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Did Mary have an affair?

Who all thinks that Mary had an affair and made up the whole god is my baby daddy story to avoid being put to death?

  • 22 votes
  • 18 votes
snifflz 7 July 23

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No evidence of Jesus, so a moot question in my opinion.


I am skeptical Mary and Jesus even existed.


Mary Tyler Moore had an affair???!!!!


I believe that Barbie was unfaithful to Ken with Action Man!


I don't believe in Mary, Joseph, Jesus. They're all fake.


As somewhat of a mythicist, I believe that she had an affair with a god just like Hercules' mom did.

gearl Level 8 July 23, 2020

Men made it all up... Men wrote the Bible, not women...

If you think women didn't have a part in this, you’re fooling yourself.

@Gatovicolo did or didn't?

@Cutiebeauty Didn’t.


Virgin birth mythology goes back through many cultures. Easy to graft it on to your new fangled doctrine to give it legitimacy.

Christianity is the greatest syncretic religion of them all so we shouldn’t expect anything less.


The whole book is fiction
Mary is not real
There was no Mary she is a character in a book, that is all.


I haven’t even seen evidence that she was a real person. So I can’t even answer

Excellent Point

i suggest that the Bible even supplies quite a bit of circumstantial evidence that she was not a real person, and was never meant to be taken literally, except perhaps by...those who are "ill" in a certain kind of way, let's say, And Jesus answered them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick."


Mary had a little lamb 🐑


If she existed

bobwjr Level 10 July 23, 2020

The whole Jesus, Mary, etc, etc, story is 100% fiction BUT if it wee real then I'd say that the biological father of Jesus was most likely a Roman Tribune named " Biggus Dickus Maximus," ( courtesy of Monty Pyhons Flying Circus btw)....LOL, and Mary's favourite personal theme song was " Come All ye Faith fully."


I think it's a fake story.....


I'm not sure if there was a historical Jesus but there's some reasonable argument that the whole virgin birth element of the myth was a later addition. So I'm leaning towards "no".

That said, however the story came about, there's a provocative subtext as valid as any other interpretation of a fictional work.


It's a made up story, totally fiction.


Mary, the fictional character, was impregnated by the Holy Spirit, a fictional character. In fiction, anything is possible.

Similarly, Superman, a fictional character, has some sort of issue with kryptonite. This is possible because it's fiction.


First you need to worry about if she or anybody else in that book are real......other contenders are, she was raped, either by Joseph or a stranger/uncle/etc or, hey, a celestial loving gawd......

@Larry-new very hot & humid here, my brain feels Slooowwwwww


You forgot the "Duh" option.


Their names alone always mystified me.

@MissKathleen Because Christians everywhere chose the names from the bible. I presume that they were Jewish names back then.
I remember discussing boys names with a Roman Catholic friend some time ago and he insisted that they were all named after saints. Mine wasn't I countered. Or were you being ironic 😉

@MissKathleen []

@Moravian Maryam (Mirriam) and Yusif with their son Yusif jnr commonly called Yoshua owing to his mad delusion of claiming to be the foretold messiah.
Translated through Greek, then Latin and finally in to English as Mary (french: Sea water) , Joseph (arabic to add to) and Jesus (Greek gios son of (Zeus)).


Mary who?

Like @Cutiebeauty said, men wrote the bible.

Originally 88 versions of the Bible were written. The Catholic Church chose the version that omitted women in positions of power.


Yes, it was in the Bible that Julius abdus Tiberius was the father of the bastard Jesus Christ. The word bastard means a child from a woman that is not married. The pope ordered to delete it from all Bibles around 1400. Julius Tiberius is known as the Panther which means beast because Tiberius was the best killer in the Roman armee that was under the command of Pontius Pilate.

Guido Level 4 July 24, 2020

Was Mary even real?

Deb57 Level 8 July 23, 2020

I knew a Mary in HS. She wasn't all real.

at the very least we should prolly contemplate how "the virgin" in "the virgin will be with child" would have been understood back then i guess. But also searching the etymology of "Mary" makes some interesting points imo.

I liken it to the characters in Twain's "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court." Tall tales + Gullible masses + Fear of getting it wrong + Absence of fact checking = Virgin Birth


Well considering that she was not married and was pregnant............


if she was a real person it seems to me she was the village bicycle lol

redhog Level 7 July 23, 2020

I'm not even convinced that Mary was an actual person.

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