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Would you like to understand reality?

There is no such thing as matter. There is only consciousness (awareness) and rules. Everything we (awareness) observe is the interacting of those rules. All the way down to the tiniest particles we will EVER hope to uncover in a super collider.

There is also no such thing as this universe. It's better to think of matter and items in terms of being events rather than items or particles. Even the universe we believe exists is really just our minds trying to make sense of the various interactions. We make them into forms and recognize patterns of interaction that condition our minds. But it's all still just awareness and rules.

No time, no space, thats all a construct. We are awareness and we are infinite. We're having to observe rules as we view existence through a Jeff Suit. So the parameters of those rules jade our observations and even our ability to observe. They condition us to think we have limits when we don't. We are infinite, pure knowledge, and pure bliss. And you don't have to do anything to achieve that or any bullshit. it's just what you are and will be again when this body passes.

We're awareness. we'll always be awareness and there is no past or future. Only now and this. No religion either. No gods except us. No us. Just I AM.


JeffMesser 8 Apr 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Ease back on that bleach, guy. Stick with the UV...

that was rude. do you entertain with that closed mind?

@JeffMesser Do you entertain the proposition that people who don't agree with your unsubstantiated claims may yet have a desire to understand Reality? I'll answer for you like you rudely answer for others: No, apparently not.

@racocn8 I accepted the "no" from numerous people who may have wanted to expound on their objections. This isnt a rape investigation. Some people are open-minded enough to be receptive and some aren't. Over 40 years I've started to figure out those who aren't with extreme efficiency and I can usually tell thru dialogue if they're hip deep in maya or of they have the impetus of the seeker within them. So you can take your "no" and be off. namaste

@JeffMesser I appreciate truth-seeking as much as anyone. You may be saluted for your efforts. But, what is the point of seeking enlightenment if the subject still behaves in a belligerant arrogant dismissive way? Should anyone expect cruel rhetoric from an ascended master? Here's a tip: pretend you have wisdom, behave accordingly; really act the part, humility and all that, and maybe, just maybe, you might stumble on some. Or, just keep going the way you are; really revel in your snarkiness, continue to have no one take you seriously, and stay in the same metaphysical rut you're in right now. Namaste, right...

@racocn8 you appreciate truth seeking? LOL


According to you matter does not exist,then, if that be so why can't I simply pass through the walls of my house instead of having to open doors?
After all, I am very conscious of the actual existence of such objects as wall/doors, etc, etc, and the bruises, etc, that one can expect when bumping in to them accidentally or otherwise.
Ergo, IF matter does not exist then neither should pain, injuries, bruises, food stuffs, soil, water, etc, etc.

rules man rules

@JeffMesser So if I disobey these so-called 'rules' as you imply, then I can walkj through walls, etc, etc, and not even feel anything or even get a mere scratch, is that correct?

@Triphid in this body as part of the interactive world we are subject to them. or this body is at least. but we're not this body. we are the awareness wearing this body as a suit. we are infinite, bliss, and pure knowledge.

@JeffMesser FYI, the ONLY way this 'awareness' of which speak can escape from the bag of bones, water, etc, etc, in which it survives is by the death and decomposition of that self-same carcass.
And, both medically and scientifically speaking, once the carcass dies and decays so does this 'awareness' as well.

Or is that simple explanation just a wee bit beyond your comprehension perhaps?

@Triphid I already accepted your no response the first time. please feel free to move on. you obviously have another path to follow.

@JeffMesser Why should it be the one who 'moves on'?
Does my knowledge put so much dread and fear into you?
IF you can't handle others disputing/disagreeing with you opinions then perhaps you should consider 'moving on' to fields where you 'ideas'would gain acceptance.
I'd humbly suggest you try such other sites as those that follow the 'Flat Earth Ideology for example, they would most likely greet you with open arms imho.

@Triphid head to melbourne and talk to sailor bob. he's 91 so you might wanna hurry.

@JeffMesser Not a snowball's chance in a bushfire, I'm having way too much enjoyment here.

@Triphid well, it's a good 9 hrs. but it would be worth your time.

@JeffMesser Rules Jeff Messer, Rules, since as you say there is NO Matter then ergo time also does not exist, is that not so?
Since, logically, without matter there is no time to measured and vice versa, without time then there can be no Matter.

@Triphid go talk to sailor bob adamson.

@JeffMesser No, as I said I'm having far more fun here with you PLUS can you prove that this 'Sailor Bob' actually exists or is he yet another of these rules you keep talking about?


I'll take ranch with your word salad please.

I will interpret that as a no.


Good acid?

I’m around here so much ..I’ll occasionally award ‘the best laugh of the day’ - you win 😀

nope. just truth.

@JeffMesser My comment was only partly in jest. I did a lot of psychedelics in my day. I would never recommend them to anyone, but I'm very glad I had those experiences. Your post sounds just like a post-trip monologue to me. It's fun and sometimes interesting to discuss the nature of reality, but doing so rarely results in any useful new perspectives. In the end you still have to deal with the hard realities of living on this planet in a human society.

Are you sure? Maybe someone slipped you a little Molly or something... 😉


That may be so.

Doesn’t help to decide which chocolate bar to buy, but then I guess it’s already been decided by the confluence of forces that lead to the ‘decision’

you get to push the roller coaster to and fro during the trip.

@JeffMesser That means somewhere there is a ‘choice’ that can be made which is outside the confines of the model

@Geoffrey51 nope it doesn't. if you imagine the parameters of any limits then you're still thinking in 3 dimensions.

@JeffMesser So there is a mind outside of the 3D world that sets the agenda?

@Geoffrey51 no, there is no world. there is consciousness and rules.

@JeffMesser Do the rules are the confines

@Geoffrey51 sure, they can be. physical limitations imposed during the events' lifetime. every happening is its' own universe subject to its' own rules. we seem similar patterns in many of them but it's all the same.


Seriously? Can you prove your claims? Or have you just been duped by an Eastern cult? Show me the evidence.

and what evidence would make you convinced?

@JeffMesser The burden of proof is yours. What have you got?

@BestWithoutGods old books, current physics, and a discrepancy in the speed of light measurements. nut what do you have saying I am wrong?

@JeffMesser Doesn't current physics demonstrate that matter exists? Where do you get the "physics" that tells you matter is a mental construct?

@BestWithoutGods what is it made of?

@JeffMesser Sub-atomic particles form atoms. Atoms form elements and molecules. Elements and molecules form all the physical things we can observe, including our own bodies. Without matter we would have no bodies, no nature, no planets no stars. We would have nothing. Even we, ourselves, would not exist.

@BestWithoutGods come now best. you and @Bobby9 and @omnedon should be able to answer, right? what is matter made of since you declare I am not correct? Subatomic particles? what are those made of??

@JeffMesser I am not "declaring" that you are wrong. I am questioning whether it is possible that you are right. What do you think matter is made of? You seem to think that it is only imaginary. In that case, why do you bring "physics" into it? Physics says that matter and energy exist, and does a great job demonstrating that it does. Where is the flaw in physics? Can you demonstrate an ability to make things appear and disappear with only mental exercises?

@BestWithoutGods what is matter made of? what is the basic building block of matter?

@JeffMesser Sub-atomic particles. But, look, you have made some pretty wild claims, and you seem to refuse to back them up. What are your claims made of? I suspect that you have been duped by some cult. Prove me wrong, if you can.

@BestWithoutGods and what are those subatomic particles made of?

@JeffMesser []

@BestWithoutGods oh no you don't. I don't have to read an article. I was a nuclear engineer for the better part of 10 years. what are those made of?

@Omnedon this is exactly why the internet produces so many dunning-krueger candidates. you guys learn just enough about a subject to think you know what you're talking about. it goes back to a matter of epistemology. do you think we can actually photograph subatomic particles? can we grab onto one and hold it and feel it? do you even have any idea how those electron microscopes work? they measure an EVENT and place its' probability within a field of potential locations. They do this by firing electrons and measuring potential on the other side then using a computer to compare a gazillion readings. They don't grab one and say "look, got it in my hand". It's an EVENT. The result of RULES. Come back when you actually have some logical complaint. You don't even know what you do have. STart off by asking yourself "What am I?" answer that and you'll be on track.

@Omnedon answer what you are and we will have the starting point necessary. right now you're still on the physical realm. as long as you're there then the same question will be asked.

@JeffMesser Omnedon is right.

You brought up the topic. I asked for evidence. You seem to be avoiding supplying evidence by trying to put the burden of proof on everyone else. It is your hypothesis. You supply the evidence. Take your time. It may take you a day or several days, or weeks or months. But please back up your assertions. Otherwise, your hypothesis remains just a hypothesis, with no evidence to back it up. I'll wait patiently for your evidence. I will not be so patient if you keep avoiding your responsibility.

@Omnedon But what really is “existence”? It’s a big mystery.

@BestWithoutGods do you understand epistemology? either of you?? how do you prove something that cannot be perceived? you get evidence of effects that tend to substantiate. you guys really should learn about the nature of testing and evidence before making such generic arguments. I have told you there is no such thing as matter. How do you prove the negative? there is NO proof of an elementary particle. "evidence of effects that tend to substantiate". thats not the proof you think. mainly because there's no such thing as matter. it's all events happening in awareness. now that we all have an overview please tell me what matter is made of? or tell me what you are? either of those questions will be the sufficient beginning because they are both the same answer.

@JeffMesser []

@JeffMesser I'm waiting for you to provide evidence for your hypothesis. Until that happens, I am convinced that there IS matter, time, space and a universe. At present, I think that you are denying reality. Prove me wrong. I will carefully consider your evidence, when (or if) you provide it.

@Omnedon Another option is that everyone does “exist” but that we are all a single aware entity.

As an analogy think of that mental condition previously known as multiple personality disorder. Various selves live together, claiming a single body. There is no reason to think that only one of them is any more legitimate than another. They are all illusions.

@WilliamFleming Your hypothesis sounds unscientific and bizarre to me. As I said to JeffMesser, until I see evidence supporting your hypothesis, I'm not going to believe it. I go with science, not superstition.

@BestWithoutGods do you understand science? what is a meter deflection? do you understand how we measure things in science? do you understand the difference between direct and indirect proof? what do you even think proof is? you don't even know what you don't know. so please start off by addressing the question - what are you?

@BestWithoutGods If you are going to go with science, embrace science all the way. The spirit of science is to question, to speculate, to hypothesize.

No one is asking you to believe anything. Belief is a trivial emotion of little value.

So far as the idea of universal consciousness being superstition, I think otherwise. Many of the greatest physicists of history have advocated for the idea.

“Lest the idea of a unitary, group, or universal mind be dismissed as new-age woo-woo, we should note that some of the most distinguished scientists of the 20th century have endorsed this perspective. The renowned physicist David Bohm said, "Each person enfolds something of the spirit of the other in his consciousness. Deep down the consciousness of mankind is one. This is a virtual certainty... and if we don't see this it's because we are blinding ourselves to it." Anthropologist and psychologist Gregory Bateson: "The individual mind is immanent but not only in the body. It is immanent also in the pathways and messages outside the body; and there is a larger Mind of which the individual mind is only a sub-system..." Physicist Henry Margenau: "There is a physical reality that is in essence the same for all... [This] oneness of the all implies the universality of mind... If my conclusions are correct, each individual is part of God or part of the Universal Mind." Nobel physicist Erwin Schrodinger also believed that minds are united and one. He said, "To divide or multiply consciousness is something meaningless. There is obviously only one alternative, namely the unification of minds or consciousness... [I]n truth there is only one mind." []

@JeffMesser What am I? I am an animal of the human kind. So are you.

@WilliamFleming And what evidence do scientists have to back up that hypothesis?

@BestWithoutGods Read it from them if you are truly interested. They have compelling reasons for their ideas but you have to study the subject. Sitting back and demanding evidence will get you nowhere.

@BestWithoutGods you're an animal? so are you less of an animal if I cut off your arm?

@JeffMesser Of course, I'm an animal. So are you. Humans are part of the animal kingdom. And don't cut off my arm!

@BestWithoutGods please answer the question.

@JeffMesser If you cut off my arm, I would be a handicapped animal.

@BestWithoutGods so how much would I need to cut off for you not to be an animal?

@JeffMesser You'd have to kill me. Then I would just be a corpse.

@BestWithoutGods how do you know corpses aren't aware?

@JeffMesser Funny! 😂🤣🤣

@JeffMesser Seriously now: Corpses are not aware because they're DEAD.

@BestWithoutGods where's your proof?

@JeffMesser A dead body has no more sensation. No sight, hearing, feeling, taste, smell. The brain does not work anymore. It's dead. That's what dead means. It's not a coma, it's death. Do you have proof otherwise? Have you ever seen a dead body sit up and say, "Ow, that hurts?" LOL.

@BestWithoutGods that's your proof?? as if you'd accept that from me LOL. you can do better than that can't you?

@JeffMesser WOW, a Nuclear Physicist for 10 years you claim, then you'd know the full meaning, etc, of Albert Einstein's E=MC squared and to what precisely it refers.
So please, feel most free to explain it in full to us all.


It may be that at the subatomic level, matter as we encounter it doesn't exist. However, that's not helpful to consider at an everyday level. On an everyday level, a baseball hurled at your forehead will knock you out, because both it and your forehead are made of matter. And the universe exists, independent of the brain inside your head. It's not a construct of your perceptions.

The universe as you perceive it may be a function of your mind: Scientifically, though, incoming data reacts with everyone's sensory system in the same ways, barring injury or disorders. (Sensory systems that are far less acute than many other animals, by the way.) So it's only your reaction to what you sense that makes "your" universe different from anyone else's. Furthermore, this sensory data is there whether you're there to perceive it or not: a flower in a greenhouse puts forth its scent and color whether or not anyone or anything is there to observe it. Further proof that the universe has an independent de facto existence.

you're too wrapped up and conditioned by the physical world. you need to figure out what you are first. you still think you're of this body. as long as you keep that illusion going you will never find the truth.

@JeffMesser For Avicenna, truth is "what corresponds in the mind to what is outside it". I agree.

@Paul4747 no, I'm saying you're still operating under the delusion that you are your body. figure out what you are and the answers will clarify.

@JeffMesser Yes, I know exactly what you're saying. And if consciousness does not originate from the electrical, biological and chemical reactions of the brain, it doesn't originate from anything. Mind and body are intimately connected, and one can't exist without the other. You seem to be under a delusion that you are other than your body.
If you aren't your body, what are you? In this whole thread, you haven't given anyone an actual, non-vague-mystical-BS answer to the question of what your supposed "truth" is.


Can you show me some proof for this?

show you? ok. no. you'd have to do that for yourself.

@SanDiegoAirport not if you realize the implications.

@JeffMesser But, I don't buy into this. If a claim is made about something I want to see something that will back it up; and here, there is nothing to back anything up. There is only some vague idea that you can just make up whatever you want.


I would say you have different ideas that most everybody else. Any evidence for any of this? It sound a bit like people calling into The Atheist Experience and endeavoring to get Matt to agree with them. The title appears to talk down to the rest of us just as if you were a preacher lecturing his flock.

gearl Level 8 Apr 26, 2020

I merely asked if you wish to know. if you don't you are welcomed to get lost.

@Bobby9 you've registered your no vote a few times. now get lost.


It don't really matter to me, baby.
You believe what you want to believe.

  • Tom Petty & Mike Campbell

Sums it up for me.


It’s all perspective, that Boulder’s only a bunch of tightly packed molecules … so sure, have a picnic under it … nothing to fear 😉

Varn Level 8 Apr 25, 2020

never said these bodies werent subject to those interactions. but it won't do anything to you.


One of my favorite authors (Douglas Adams) once wrote (and I may not get the exact wording) Once you understand the universe, it will vanish and something even more inexplicable will come along.


Except for "Only now and this", the rest is more woo. I detest woo!

and I detest people who say woo out of ignorance. I will mark this as a "no".

@JeffMesser Like I give a fuck what you think. 🙂 Woo is woo no matter how you dress it up. GEEZ!

@Sticks48 so "no" aye.

@JeffMesser Have you ever thought that perhaps your ignorance of actual facts and reality is what causes you to spout forth this woo-woo?


Nope, if it involves all your woo, I pass.....

a firm no. thats just fine.


What utter woo woo.
Baseless assertions that can not be demonstrated.
When asked, "Can you show me some proof for this?" ("proof" should be "evidence", proof is a mathematical term).
You respond, "show you? ok. no. you'd have to do that for yourself."
You even attempt to shift the burden of proof. Lame.

I asked if you wished to understand it. It appears your answer is no. thats cool. you're going to the same path whether you go willingly or you get dragged there screaming and kicking. your demeanor along the way is certainly up to you. namaste


Everything is just the brains perception. No brain ... no nothing.

in reality nothing. but in this universe I create it's all very physically real if it's in those rules.


Do you have proof of these claims?

SCal Level 7 Apr 25, 2020

hmmm ... let's see. the speed of light being a constant no matter what velocity the observer is already traveling at.

@JeffMesser Sure thing, bub.

@BryanLV look it up man.

@JeffMesser I already knew that, but that is not without debate, first.

Second, you made far more claims than that.

@BryanLV it's all a corollary.

@JeffMesser So that means the speed of light is a barrier restricting development apart from within its confines.

@Geoffrey51 it's a physical rule in the physical "world". a rule made necessary because of our limits. as awareness we aren't subject to it because we have no mass. just like light. but when you add in a physical world caused by cause and effect then it's a limitation.

@JeffMesser I understand what you are saying, I.e there is more space than matter at a sub atomic level and the thought process manipulates the matter at that level, but it’s not too helpful for most folks in a day context.

Examples of the effect in the 3D world, where most people exist would be helpful.

@Geoffrey51 it's just a ride. no worries. enjoy it.

@JeffMesser That’s even more vague than “God moves in mysterious ways”

@Geoffrey51 it (life) is just a ride. no worries. enjoy it. I thought it was rather clear and concise. I was actually rather proud of it.


The great FSM also caused the big boil!


What's to understand, life is too short to worry about some things. What is reality for you may not be for someone else. Just chill with the beans.


In summary: This post is trying to speak about how we are all only truly able to see from our perspective. It is as though you have recently discovered Descartes. We can sympathize with other people but we are all only truly able to perceive reality from our own experiences.

In that way, we are alone. In fact we don't really know for sure if we exist. Because if we are truly honest, we can all be deceived. The only truth that we can know for certain is that we exist, or rather I exist because I am not sure about anything else. I must exist because I am thinking about existing. I could be a program on a computer but I exist. I think, therefore I am.

What’s wrong is that if you think further, accept that there are others so that you may not be forlorn and lonely. Accept that there is a reality that has light, water, rocks and other physical manifestations of your dreams and dreams and perception that you cannot escape then you can come to the reasonable conclusion there is a larger reality that you are just a small part. We are more than just our perception. There is a shared reality that we individually are just a small part of. It is huge and vast and does not depend on your perception no matter how hard you might try to conform it.


It seems to me like you want to offer us reality when all you have to offer is your quite spaced out perception of reality.

OK, I will accept that. I just want to make sure people see another view. namaste.


I'll come back and read this the next time I drop acid.


Somewhat arrogant.

if you believe me ignorant then please enlighten me as to what you know that I do not. I mean, surely you wouldnt call me ignorant without actually knowing what the word means?

I agree with your diagnosis 100%.

@JeffMesser For starters, I know the difference between arrogance and ignorance.

@PBuck0145 you guys are all like a bunch of english clerics in the 1300's doing spit-takes as I suggest some sort of heresy. seekers of truth my ass. bunch of turtles.


You should have taken the blue pill!


Then, I guess there is no such thing as you or what no one wrote in this thread?

I will take that as a no.

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