Just when you think that the lunacy can't get any worse: missing mass over Covid 19 is a "grave sin." It could mean the grave, that's for sure.
"Listecki’s chief of staff, Jerry Topczewski, told the Journal-Sentinel that the archbishop doesn’t want parishioners to stream in lieu of in-person attendance just because it’s more comfortable" aka "if you are only virtually attending we don't have facility for you to really donate to our coffers"!
@Gwendolyn2018 ". . . the mind wanders." unless occupied with survival or confronted by someone assuming that you can read their mind.
@Gwendolyn2018 very control freakish - because a person's hands or feet are not occupied does not mean that they are not busy nor alert.
@Gwendolyn2018 - I thought the first novel was in the Talmud then followed by the bible?
On Gulliver's I took great cognisance of the Houyhouyhnms philosophy arising from their ability in having speech - to me it is an elemental truth. If followed then there would be neither politicians nor priests and if politicians & priests didn't exist then Swift would have had no need to satirically write about their lying.
@Gwendolyn2018 What did Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, a satirical novella by the English schoolmaster Edwin Abbott Abbott, first published in 1884, engender in the intended readers?
@Gwendolyn2018 Well worth a read. It identifies many things that people are incorrectly taught. There are copies at Gutenberg ebooks.
@Gwendolyn2018 lol GT nearly 60 years since I read it. I missed burning to memory the egg allegory
@Gwendolyn2018 IMO if religion & "God" are man made constructs then the aforementioned books cannot be anything other than novels!
@Gwendolyn2018 lol, you have proof of the existance of Jewish & xtian gods together with irrefuteable proof of the stories?
When 14 I had an English teacher who was adamant that ancient Greece was a democratically governed country. We never had mutual respect thereafter because I asked "how can it be democratic if women & slaves do not have the right to vote & elect representatives?"
He could not answer only turn bright red & splutter.
@Gwendolyn2018 I fully understand that you were taught something that I do not believe is correct and that "proof" in the indoctrination taught to you is not working for me. In other words I do not enjoin you in the delusional folie en masse. I liken it to flat earther's proof.
At what point are believers told this kind of thing and they finally respond with a snarky "Shove your grave sin up your ass, Pastor. I won't be in church for awhile. I'm in the ICU trying not to die from God's generous blessing of coronavirus"
The catholics are every bit as bad as the evangelicals, and the jihadists.
They're all freakin' mentally ill.
My experience with the catholic church wasn't as bad as that with the evangelicals. Catholics in this country at least are less conservative than evangelicals. It's more of a buffet, take what you want, leave the rest. The hierarchy is a different story though, it has been becoming more conservative.
Religion is so Ridiculous.
Religion is all tales of morbid brains.
That horrible archbishop should be excommunicated for attempted murder.
So as a former Catholic I feel compelled to return to the church on Sunday so I can die from covid 19, I think not. Maybe the bishop needs a glitzy TV show. It seems to work for the other hucksters.
@Gwendolyn2018 that would make me complicit.
So you get a bit of pressed bread and a plastic sachet of fake wine, in an envelope through the post. Then you watch the live stream on the screen, and commit your act of symbolic cannibalism when they tell you too. How hard is that ?
Oh I am sorry, I forgot, that would involve the priesthood in doing some actual work for their money, or employing someone which would eat into the takings, best forget that idea.
The Stupidity Virus rots the brain something terrible.
So spending forty days and forty nights alone in the wilderness is a no-no then?
@Gwendolyn2018 correlation not made?
@Gwendolyn2018 thank you. I was not aware of that - I thought they all communed together in testosterone fueled immorality. I was led to believe that grounds for divorce from a woman (& children) includes joining a monastery.
@Gwendolyn2018 lol. Some years back I read that Australia has over 2000 registered groups which probably means that there are as many unregistered groups of lunatics out there.
On Buddhist nuns I wonder if women's lib has resulted in an increase in their numbers or the opposite?
@Gwendolyn2018 any port in a quandary. May I suggest that you form a "Followers of Profesor Cipolla's Concept of Intelligence Group"?
These are Cipolla's five fundamental laws of stupidity:
Corollary: a stupid person is more dangerous than a pillager.
@Gwendolyn2018 I employ the thougtful emoji because I was torn between ,
Just one question: what's the reason for telling people to physically attend instead of streaming. “Remember, a well-formed conscience is upright and truthful.”
Followed by drop the streaming.
@Gwendolyn2018 have you asked her why she follows a creed only supported by lunatics? And what does that make her?
@Gwendolyn2018 You can love without believing in a religion or its deity.
Why socialise with deluded people?
See also my response at "I find this thought comforting: You haven’t yet mr all the people you will love. "
And failing to tithe and giving to the pot is an even graver one.
@Gwendolyn2018 Of course, everything boils down to money.
When people don't go to church they don't put money in the basket. The Bishop cares more about the church finances than the people's health.
@Gwendolyn2018 The church is a fabulous money generating business.....and they don't pay taxes.
@Gwendolyn2018 When I was a teenager my father was friends with a Catholic priest. He often came by our house to talk with my father. When I was a senior in High School the Priest said he could get me in a seminary to become a priest. I refused....but I often wondered what it would be like to have a job where you only work on Sunday mornings. Who knows...I could have been a Cardinal by now....maybe the Pope.
Every sin is grave, and every sin is imaginary.
Having never once gone to mass I'll continue to pass, thank you very much.
Click on the yahoo link and see one of America’s robed slavemasters.
BTW, to see some of how I ended Catholicism’s slavery in my life, visit the "My Ancestors Did Not Use Guillotines and I’m Pissed" Group
Is the bible still being written? I guess it needs to updated every once in awhile...
@Gwendolyn2018 I'm pretty covid 19 wasn't mentioned in those other books...