A ban on yoga in Alabama public schools is expected to stay a little longer as conservative groups raised objections to a bill that would have reversed the current restrictions.
At a public hearing on Wednesday, representatives from two conservative groups said they were worried it could lead to the promotion of Hinduism or guided meditation practices. The bill did not advance in the Alabama Senate Judiciary Committee.
If they were smart enough to fear A.I. they wouldn't trust ATM's because they would fear ATM's would lead the future robot revolution. After all they obviously have the money to finance the robotic coup.
Alabamians are under the delusion they can see the future, and was embarrassing after the last election, but they're doubling down, like a kitten pissed off at a cactus and slapping it over and over.
I think you have a good grasp on this.
Perhaps the should also ban the use of Arabic numbers, to prevent the rise of Islam.
Nah, Roman numerals are just so much easier!
This reminds me of a show in the 80's. It was all about math and they did a skit about Roman numerals. The singer complained that 'This song gives me the IX'.
That's hilarious IMHO!! It would be like banning star symbols for fear of rising Judaism. It certainly helps explain why they want prayers and crosses everywhere ... like that will convert all those godless heathens! <snort!>
They should ban colanders to prevent the rise of Pastafarianism.
And ban bath robes. I am a Dudeist priest and will probably be attacked next.
as if those ignorant fools would even understand "Hinduism" any more than people do here.
Yes, for heavens sake, when I was in High School I was really afraid I would turn to Hunduism. Good thing that I had no idea that was an option, I might have gone off the rails.
What sort of mental defective links yoga with Hinduism?
"Stay out of our Alabama. We only employ inbreds here."
They wouldn't let me in. I have too many degrees and too many books. They might be afraid I might teach someone how to read. Left to right. Top to bottom.
Yoga... That's awfully close to yogurt. Both might go sour down south and have bad side effects. Yoga is just as religious as yogurt. Both have benefits. I personally love caves. I haven't noticed any tendency toward bashing things on the head and calling myself Grog...
I practiced Tae Kwon Do for years, but it didn’t make me Korean....
.....however I do squint a lot and often crave kimchi....
I haven't developed a taste for kimchi either but the only connectionI have to Korean culture is a tenuous one through food alone.
I love Korean food, but I don't let kimchi into my house. As for squinting, maybe time to get your eyes checked... I started wearing bifocals at 40, I was not amused.
Oh my word? Could lead to guided meditation practices??Please, No we could not have that. Run away!!
I’m in Alabama. I think they should teach kids to do their taxes, how to properly type up a resume, or understand history and the constitution rather than yoga. I don’t see the problem.
Um, are the teachers in Alabama capable of teaching?
I think they SHOULD teach children all those things, from the looks of it they're not. Teaching yoga is also beneficial to the children, and to adults.
@HippieChick58 I do not know about this. Someone has to be so stupid they try to pull all this stuff off.
@anglophone We have NASA’s space and rocket center and more trees than most liberal states that wanna go “green”. I bet your schools teach yoga; huh?