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LINK Annie Glenn, wife of late astronaut and U.S. Sen. John Glenn, dies of coronavirus

Annie Glenn, the widow of astronaut and U.S. Sen. John Glenn and a communication disorders advocate, died Tuesday at age 100.

Glenn died of COVID-19 complications at a nursing home near St. Paul, Minnesota, said Hank Wilson, a spokesman for the Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University.

At the time of John Glenn's death in 2016, the two had been married 73 years. She had moved out of the apartment they shared in Columbus in recent years and gone to live with her daughter, Lyn, according to Wilson.

Annie Glenn was thrust into the spotlight in 1962, when her husband became the first American to orbit Earth. She shied away from the media attention because of a severe stutter.

HippieChick58 9 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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John Glenn, a true American hero, and his wife Annie Glenn.


When you are 100 years old do you really die of COVID and why would such a test be put upon someone that age. At 100 you sometimes just go to sleep. I doubt that there are tests used to verify a death of someone this age.


Vale Annie Glenn may your body Rest in Peace and your memory live on forever.


Sad 😢😢event

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 12, 2020

Annie Glenn passed on May of this year


Anotger Very Sad end due to drumpy!


Sad that..😥


tRump rallies need to add "Another One Bites the Dust" to "Live and Let Die" music leadins.


Very sad...however at 100 she’s had a pretty good innings and something is bound to cause death.

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