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"Piss be upon Allah and his bum-buddy, Muhammed."
Of course Islam IS the Religion of Pieces, because IF you do NOT choose Islam then you WILL be chopped into pieces.

You mean that Muhammed did not fly to heaven on a winged horse?

@DenoPenno No he travelled by Allah's Ass ( Arse).....LOL


Cherry-pick The BobseyTwins, no doubt you can find BS there too. At least the Bobsey Twins series wasn't witten by uber-superstitious sheep herders...or were they?
I luuuuv when quoting some book of opinions "proves" something to some fool!


They are where Christianity was 300 years ago. Unfortunately the own the govt of several countries and thus make the laws. Harder to pressure them out...

@creative51 so true but tame compared to Middle Ages

Only 300 years ago, you've got be joking.
Try going back over 1,000 years and more as well.
Have you forgotten about the Witch Trials, The Inquisitions, The Crusades, the Burning of the Great Library of Alexandria, the Slaughters of the Incas, the enslavement of the Africa peoples, the Annihilation of the Cathars, the Burning of the Knights Templar at the behest of the then Ruling Pope and let us NEVER forget the Castrati.

@Triphid well, there’s that...

@Canndue And NEVER let us forget the Persecutions of ALL Atheists, Agnostics, Celts, Druids, etc, etc, by the Holy Roman Catholic Empire as well.


Not saying that they are equally terrible, but I think most religions are all those things to some degree.


Playing nice pisses god, allah, jehhova, ol' whatever off.


man, and i thought believers were effed up lol
"I claim to be atheist, but since i'm really just mad at God anyway, 'agnostic' sounds close enough to me"
aren't there any mods here?

@DangerDave "all the people I've met on this site like that are ironically gnostic atheists" was who i was kinda summarizing with the quote, yeh. i mean there are about 3 actual agnostics here, but the other two hardly ever post lol. Gee, i wonder what fruit of the tree of knowledge means?


To single out Islam rather than denouncing all religion is a function of racism.

I disagree. Comparing religions is not trivial, and is serious academic work. As you would expect, it is difficult to define a metric to compare religions. Despite these limitations, I would claim that Buddhism is far better than Islam or Christianity, both in principle (canonical versions) and in practice.

@Spongebob Even if that were true, it doesn't disprove singling out Islam as a function of racism.

@LovinLarge Agreed. Look at the racism of the American Deep South.

@LovinLarge I would agree with you if the post claimed that only Islam has these shortcomings and all the others are okay. That is not the case. This post is just about Islam. Does every criticism of Islam have to come with a list of similar evils in all other religions? Can there be a shortcoming unique to Islam and if so what is "correct" way to mention it?

@Spongebob I will explain it one final time. The complaints made about Islam in the original post are not exclusive to Islam, which show that the comment has an ulterior motive just like yours do. Note that the author was likely not even an atheist since they could not even spell it.

I do not participate in the discussion of religion. The end.

@LovinLarge ulterior motive! 😂😂 Hail Shaitan! Let's draw some cartoons to please His evilness

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