


They should be taxed on both property and on revenue.


All. Of. It.
Every last dime.

Tax them into non-existence.
It's the very least they deserve.

@KKGator "tax them into non-existence", I Like!


If they meet the same standards of a regular 501c entity, as verified by independent audit, they should be allowed tax free status. If they don't, they should have to pay full corporate for profit tax rates, and all that entails. Simple as that.


The tax code specifically exempts churches form being taxed (in the U.S.) as long as they stay out of politics. That part of the tax code has never actually been enforced though. No elected official has the courage to enforce it.


I'm OK with them being tax free as long as they follow all the rules of a 501c3 organization. We need to eliminate the religious exemption that keeps them from showing where their money comes from, and goes.


I pay property tax and they can too.

You also pay a tax on income minus expenses you can legally deduct.


All of the above except the "monster" part........


If the congregation tithes to the churches, the churches in turn tithe to the government that makes it possible for them to exist openly. If the churches own property and buildings, the churches pay on those properties just as all others do.

If they have a legitimate charity, that charity can be exempt just as any other legitimate charity. There is the rub. The majority of the ministries they claim to be charitable/nonprofit are cover operations for other things. That brings to mind another pet peeve: Outreach missions done to spread their particular brand of religion should be subject to taxes because they too are covers.

Ministers/priests/rabbis/imams/etc. should be paid a living wage by their congregations and the congregations should be subject to the same employment regulations as any other business employing anyone to provide a service/product. The ministers/priests/rabbis/imams/etc. should also be subject to income tax just as is everyone else. They should not be able to operate as independent contractors.

The list goes on, and a single choice from your voting selections won't cover it all. Too bad we can't offer the option of multiple choices.


I like all three!

@LucyLoohoo I voted all three 😉


Profits/ bookkeeping can be manipulated. And is manipulated. (That's why I prefer a "Fair Tax" (vat) to the crazy tax system we have now)

So tax the property as they are given public services just like any other business: police & Fire protection, streets, snow plowing, and infrastructure are some of what they recieve

twill Level 7 Dec 7, 2019

Need to add the option into oblivion.

1of5 Level 8 Dec 7, 2019

I say a minimum of property tax. Yet, also remove that housing allowance that pastors also get to reduce from their income amount.


I get taxed on my property And my income, as do most people, why should they be any different...your choices are too exclusionary.


A church near my house has a nickname among the locals....The Church of the Holy Land Acquisition. During the last recession they bought land like crazy.


The fact that they don't should be criminal! It is just a Business like many others


Tax based on property tax .This out of the three is what effects non religions individual the most


They should simply be subject to the same laws as all other business's with the same rights and responsibilities.
Actual charitable exceptions may still apply but NOT the right to hide their accounts nor to use the charitable status of parts of their institutions as a tax avoidance measure for the whole organization.
The tightening or abolition of the use of the Corporation sole tax loophole needs also to addressed in its application religion and religious institutions.
In short churches and religions should be stripped of any special status and treatment in matters of finance.

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