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LINK WSJ op-ed urging Jill Biden to drop 'Dr' title sparks backlash - Business Insider

An op-ed published by the Wall Street Journal on Friday sparked criticism after it suggested that First Lady-elect Jill Biden should drop her "Dr." title because she is not a medical doctor.

HippieChick58 9 Dec 13

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Typical rethuglican narcissistic behavior. Be abusive, insulting, and obnoxious. Then when your bad behavior/boorishness/ hate is pointed out blame the victim. No point expecting anything different. The main point was to get clicks anyway.


The Republicans are getting desperate to find issues to criticize the Bidens.


I wish I had the face palm emoji on my phone, so I could save time on this comment.


Just shows the level of dumbing down that will challenge Americans for a long time to come. The media needs to stop promoting ignorance and journalist should go ahead and use big words, complicated thinking, they can include a link to look shit up. You can then know the stupid ones, they won't look it up and will will complain they feel patronized by smart people.


Another Murdoch Fux News..


She worked for it, she paid for it, she should USE it!


Any person who has completed their PhD is eligible to be called Dr. I have my PhD, but do not care if anybody uses that moniker or not. Many of my colleagues that respect education and the difficulty in achieving a PhD chose to refer to me as that. I do not mind, neither do I expect it.

I suspect the people who wrote to Op-ed do not have a PhD and are unaware (by choice or by accident) the work that goes into it. It is an accommishment for a myriad of reasons. Respect given to peers, respect received.

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