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LINK Evangelical Pastor Claims Traditional Gender Roles Can Prevent Sexual Abuse | HuffPost

John Piper, an influential Baptist author and speaker and chancellor of a Christian college in Minnesota, claims that a return to traditional gender roles would help keep women safe from sexual abuse. Piper’s definition of traditional gender roles involves women submitting to male leadership, and men accepting their God-given responsibility to protect these “weaker vessels.” This conservative Christian approach to gender relations is known as complementarianism.

zblaze 7 Apr 4

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Religion enforces so called "traditional roles" but if you look at the cultures of Egypt and Sparta over 2,000 years ago both had substantial equality for women and neither had a problem with women being unsafe especially in the case of Sparta where women were the military reserves and trained the children for combat. In those days if you tried to rape a Spartan woman she would simply cut your balls off and feed them to you... In both the cultures I mention women had the freedom to divorce abusive or bums of husbands, handle their own money, own a business, and even write their own wills, women in both cultures had roles in the government as well and it wasn't until Christianity took over in both countries when women started being abused. Hypatia of Alexandra was a good example of this being a victim of Nitrian monks order by Cyril the Patriarch to rape and murder her as an example to the women of her time...


I am a man & I would at this time in history after all the sacrifices made to bring equality to our society find this comment to be totally unacceptable, backward and supressive. To place a woman in servatude because she is a woman seems criminal. How could anyone yet another woman conjure up such nonsense.


Hahaha! The very traditional role he wants people to return to is abusive. Why do women need to follow men? The smart ones are just as smart - or smarter - than men and the dumb ones are no dumber than men.
Women may be generally physically not as robust as us, but with mechanization taking away all the need for muscle power, where is the real advantage in that? Even our wars are going to be fought by machines, so where does our robustness get us?
This just sounds like more intolerant Christian BS to me.


It's pathetic the lengths this moron will go to prove himself relevant in a world that he can't begin to understand. Honestly the nerve of some people

soa Level 4 Apr 4, 2018

Keepin yer dick in yer pants is the best way to prevent sexual abuse. Unfortunately, many Baptists seem to have trouble with that technique. []


Hmmm, funny My parents were traditional gender role models..that didn't stop the violence against my Mom or the kittens or me..Mom left him and we wound up living in public housing..thank goodness..


Why be concerned with what morons think?


Ok little boys and little girls both get sexually abused. So how do gender roles help that?

Also sexual abuse has been around since before the change in gender roles.

I really dislike religious people with their feckin' ideas.

My hometown had a pedophile priest who liked little girls - and another who liked little boys. Two different Catholic Churches.

Traditional and orthodox?

@Tominator One for the French and one for the Polish. We also had an Italian Roman Catholic Church. Gotta love small towns.


It's apparently not wrong if they are institutionally prevented from saying no.


Ask any woman if that is true.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 4, 2018

It seems he'd like to suggest that sexual abuse is solely a women's issue. I was raised by a right wing evangelical father who sexually abused me for 13 straight years. Traditional gender roles? Screw tradition! We don't live in the 1950's anymore.

As you have just pointed out , it's not merely about sexually abusing women , it's about giving adult males the right to abuse all family members with absolutely no legal means of self defense . While I'm not trying to say that all men do this , I am saying there are and always have been men who do .

Most men don't do this. That said, most sexual abuse is committed by men. Please note the recent (10 years or so) reports of female teachers convicted of sleeping with underage students.

I would agree that most men don't abuse children or women. But the church overall (catholic and evangelical) has a serious problem with abuse in the church and in the home that is not being properly addressed.


Piper is just another evangelicalcharlatan and demagogue.


Because no convent has ever been used as a brothel by the church?


Well damn. If I'd only known that. I guess someone should have told my mother's husband.


Well that makes sense because it's not rape if you marry her, according to the Bible and traditional gender roles. If we just say it's not sexual abuse then obviously it's not. Right? Dumb bastard


This Evangelical Pastor is a moron. He's got it backwards. What about those pastors and priests whp sexually molest, rape and impregnate those submissive women? Ya they really take good care, honor and screw them.


No words just murderous rage.?.


I wonder if he believes that when women and men were forced to take on traditional roles, sexual ause never happened?

" User Claims Shitbrain Evangelical Pastor Should STFU"

Jnei Level 8 Apr 4, 2018

It sure doesn't seem to be working in the Christian fundamentalist communities. They are the only place I've heard of where "repentant" sexual predators are applauded for their confessions.

No it certainly doesnt work. I can attest to that having grown up in it.

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