This so much makes me want to be a troll or a scammer. Do you think I could pull it off...
If a woman is looking for a "bad boy", look where the pseudo-christian pedophiles are.
I posted about that site using a different link source. I seriously doubt they will get many women signign up for the site.
They will likely all be trump supporters and attend the same church as amy coney barret and that ass kavanaugh.
YIKES! and fuck NO!
I love it when you talk dirty!
If I were a woman, I would give that a hard pass...., but for you, Paula, I think you should enjoy yourself and give those pricks the punking they deserve.
Where is the Chunder Bucket when you really need it?
Just read through and watched the WHOLE thing, nearly lost my breakfast AND last night's dinner as well.
Jeez Louise, can ANYONE imagine a life living with a simpering Chrustian around you 24/7, going to church every Sunday, NO Nookie on the Sabbath, saying "Grace" at EVERY meal, handing over 10% of your GROSS Income ( not your NETT Income btw), wearing magical, mysterious Chrustian Undies, etc, etc?
Shit a brick, I need that like I need another hole in my head.
GO FOR IT!!!!! If you were a guy I would suggest doing it as a woman, so perhaps you might want to do it as a guy??
And do invite all your friends.
Jest say'n!
Actually, why shouldn't men go on there trolling and pretending to be women? Most of the scammers on dating sites are already men pretending to be women.
this dating cite male dominion manifesto certainly sounds old testament over the top, unless one considers it in the light of the "brave new world" land of female domination and casuist belittlement of everything male that the feminist zombies would have us swallow. then both sound off the wall. gee...i wonder if there isnt some third path, a reasoned path, maybe one that recognizes that the industrial revolution, and the general acceleration of human numbers and planetary depredations as the real root of this and all our other problems. the loveless and twisted feminists must be curbed, if only because they are a monstrous diversion at a critical moment in earth life's history. all power the the ecologists and the environmentalists.
very very nice cartoon.
How much free time do you actually have? My guess is, you could be promising to WesternUnion 6 or 7 "hims" airfare in less than a week! Scammers are as dumb & credulous as those they scam, in many ways
Currently unemployed... so If I give up my activities that keep me sane, I could free up a few hours a day.