There is no evidence because there was no massive fraud, but my question is a hypothetical one. If you had the evidence that it was a massive conspiracy and you were the only person who had it, would you turn it in allowing Trump to have a second term or would you burn it?
I guess your question could mean one of two different things.
If I had evidence that some individual had committed a crime related to the election, which affected a few votes? In other words, the kind of fraud that actually happens and, even if proven, doesn't change the result of an election with this big of a margin?
I would report any evidence I had to the proper authorities and let them sort it out. That's what they're there for.
On the other hand, if you're postulating a multi-state fraudulent scheme, involving both Democratic and Republican election officials, who were coordinated enough to change the vote for President, and yet didn't think to fix the races for the Senate or the House while they were at it, and couldn't come up with a way to do it on election day, but had to let it run its course over days and days...
Good thing I'll never have to deal with such a patently ridiculous scheme being true, eh? No matter what Rudy's insane press conference says.
Trump must be ousted! By hook, or by crook! A few days of " voter fraud" (real, or imagined), is far more preferable than four more years of Trumpy fraud! And 78 million Americans have voted 'no' to Trumplerian Fascism! The other72 million can go weep!
It's very unlikely that I would ever be privy to such knowledge. I've worked on many political campaigns, and never saw any fraud.
I would submit it to the proper authority. Cheating to win is not a legitimate win. Only one side in this attempt to overthrow American democracy is willing to cheat to win (see comment below).
Good way to find yourself dead in a ditch somewhere, vs. "a massive conspiracy"???? Good luck on that!
I personally would burn it because i