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Hallelujah, praise the lord!!!! Thank you baby Jesus!!!!😊

Aaron70 Level 8 July 23, 2021

I virtually dance alongside you!



One less dickhead on this rock.

KKGator Level 9 July 23, 2021

People who die of covid after refusing vaccination should be deemed suicides, and life insurance should NOT be paid, as for any death by suicide.


Yup, one less know it all moron, using up our oxygen...


Natural selection, think of it as evolution in action.


And the Darwin Award goes to...

Leelu Level 7 July 23, 2021

Mental defectives of the world, UNITE! You have nothing to lose but your lives!


I don't think that making a poor choice should carry a death sentence, but obvioysly nature us not as forgiving as me. On the bright side, there is one less gibbering idiot spreading his stupidity on the internet.

Was it a death sentence, or was it a suicide? Death by stupidity is a real thing.

In the real world stupidity and or ignorance are capital offenses. We all know that stepping in front of a moving train is not going to end well. COVID is similar.


Now he has no problems, forever.


Well, now all of us have one less problem.


Plus 🖕= 100. 😂😂😂

Sing it sister!!!


Is it bad that my first thought was "another one bites the dust" And now I have the Queen song circling my brain.

Budgie Level 8 July 24, 2021

I had read he got covid, had been put on a ventilator and was asking for prayers 'cause he really needs a miracle right about now. My first thought was, Dude!! your god sent it to ya, it's called the vaccine ya fool! So he did not get the miracle he asked for, oiy, always with the conditions and so he died. Shit happens.

Kind of like the story of how the man prayed for God to send him help, after which God sent him a few different forms of help, all of which he failed to take advantage of, supposedly because they did not come cloaked in fire or some other clear sign of being from God. After which God pretty much called him a schmuck and an idiot for not recognizing those things as divine help and deserved his fate for not using them.

@TomMcGiverin My ex used to tell that joke. There was a huge flood, the old man couldn't get out of his house. A neighbor came by with a boat but the old man said, "Nah, God will provide." Later he moved to the second floor and the fire department came by in a boat, and the old man said, "nah, God will provide." Later he had to move to the roof, the National Guard came by with a helicopter and the old man said, "Nah, God will provide." His house washed away and the man died. He woke up in front of the Pearly Gates and confronted God. "How could you?" God said, "I sent two boats and a helicopter, what more did you want?"

@HippieChick58 That's the one I was referring to. Some schmucks are too dumb to see when a God might be helping them...They deserve their fate...

@HippieChick58 An oldie but a goodie!

@SeaGreenEyez So true, all of that. They are dangerous and toxic to our country as a whole. It's ironic that in their minds, they are the most patriotic among us, and yet, to anyone who is rational and sane, they are causing the most harm to others of anyone, as far as immediate harm their health. Short of those that murder in cold blood, they are the most immediate threat we have right now to the health of most people. They are no different than those with HIV in the early days of the AIDS crisis back in the 80s, who would go around knowingly infecting others because they didn't think HIV was deadly or simply didn't care about others.

Too bad a lot of our leaders learned nothing from that about how public health trumps individual rights in any sane society.

@SeaGreenEyez This sort of thinking by the anti vaxxers and maskers is right up there with all the fallout from the 50 year war on drugs.
It's ALL been a war on intelligence/education.


Some people only learn the really hard way.... It's the ultimate example of "You can't fix stupid"..

Yes, Tom, but if he is dead he did not learn anything. lol


That's just too fucking bad for one fucking idiot!



bobwjr Level 10 July 23, 2021

Murder was your message and now you're dead. These types are evil. Good bye. Good riddance. Good news. To bad you did not die last year.


Whoopsy Daisey!


one less climate change denier.....keep going


When people die from this kind of stupidity, it truly seems like nature thinning the herd...


Sorry for his family and I hope people closed to him choose to get the covid-19 vaccine. Now his dead body is a good proof that Coronavirus is not a joke.


And now the founder Brian Houston said that taking a vaccine is a personal choice. []

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