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Some assistance please. One of my dating sites has questions. Two questions involve do you have a television in your bedroom and do you eat in bed. Can someone please explain the mortal sin of having a television in your bedroom and/or eating in bed. Thanks.

lerlo 8 Aug 3

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My girlfriend would probably dump me if I got rid of the television in the bedroom.

BD66 Level 8 Aug 3, 2020

My television IS my girlfriend.


Those questions sound like they are from OKCupid. I don't believe any of those questions have right or wrong answers, they mainly serve to give potential contacts a way to know something about you. Just answer truthfully.


Since flat screens came out yes and it comes in handy so I can see what I'm eating in bed. 😱🙄😆


When I first got married, we moved the tv into the bedroom while we were snowed in. We decided that was the worst mistake we could have made. Too much temptation to stay up later than you would because you are already in bed, at least for us. Too this day, when I am at home, no tv in the bedroom, no eating in the bedroom, no phone unless I am expecting a call. When I am on the road, whole different story.

Exactly! No TV, no food - unless I am traveling!


It is just a question and not a judgmental statement.

If the answer doesn't matter then the question wouldn't exist


Crumbs man!!!!!

But I let my dog sleep with me and that bothers some people


Neither of those are significant, let alone mortal sins. It is just a matter of preference. I would not assume they are deal breakers.

Perhaps some have a concern about crumbs attracting pests. Maybe some people have trouble sleeping with the tv on and the assumption might be that if the tv is in the bedroom, it might be on while someone is trying to sleep. Other concerns are of course possible.


Well, as for eating in bed - if you spill the appetiser prawn cocktail, or the rice from the main course chicken jalfreezi, or the sweet course ice-cream, or crumbs from the cheese and biscuits, or some of the final coffee, then I could see an issue... or, to be honest, your red wine during ANY of the courses.

Also, might it be a little indellicate to invite the waitress into your bedroom?


Best thing is to stop eating (food) in bed. C'mon man.
TV? As long as it's just for porn, no problem. Watching reruns or news or...staying up munching on Cheetos watching the Late Late Show while she's trying to sleep?
C'mon man.


When not alone in the bedroom your partner may consider it rude if your attention is on a TV show when it should be on them. Crumbs and such stick to skin... yuck.


It's a great question. You would want to date someone with that common interest or doesn't mind that you do. If you change yourself to impress or please a possible future partner then please understand that the truth will come out eventually so be yourself and find someone who likes you for being you.


Mortal sin? Eh. Insomniacs are supposed to use their bedroom for sleeping and intimacy only, so maybe that's part of it. It goes under the unfortunate medical term, "sleep hygiene."it's all about maximizing the room for sleep. As for eating in bed, personally, coffee and breakfast in bed, yes. Crackers and ores, not so much.

and for the non-insomniacs? Can you point me to the insomniac rules please?


I don't know why it would be a divisive issue. I do both often, and it's sometimes resulted in some of my best memories. 🙂


Be proud and answer honestly. Here's a tip though: be sure to vacuum out the cracker crumbs and cheeto pieces before you invite someone into your boudoir. 😉 Good luck!


Considering this is , we don't think in terms of ,"mortal sin ." That said . if you are looking for someone to share your bedroom with , then perhaps they may or may not be interested in someone who eats and watches TV in bed . Additionally , how many and which of the profiles are merely photos of actors coupled with made up bios ?


Just a question. I don't understand the issue you're having.


Very odd questions indeed! I don't believe these are mortal sins, just personal preference. Very odd questions from a dating site.


I think eating in bed is a problem because of the crumbs.


Why are you equating a question with negativity? It's a question.

Are you a pedophile? Apparently some people think the answers to questions are negative

@lerlo , so if someone asks you what size shoe you wear, you're going to agonize about what they are implying? What a fucking freak.


I took a test for an online dating site, almost fifteen years ago. This test had over 150 questions, many quite idiotic. The site declined me membership, claiming I was too far to the left. As an example of my "deviant" attitudes, they cited how I was uninterested in organized sports! Well, I never again applied to one of those sites, having decided that the people who run them are a bunch of damned idiots!


A more important question than whether you allow a television or food into your sleeping room is - would you allow a significant other in?

Since getting sick in February and my doctor recommending we sleep apart just to be safe .. neither of us wants to return to sharing the same bedroom. When we're feeling frisky we can always decide whether to get together at her place or mine or someplace truly novel. But when it's time for sleep blue light, food and old people who get up in the middle of the night and wake you up are not helpful.

Then there is the question of when to take social security...


Really it's all about crumbs. Do you want your sheets crunchy or melty?


It makes sense for a dating site to ask questions about anything that might indicate a basic incompatibility.

I don't consider it a sin if someone else likes to have a television in their bedroom. And hell will freeze over before I put one in MY bedroom. I don't think it's wrong if someone likes to eat in bed. I do not want someone eating in MY bed.

@Unpretentious While that might be a fun question to test alertness and/or sense of humor, I don't imagine that there are enough lard-users to make this question statistically relevant.

(Or are there? Is lard use more common than I know? Have I been missing out on all the fun????)

@AmyTheBruce but you didn't explain WHY hell would freeze over if there was a television in your bedroom or why the world will collapse if someone eats in your bed (but doesn't leave crumbs)


I do it all the time, eating on the bed while watching TV. 😀


I like the back ground noise and set a timer.

Food in bed is a disorder.

If I am sleeping in a hotel I have to have the TV on to go to sleep. Might be the strange noises that happen in a hotel (doors, showers, toilets etc) that I don't have at my house, or the fact I sleep with a fan going which provides white noise and so I am used to a noise and a hotel room does not have that.

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